
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Sandwich Regular Council met April 22

Webp meeting808

City of Sandwich Regular Council met April 22.

Here is the minutes as provided by the council:

Mayor Olson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Roll call was taken:

     Present:          Mayor Olson, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Chmielewski, Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Surratt

     Also present:   Attorney Harrill, Department of Public Works / City Engineer Horak. Chief Bianchi & EMA Director Ciciora

                             Absent: City Treasurer Webber

Approval of Minutes:

Motion made by Alderman McMahon, and seconded by Alderman Surratt, to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting of April 8, 2019; the Committee-of-the-Whole Council Meeting of April 15, 2019; and the Special Meetings for Budget of April 8th & 10th, 2019. Aye: Aldermen Chmielewski, Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Surratt Nay:0 Motion carried 8:0 Minutes for the Special Meeting of April 15th was removed from the list of minutes to be approved.

Approval of April Semi-Monthly Bills:

Motion was made by Alderwoman Killey, and seconded by Alderman McMahon, approving payment of the April semi-monthly bills in the total amount of $86,785.13. Aye: Aldermen Chmielewski, Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Surratt Nay: 0 Motion carried 8:0

Mayor Olson:

Resolution 19-04 entitled “A Resolution Adopting a Social Media Policy in the City of Sandwich, Illinois” was presented for adoption. The policy is applicable to social media sites maintained by the City, such as Facebook. The Resolution is a posting guideline addressing such issues as inappropriate or derogatory posts by the community

Alderman Kelleher moved to adopt Resolution 19-04 as presented. Motion was seconded by Alderwoman Chmielewski. Aye: Aldermen Chmielewski, Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, Surratt & Robinson Nay: Redden Motion carried 7:1

Tourism Report: Mayor Olson distributed minutes from the April 17th Tourism Committee meeting. Highlights of the meeting included, but not limited to, events for the July 4th holiday, the holiday light show, upcoming changes to Edgebrook Golf Course, and the Taste of Sandwich.

Foster, Buick, Conklin & Lundgren, LLC: No report

City Clerk Ii: No report

City Treasurer Webber: Absent

Director of Public Works / City Engineer Horak

Hydrant flushing will begin on Monday, April 15th through Thursday, April 18th, between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm daily.

Zoning Board of Appeals regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 6:30 pm in the City Hall Annex, 128 E. Railroad Street, Sandwich, IL. A public hearing is scheduled for ZBA 2019-01 (713 S. Main Street). The applicant, Lewis P. Schultz VFW Post 1486, requests a variance to eliminate landscaping requirements for a reconstructed, off-street parking lot.

Electronics Recycling Collection will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2019, between the hours of 9 AM -12 PM at the DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport, 2200 Pleasant Street in Dekalb. Recycling events are available to DeKalb County residents only and proof of address will be required. The City of Sandwich no longer hosts electronics recycling events.

2019 General Maintenance: Engineer Horak requested approval of Resolution 19-05 entitled “Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code” that will be allocating $396,000.00 of MFT funds from the MFT budget, line item number 110.0000.90.6800 for 01/01/2019 through 12/31/2019. This will affect budgeted items.

So moved by Alderman Kelleher, and seconded by Alderman Surratt. Aye: Aldermen Chmielewski, Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Surratt Nay:0 Motion carried 8:0

Chief Bianchi reported that Saturday, April 27th, between 10 AM – 2 PM, the police department will be participating in the annual “Prescription Drug Take-Back Day” affording residents an opportunity to drop off outdated and unused prescription drugs.

EMA Ciciora: No report

Alderwoman Chiemlewski: No report

Alderman Dell: No report

Alderman Kelleher: No report

Alderwoman Killey advised that the next finance committee meeting will be held on Monday, May 6th, 2019.

Alderman McMahon reported that a landlord / tenant meeting will be held on Saturday, April 27th at 10 AM, for Wentworth and Wilshire Apartments.

