
DeKalb Times

Friday, March 28, 2025

About us

This Publication

We believe that local government works best when voters have ready access to public data about the use of their tax dollars: how much money is being spent; where it is being spent; how it is being spent.

DeKalb Times exists to provide this reporting to the people of DeKalb County. We continually review public data in DeKalb County and Illinois and turn this data into stories of importance to taxpayers.

The News Experience

From time to time, we will make our news experience interactive, allowing you to express your opinion on local issues, and, if you choose, providing you the opportunity to connect with local candidates who share your views.


The Core Beliefs

We believe in limited government, in the constructive role of the free market and in the rights of citizens to choose the size and scope of their government and the role it should play in their society.


The Funding

Funding for this news site is provided, in part, by advocacy groups who share our beliefs in limited government.

DeKalb Times is a product of LGIS - Local Government Information Services