
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

DeKalb seeking Airport Advisory Board members

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DeKalb seeking Airport Advisory Board members | Courtesy of Shutterstock

DeKalb seeking Airport Advisory Board members | Courtesy of Shutterstock

The city of DeKalb announced the restructuring of the Airport Advisory Board last week.

Mayor John Rey is seeking four new members for the business-oriented board.

The mayor and City Council voted on the restructuring after reviewing recommendations made by the Sixel Consulting Group. The commissioned study confirmed that the airport was a vital part of the economic infrastructure of the region.

The Airport Advisory Board consists of seven members. The DeKalb County administrator, Economic Development Corporation executive director and Chamber of Commerce executive hold three of the seven seats. Rey is seeking four more individuals for the board. Board members are appointed by the mayor.

The board's purpose is “to ensure the airport remains a vital piece of the regional economic infrastructure by providing input and support in the mission of running the airport as a business."

Prospective members must live in the city of DeKalb. The municipal code requires that "no more than two and no less than one shall be currently licensed pilots."

Pilots, community leaders and business leaders are particularly encouraged to apply. The board meets once a month.

DeKalb residents interested in the volunteer position can access the application online or at City Hall. The deadline to apply for a position on the board is 5 p.m. on Feb. 10.