
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Sycamore Planning Commission met June 11.

City of Sycamore Planning Commission met June 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:


Chairperson Bill Davey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and City Clerk Mary Kalk called the roll. Those Commissioners present were: Chuck Stowe, Marvin Barnes, Dave Finney, Ken George, Ted Strack, and Nathan Schwartz. Commissioners, Rose Treml, Penny Carter, Ishmael McGhee, and Stephen Nelson were absent. Commissioner Ron Bemis arrived at 7:01 after rollcall. Other staff members present were City Manager Brian Gregory, City Engineer Mark Bushnell, and Plan Commission Attorney Keith Foster.


Motion - Commissioner Barnes moved to approve the Minutes of April 9, 2018 and Commissioner Schwartz seconded the motion.

Voice Vote - Chairperson Davey called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Commissioners present voted aye. Motion carried 8 - 0.


Motion- Commissioner George moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Finney seconded the motion.

Voice Vote - Chairperson Davey called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Commissioners present voted aye. Motion carried 8 - 0.




A. Consideration of a Regional Concept Exhibit for the 300.99 Acres Commonly Known as the Northwest Sub Area.

First, City Manager Brian Gregory welcomed Ted Strack, the newest Commissioner representing the Park District, who is replacing Michelle Schulz. He said this consideration is a repeat of what was presented in the fall of 2017. Back in 2015- 2016, the Plan Commission and City Council approved the pre-annexation agreements for what is called the Northwest Sub Area, R-4 Rural Residential, which is reflected in the map below as yellow being phase 1 and orange being phase 2. The first concept plan includes revisions for the Fowler Farm Estates Subdivision based on Plan Commission feedback last fall. The next two that will be considered are the Flink Estates Subdivision, owned by Katherine Keohling and the Motel Corner Estates Subdivision owned by Michael Schelkopf. The concept plan for the Hoffman property was already reviewed and approved in 2017.

B. Consideration of a Concept Plan for Fowler Farms Estates Subdivision.

City Manager Brian Gregory said there were three primary modifications made to this concept plan. The first is the alignment of Galloway Court, a private drive, which was previously south of Motel Road, but with concerns from an engineering standpoint and from neighbors, it was realigned with Motel Road. The second modification is the green detention area on either side of the private drive. He also said that it has been communicated to staff that Dr. Glasgow hopes to widen out the light blue area to hold water and slow the velocity of water coming through the property. In addition to meeting the detention requirements, Dr. Glasgow shared with staff his intention to do even more than the minimum requirement to improve the situation for the neighbors downstream. The third modification is that the pre-annexation agreement called for 20 feet for a future trail but Park District Director Dan Gibble asked that that dedication be widened to 25 feet along the paved roadways, as that helps when applying for grants through Illinois Department of Transportation and others. The petitioners were willing to accommodate. The internal trails would likely be mowed trails, but the ones that would someday be improved by grant funding would be along Motel Road and will later be shown along Brickville Road. He said they went through the details back in 2017 and this meets the lot requirements. The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) calls for an informal consensus of the Plan Commission. Assuming all the concepts go through, the next step would be a petition to annex. There would be an annexation ordinance and preliminary plat would come forward. If there are any variances, they would look at it from a planned development type of approach, but at this point it’s only at the preliminary concept so all the fine details haven’t been worked through.

Commissioner Schwartz asked if staff is ok with the proposed detention area on both sides of Galloway Court versus a traditional pond.

City Engineer Mark Bushnell said yes, there are three different water sheds and they are serving them with three different detention basins.

Commissioner Barnes asked if it is a requirement to contact all the agencies listed in the agenda.

City Manager Brian Gregory said this is taken right from the UDO when the process starts. During the process, if any one of those agencies has jurisdiction over any portion of the process, at that time, the ball would move to them. He said that we always encourage anybody who is looking to develop any type of land to reach out to those agencies.

