
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

DeKalb County distributes more real estate taxes

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The DeKalb County Treasurer made another distribution of real estate taxes on Aug. 18, according to the chamber of commerce's website.

The chamber said that 57.2 percent of the nearly $211 million to be collected, $120,794,661.05, has been given out. The county's school districts have received almost $72 million, the DeKalb County and Forest Preserve District has been given a little more than $13 million, and the community colleges have received almost $7 million.

County Treasurer Christine Johnson touted the electronic-payment system used to distribute the funds.

“We have found electronic funds transfer to be a very efficient and cost-effective method of distributing taxes,”  Johnson said in the news release. “It is also a convenience for the taxing bodies, which saves them time and effort as their tax distributions are deposited directly into the bank accounts they specify. Their funds are available for their use more quickly as well.”

Tax-distribution reports are available for viewing on the county treasurer's page on the county website, the news release said.

The second installment of real estate taxes in the county is due by Friday, Sept. 1. Those wanting to make their payment online can go to www.dekalbcounty.org and use the "Compass Property Search" link.