Alderman Redden: No report

Alderman Robinson requested Executive Session at the end of the meeting for personnel under Section 2(c)(1).

Alderman Robinson read a list of employees that were requesting a payout or rollover of unused vacation and sick hours as follows:

     Denise Ii Payout of 180 unused vacation hours; payout of 200 unused sick leave hours

     Lisa Mangers Payout of 80 unused sick leave hours and rollover of 82 sick leave hours

     Tom Horak               Payout of 120 unused sick leave hours

     Brian Voelkel           Payout of 40 unused sick leave hours

     Jeremy Moss           Payout of 90 unused sick leave hours

     Matt Kimmey           Payout of 120 unused sick leave hours; carryover of 80 vacation hours

     Sean Horan             Payout of 45 unused sick leave hours

     James Bianchi         Payout of 178 unused sick leave hours

     Jeremy Eisenberg    Payout of 120 unused sick leave hours

     Brian Fasnacht         Payout of 120 unused sick leave hours

     Jacob Goss              Payout of 374 unused sick leave hours

     Jerry Ikemire            Payout of 593 unused sick leave hours

     Joe Kieca                 Payout of 523 unused sick leave hours

     Jennifer Marcellis     Payout of 200 unused sick leave hours

     William Meisner       Payout of 120 unused sick leave hours

     Sal Paletta               Payout of 106.50 unused sick leave hours

     Todd Russell            Payout of 80 unused sick leave hours

     Dan Whitecotton      Payout of 239.75 unused sick leave hours

     Carter Aktabowski   Payout of 28 unused sick leave hours

     Wendy Flowers        Payout of 120 unused sick leave hours

     Yvonne Marsh          Payout of 128 unused sick leave hours

Alderman Surratt: requested a motion to adopt Resolution 19-03 entitled “Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a General Contract for Services” presented for adoption. The Resolution authorizes the Mayor to enter into a contract with Epic Light Shows, LLC. This matter failed to obtain a second on a motion made at the Regular Meeting of April 8th

.Question was directed to Wes Levy, from Lauterbach & Amen, how the City will pay for a light show since it is not budgeted. Levy explained that funding could be ‘loaned’ from capital improvement with the caveat the fund must be reimbursed in the same fiscal year. He also noted that no money has been budgeted for a new police station. Other questions included: no contract has been created with the fairgrounds listing shared costs, if applicable, such as electrical and snow removal; no operating budget for unknown expenditures; staffing costs; traffic control, and no committee has been formed to oversee the event. Alderwoman Chmielewski said the committee, when formed, can reach out to the community for sponsorship that would reduce the City’s financial obligation. Alderman Robinson was adamant that if the new police station was not in the new budget, he would not support purchasing the light show. Those in favor felt the light show is a win-win scenario arguing investment would be minimal, would establish an annual tradition for the City, beneficial to businesses, and would generate revenue for the City adding that constituents have expressed excitement about the project.

Motion made by Alderman Surratt, and seconded by Alderman McMahon, to adopt Resolution 19-03 as presented. Aye: Alderman Chmielewski, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon & Surratt Nay: Aldermen Dell, Redden & Robinson Motion carried 5:3

New Business: None

Audience Comments: Third Ward resident, Joe Latham, voiced his displeasure that the Council approved purchasing the light show without an operating budget and committee in place. He asked how the Council will be address sidewalk repairs and the City’s aging infrastructure including problems with the storm sewers.

Executive Session

Motion made by Alderman Robinson and seconded by Alderwoman Chmielewski to go into executive session at 7:52 PM, pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity”. Aye: Aldermen Chmielewski, Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, Redden, Robinson & Surratt Nay:0 Motion carried 8:0

Motion to return from Executive Session: Motion made by Alderman Surratt and seconded by Alderman Kelleher to return to regular session at 8:18 PM. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. Alderwoman Chmielewski was absent.

Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Redden and seconded by Alderman Robinson to adjourn the Regular Council meeting at 8:18 PM. Motion carried unanimously by viva voce vote.