Jim Stoddard, Office 2045 Aberdeen Court, Sycamore, Attorney representing the petitioner’s, said that Wendler Engineering has already contacted the DeKalb County Highway Department and State of Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, who has requested a Phase 1 archeological reconnaissance survey. An expert has been hired to perform that service. The State of Illinois Department of Natural Resources consultation has been completed and they reported no record of threatened or endangered species. The Army Corps of Engineers has determined that the project, as proposed, doesn’t require a 404 permit. The DeKalb County Soil and Water Conservation District has been provided a copy of the correspondence and supporting documents. The State of Illinois Department of Transportation has not been contacted because they do not have jurisdiction over these roads.

C. Consideration of a Concept Plan for the Flink Estates Subdivision.

City Manager Brian Gregory said this is the first piece that has to be annexed in this sequence in order for the next piece of land to be annexed. It is about 30 acres of land, 2 lots of 16 acres and just over 13 acres with a net average lot size of 14.7 acres. The frontage would be on the private because of Flink Drive aligning with Schoolhouse Court, on the Hoffmann property. Staff noted that the concept plan generally is consistent with the requirements of R-4 development standards. The lot development standards require the frontage to be 250 feet and the depth to be 400 feet. In order to align the private drive, identified as Flink Drive with School House Court, which is planned west of Brickville Road, Lot 1 is left with only 126 feet of frontage on Brickville Road. Staff prefers the intersection aligning with neighboring subdivisions, as the overall intent of R-4 zoning is met, given lot sizes averaging over 14 acres in size in the proposed plan. There’s also a 25 foot easement for the Park District and early conceptual planning included similar native plantings that were presented back in 2017. This is for a combination of aesthetics, and less required maintenance. Deep-rooted vegetation will help water runoff and absorb into the root system. The orange boxes are where the homes could be built and the yellow boxes are the potential required dedicated septic fields.

Alderperson Stowe said, in thinking ahead of the Police and Fire Departments in an effort to minimize confusion, with only two homes, they may want to consider also calling Flink Drive, Schoolhouse Court.

City Manager Brian Gregory said that is a good point and as they move along in the process, that can be taken into consideration.

D. Consideration of a Concept Plan for Motel Corner Estates Subdivision.

City Manager Brian Gregory said this is the third piece, located right at the curve on Motel Road. It is owned by Michael Schelkopf. This development is three lots of 4.2 acres, 8.7 acres, and lot 3, which currently has homes on it, is 8.2 acres. The unique lot shapes is what R-4 Rural Residential contemplates. He said Spears Drive to the south currently exists, so this Spears Drive would line up and carry forward. Staff noted that the concept plan generally is consistent with the requirements of R-4 development standards. The lot development standards require the frontage to be 250’ and the depth to be 400’. In order to align the private drive, with Spears Road, Lot 1 is only 219 feet along Brickville Road. Staff prefers the intersection aligning with neighboring subdivisions as the overall intent of R-4 zoning is met, given lot sizes averaging over 7 acres in size in the proposed plan. He wanted to point that out as it was the only anomaly in this that doesn’t meet the full convention defined under R-4. Again, this has the 25 foot easement for the future improved pathway and just like the other three concepts, there would be a series of native plants, naturalization, and deep-rooted vegetation that would help with the water as it moves along the property. The City’s ordinances require that storm water conditions be the same or better. Overall, they don’t have any concerns with any of these at the concept level.

Commissioner Schwartz asked if the one building that is over the setback line on the southwest corner of lot 3 is grandfathered in.

City Manager Brian Gregory said that if we are coming back with a PUD, we would recognize it so that it is more formal. Commissioner Finney asked if they would just use the same septic field on that lot.

City Manager Brian Gregory said yes as the petitioners shook their heads in concurrence.


Commissioner Barnes moved to forward a favorable recommendation for Considerations A, B, C, and D as listed, to the City Council and Commissioner George seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chairperson Davey called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Commissioners present voted aye. Motion carried 8 - 0




Commissioner Schwartz moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. and Commissioner Finney seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chairperson Davey called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Commissioners present voted aye. Motion carried 8 - 0.

