
DeKalb Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Dekalb Citizens’ Environmental Commission met May 2

Webp meeting 06

City of Dekalb Citizens’ Environmental Commission met May 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

The Citizens’ Environmental Commission (CEC) held a regular business meeting in the Executive Conference Room at the DeKalb Municipal Building, 200 South Fourth Street, DeKalb, Illinois, 60115.

Chair Kenney called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.


The following members of the Citizens' Environmental Commission were present (indicated by ü


ü Dan Kenney (Chair); ü Ken Koch

ü Clare Kron (Vice-Chair); ü Bill Oleckno; ü Rachel Farrell

ü Sharon Skala; Ann Shult

The following ex-officio members were present (indicated by ü):

ü Amy Doll, DeKalb Park District

ü Mike Holland, Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District

Christtine Lagattolla, Northern Illinois University

Veronica Polvi, DeKalb County Health Department


Chair Kenney asked for a motion to approve the agenda.


Mr. Oleckno moved to approve the agenda.

Ms. Kron seconded the motion.

Agenda was approved unanimously by voice vote.


Mr. Kenney introduced Steve Honeywell as a potential new member. Mr. Honeywell contacted Mr. Kenney and inquired about the process to join the committee. Mr. Honeywell also introduced himself and notified the CEC he submitted a letter to the Mayor Smith expressing his desire to join the CEC. Mayor Smith welcomed him and stated he would review his letter and contact him to discuss potential membership.


Chair Kenney asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting held on April 4, 2019.


Ms. Skala moved to approve the minutes.

Mr. Oleckno seconded the motion.

Minutes unanimously approved by voice vote with minor edits.


1. DeKalb Park District: Amy Doll

Ms. Doll informed the CEC that ComEd donated 220 shrubs to plant on Arbor Day. A total of 24 volunteers assisted with the plantings. The Prairie Park Workday: Garlic Mustard Pull was postponed to May 11th due to flood conditions in Prairie Park. The Park District Board also approved to implement a recently approved Strategic Plan document at the April Public Meeting that will serve as a guide for the District over the next 5 years. Ms. Doll also informed the CEC it held two meetings to collect input on its Welsh Park Master Plan and restoration work on the Nature Trail.

2. Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District: Michael Holland

Mr. Holland reported that the electric vehicle charging stations at their new facility are getting usage. They are also researching the possibility of becoming a net-zero energy facility where, essentially, the total amount of energy used by the facility on an annual basis equals the same amount of renewable energy. Mr. Holland also announced that the new generator will operate on biogases. In addition to providing an update, Mr. Holland answered questions about the impact stormwater has on their facility.

3. Northern Illinois University: Christine Lagattolla

Not Present.

4. DeKalb County Health Department: Veronica Polvi

Not present; however, Ms. Polvi sent an email to remind the CEC that DeKalb County was hosting an electronic recycling event at the DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport on May 4.

5. City of Dekalb: Patrick DiDiana

Mr. DiDiana updated the CEC on the City’s Arbor Day celebration to dedicate a Bur Oak Tree on the east bank of the Kishwaukee River near the new Kishwaukee Kiwanis Multi-use Path. The event was well attended and received media attention. Mr. DiDiana also informed the CEC that he read a note on their behalf submitted by Mr. Kenney to honor Michael Kirk for his work to preserve historical trees.


1. Lakeshore Recycling Representative- Hazardous Waste Curbside Pick-Up

Lakeshore Recycling Systems (LRS) Municipal Representative, Katie Neary, provided an overview of the current City services and shared some preliminary data on the recently implemented electronics and hazardous household waste collection programs. She also discussed the current recycling markets and how LRS has responded to the changes in the global recycling market.


1. Letter of Recommendation Concerning Hybrid Patrol Cars for City Police

The CEC discussed Mr. Koch’s draft letter. All members were pleased with his letter. Several edits were recommended to the letter before submitting the final draft. Ms. Kron made a motion to submit the letter to the Mayor and City Council and Ms. Skala seconded the motion. The Motion passed by a unanimous vote.

2. Vehicle Charging Stations Update

Patrick DiDiana is working on putting together several cost proposals to submit to City Manager Bill Nicklas. He will also assess possible facility locations. CEC members suggested the locations in the Library parking lot, at Cornerstone apartments, at City Hall, and in the Central Business District.

3. Review of Sustainability Plan

CEC members reviewed and began to update the sustainability plan. The plan was displayed on a monitor and tasks were reviewed and assigned. Members agreed to review the updated draft at home upon receiving it from Mr. DiDiana. Members were instructed to update the drafts and submit to Mr. DiDiana or bring them to the meeting on June 06, 2019 for further discussions.

CEC members also discussed ways to implement sustainability goals into future projects. Mr. Koch suggested asking the City Council to implement sustainable guidelines for all projects using public funds. Mr. Kenney stated he will contact the Planning Commission staff liaison to attend the next CEC meeting to discuss possible ordinances to drive sustainable construction practices.

4. Updates on other items discussed previously

Ms. Kron revealed she has been working with a LED expert to examine the recently implemented LED streetlights throughout the City of DeKalb. Ms. Kron was happy to report that the LED streetlights ComEd installed can be shielded and focused to direct the light. Although the initial news was good, the expert recommended adding dimmers to the LED streetlights. Ms. Kron suggested she would like a map of all the new LED streetlights. She also suggested recommending ordinances to the Mayor and City Council for regulating lux, glares, shields, and dimmers.

Mr. Kenney announced the Portanos cleanup, that was previously canceled, will be rescheduled. Mr. Oleckno agreed to make a presentation on indoor air quality in a public forum at the next meeting.


Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, June 6, 2019, 4:00 pm


Mr. Kenney moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Oleckno seconded.

Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

Chair Kenney declared the meeting adjourned at 5:57 p.m.
