
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sandwich City Council approves annual tax levy ordinance

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Sandwich City Council met Monday, Dec. 12.

Here are the minutes as provided by Sandwich:

Regular Council Meeting December 12, 2016 at 7pm


Mayor Olson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call was taken:

Present: Mayor Olson, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon,

Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker

Also present: Attorney Buick, City Engineer / Director of Public Works Horak, Chief Bianchi & EMA Director Ciciora

Absent: City Treasurer Webber

Approval of Minutes

Motion was made by Alderman Scheidecker and seconded by Alderman McMahon to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meetings of November 14 & 28, 2016, and the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting of December 5, 2016. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

Approval of December Semi-Monthly Bills

Motion was made by Alderwoman Killey, and seconded by Alderman Scheidecker approving payment of the December semi-monthly bills in the total amount of $126,102.31. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

Mayor Olson

(1) Waubonsee Community College Presentation: Dr. Lulu Blacksmith, Director of Governmental and Community Engagement, presented the Council with a plaque thanking the City for their leadership and continued educational support during the past fifty (50) years.

(2) Ordinance 2016-15 entitled “An Ordinance Granting a Special Use in the “M-1”, Limited Manufacturing District Permitting the Operation of a Concrete Construction Warehouse and Office for the Property located at 420 W. Church Street” presented for passage. Owner Matt Christensen was present to answer any questions from the Council.

Alderman Scheidecker moved to pass Ordinance 2016-15 as presented; motion seconded by Alderman Redden. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

(3) Ordinance 2016-18 entitled “Annual Tax Levy” presented for first reading. Levy must be filed with the respective County Clerks by Tuesday, December 27th. The tax levy rate will be an increase of 0.70% for the 2016 real estate taxes.

Alderman Scheidecker made a motion to waive first reading for the 2016-18 Annual Tax Levy Ordinance. Alderman Redden seconded. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

Motion made by Alderman Scheidecker to pass the Annual Tax Levy Ordinance 2016-18. Seconded by Alderman Redden. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

(4) Ordinance 2016-16 entitled “Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for 2016 to Pay the Debt Service on a Portion of $5,600,000 General Obligation Waterworks Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) of the City of Sandwich, DeKalb and Kendall Counties, Illinois”. The City has sufficient funds, including investment earnings, to pay the principal and interest on the bonds payment dates. This Ordinance will abate the tax levied in 2016 for payment of said debt service.

Motion made by Alderman McMahon, and seconded by Alderman Redden, to waive first reading of Ordinance 2016-16 abating the tax levied for 2016 for General Obligation Waterworks Refunding Bonds. Aye: Alderman Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

Alderman Scheidecker moved to pass Ordinance 2016-16 as presented. Motion was seconded by Alderman McMahon. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker. Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

(5) Nomination to Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals: Mayor Olson requested a motion approving the appointment of Charles Frank Moran to the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. Until recently, Frank Moran was the alderman to Ward 3 but resigned his position when he moved into Ward 1.

Alderman Robinson moved to approve the appointment of Charles Frank Moran to the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. Motion was seconded by Alderman Redden. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

(6) Employees’ Health Savings Account: Enough employee interest has been expressed for the City to offer a flex spending plan. It is a pre-tax program to offset health care expenses at no additional cost to the City apart from routine administrative costs.

Motion made by Alderman Redden, and seconded by Alderman McMahon, to offer a flex spending plan to City employees. Aye: Aldermen Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Abstained: Alderman Dell Motion carried

(7) Residential Survey Discussion: A draft of the proposed residential survey was provided for review and suggestions. Council felt the survey should be presented in a positive manner, and in many ways, will become a report card on the City’s achievements, maintenance of infrastructure, public safety, and future goals. Recommendations and complaints would be welcomed. The goal is to have the surveys available when planning the 2017-2018 budget.

(8) Update on Ice Skating Rink: Mayor Olson announced that the ice skating rink has been relocated closer to the Park District building in Knights Park. The Park District is seeking public volunteers for manual labor to assist in maintaining the rink through the winter months. There has been a poor response to date. The Mayor added that the Park District purchased a new liner this year but may be looking to the City for help next year.

(9) Announcement; In the past, the Council has cancelled the last meeting of December in observance of the Christmas / New Year holidays. By doing so, the only foreseeable problem would be approval of December’s invoices. The Finance Committee agreed to meet prior to next week’s meeting at 6:45 PM to review bills for Council’s approval during the council meeting. The December 27th meeting will be cancelled, and the City Clerk will post accordingly.

Foster, Buick, Conklin & Lundgren LLC Law Group

(1) Ordinance 2016-19 entitled “An Ordinance for the City of Sandwich, DeKalb and Kendall Counties, Illinois, Establishing Regulations for Allowable Travel, Meal and Lodging Expenses pursuant to Public Act 99-0604, known as the ‘Local Government Travel Expense Control Act’” presented for first read and discussion.

The Act becomes effective January 1, 2017, and the ordinance must be passed that regulates travel expenses no later than June 30, 2017. After March 2, 2017, expenses for travel, meals, and lodging must be approved by a roll call vote by the Council. Under the Act that is subject to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), reimbursement for ‘entertainment” (such as shows or sporting events) is prohibited. The City must regulate the types of official business which expense reimbursement is allowed and the maximum allowable reimbursement for travel, meal and lodging.

City Clerk Ii

(1) Motion requested to approve the City’s 2017 holiday schedule.

So moved by Alderman Scheidecker, and seconded by Alderman Dell. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

(2) Motion requested to approve the 2017 meetings schedule for the Regular Council meetings, the Committee-of-the-Whole Council meetings, and the finance committee meetings.

Motion made by Alderman Robinson, and seconded by Alderman Scheidecker, to accept the 2017 meetings schedule for City Council and Finance Committee. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

City Treasurer Webber - Absent

Director of Public Works & City Engineer Horak:

(1) DC Trash of Illinois: Engineer Horak requested a motion authorizing an agreement between DC Trash of Illinois and the City of Sandwich concerning the monthly collection of mixed electronics through December 31, 2017.

So moved by Alderman Scheidecker, and seconded by Alderman Robinson. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

(2) 2016 Clark Street Emergency Generator Project: Engineer Horak recommended a motion approving payment of Pay Request #1 in an amount of $22,896.00 payable to Halm Electrical Contracting, Inc.

Motion made by Alderman Redden, and seconded by Alderman McMahon. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

(3) Plan Commission regular meeting of Tuesday, December 13, 2016, has been cancelled.

Chief Bianchi – No report

EMA Director Ciciora – No report

Alderman Dell – No report

Alderman Fraser – No report

Alderwoman Killey – No report

Alderman McMahon – No report

Alderman Redden – No report

Alderman Robinson made a motion to reimburse Officer Jennifer Marcellis tuition expenses in the amount $3,319.50. Motion was seconded by Alderman Dell. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

Alderman Robinson commended Police Cadet Carter Aktaboski for ‘going beyond the call of duty”. With the weekend snows, Carter shoveled the sidewalks at Castle Street and Pleasant Avenue while on duty as crossing guard at Prairie View School.

Alderman Scheidecker – No report

New Business – None

Audience Comments –None


There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Robinson and seconded by Alderman Redden to adjourn the Regular Council meeting at 7:45 PM. Motion carried unanimously by via voice vote.