City of Sandwich Regular Council will meet on Monday Feb. 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes from the Regular Meeting of February 11, 2019, and the Committee-of-theWhole Council Meeting of February 18, 2019.
Approval of February Semi-Monthly Bills in the total amount of $ 95,199.32
Mayor Olson:
(1) Ordinance 2019-03 entitled “An Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of Sandwich, Illinois to Provide for Remote Participation” presented for motion to pass. This ordinance will amend the Municipal Code to allow any alderperson to participate in meetings remotely under certain circumstances.
(2) Executive Session under 2(c)(1) for personnel - “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity”.
Foster, Buick, Conklin & Lundgren Law Group:
City Clerk:
City Treasurer:
Director of Public Works Engineer Horak:
(1) Zoning Board of Appeals regular meeting of Tuesday, February 26, 2019 has been canceled.
Chief Bianchi:
Alderwoman Chmielewski:
Alderman Dell:
Alderman Kelleher:
Alderwoman Killey: Finance committee will meet immediately following the COW meeting of March 4, 2019.
Alderman McMahon:
Alderman Redden:
Alderman Robinson:
Alderman Surratt:
New Business:
Audience Comments: