
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sandwich Committee of the Whole decides to move forward on proposed police department building improvements

Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Tuesday Jan. 3.

Here are the minutes as provided by Sandwich:

Committee-of-the-Whole Council Meeting

January 3, 2017 @ 7:00 PM


Mayor Olson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Roll call was taken:

Present: Mayor Olson, City Clerk Ii, Alderman Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon,

Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker

Also present: Attorney Conklin, Department of Public Works / City Engineer Horak,

Chief Bianchi & EMA Director Ciciora

Absent: City Treasurer Webber

Mayor Olson

Community Fund Proclamation: Mayor Olson read a proclamation declaring the month of January, 2017, as Sandwich Community Fund Month. Organizations, such as the Boy & Girl Scouts, American Legion, local food pantries, Open Door and FOVA, all benefit from the Community Fund.

Inspection Fees Discussion: In cooperation with the fire department, the City will be approving new building and inspection fees, including fire requirements, on commercial properties. The one-time fee(s) would be paid at the time of the building permit. A Resolution will be prepared outlining the specific fees for Council adoption.

Proposed Chicken Ordinance Discussion: Former Alderman Frank Moran, who has since been appointed to the Plan Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals, is working on the proposed chicken ordinance for Council approval. Alderman Robinson shared some of the Ordinance highlights the Council will be reviewing, including application, coop requirements, number of hens, and penalties for non-compliance.

Surplus Auction: The surplus auction will be held on Saturday, January 14th at the police station located at 308 E. College Street. Inspection of items to be auction will be available at 9 AM, with the auction starting at 10 AM. An item list is available upon request at the police statement or City Hall.

Community Survey Update: NIU (Northern Illinois University) is conducting a residential survey on behalf of the City requesting a limited number of households for their input on the City’s progress, seeking suggestions, and including priorities. February 2nd will be the deadline for the survey return. There will also be a phone survey and internet survey available for residents to participate. Findings will be made public.

Foster, Buick, Conklin & Lundgren Law Group: No report

City Clerk: No report

City Treasurer: Absent

Director of Public Works / City Engineer Horak:

Halm Electrical Contract Payout: Pay request #2 has been received from Halm Electrical Contracting for the Clark Street water treatment plant’s emergency generator in the amount of $210,420.29. A balance of $15,183.71 for incidentals, such as the switchover with ComEd, remains. This matter will be placed on next week’s agenda for payment approval by the Council.

Chief Bianchi: No report

EMA: No report

Alderman Dell expressed desire to finalize Ordinance 2016-19 establishing regulations for allowable travel expense reimbursement pursuant to Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (Public Act 99-0604). A maximum allowable reimbursement amount about needs to be determined prior to the passage of the Ordinance. The City Attorney had previously suggested to use the adopted Government Services Administration (GSA) rates that change annually. Alderman Dell felt that the rates for all reimbursable expenses should be incorporated in the City’s annual personnel ordinance. No action was taken.

Alderman Fraser: No report

Alderwoman Killey advised that the finance committee would meet immediately following this evening’s meeting to review January bills.

Alderman McMahon: No report

Alderman Redden: No report

Alderman Robinson encouraged the Council to move forward on the modification and improvements to the proposed police department building on 6th Street. Because of funding issues, no action has been taken since the purchase of the property last summer. Council favored contacting Harbour Construction for an update on the proposed construction improvements.

Alderman Robinson requested Executive Session for personnel under Section 2(c)(1) at the end of the meeting, adding that no action will be taken.

Alderman Scheidecker: No report

New Business: None

Audience Comments: None

Executive Session

Motion made by Alderman Redden and seconded by Alderman Robinson to go into executive session at 7:46 PM, pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for or the public body to determine its validity”. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

Motion to return from Executive Session: Motion made by Alderman Redden and seconded by Alderman Scheidecker to return to regular session at 8:00 PM. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.


There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Robinson and seconded by Alderman Redden to adjourn the Committee-of-the-Whole Council meeting at 8:01 PM. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.