
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Town of Cortland Board of Trustees met May 13

Town of Cortland Board of Trustees met May 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance / Roll Call

Mayor Stokes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge was recited and roll call was taken by Deputy Clerk Rita Nielsen. Shown as present were Trustees Charmaine Fioretto, Jim Walker, Rick Robins, Doug Corson, and Brad Stone. Trustee Siewierski was absent. Quorum was present. Also present were Zoning Administer Anna Kurtzman, Attorney Kevin Buick and

Attorney Stewart Diamond.

Swearing in of Newly Elected Officials

Mayor Strokes swore in newly elected officials (April 2, 2019) while reading the Oath of Office to the following: Doug Corson, Charmaine Fioretto, and Brad Stone. All terms are four (4) years.

Approval of Agenda

Trustee Robins moved and Trustee Corson seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Unanimous voice vote carried the motion.

Public Wishing to Speak

No one was present wishing to speak.

Adjourn to Closed Session to Discuss Pending Litigation Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120(2)(c)(11)

Trustee Corson moved and Trustee Walker seconded a motion to adjourn to closed session to discuss pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120(2)(c)(11) to include Mayor, Trustees Corson, Fioretto, Robins, Stone, and Walker, Deputy Clerk Nielsen, Attorney Buick and Attorney Diamond. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion. Adjourned to closed session at 7:06 p.m.

Reconvened from Closed Session on a motion from Trustee Robins and a second from Trustee Walker. Unanimous voice vote carried the motion. Roll call was taken, quorum remained present.

Meeting reconvened at 7:43 p.m.

Approve minutes of April 22, 2019

Trustee Walker moved and Trustee Robins seconded a motion to approve the minutes of April 22, 2019. Unanimous voice vote carried the motion.

Approve Payment of Real Estate Tax bill in excess of $10,000

Mayor Stokes explained that one of the County property tax bills for the property on Airport Road exceeded the spending limit of $10,000 without board approval. The tax bill will be paid from rental income.

Trustee Stone moved and Trustee Walker seconded a motion to approve payment. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion.

Approve an Ordinance for a Class E Liquor License for Summer Fest August 9 & 10, 2019 Trustee Robins moved and Trustee Corson seconded a motion to approve Ordinance for a Class E Liquor License for Summer Fest August 9 & 10, 2019. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion.

Approve a Variance for Noise of the Town Code Chapter 4 Section 5-4-4 D on behalf of the Festival & Parade Committee Trustee Corson moved and Trustee Robins seconded a motion to approve a Variance for Noise of the Town Code Chapter 4 Section 5-4-4 D. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion.

Approval a Resolution Opening an Account with Resource Bank for Credit Card Receipts [This account will be set up in order for the town to accept credit card payments at Town Hall.] Trustee Walker moved and Trustee Robins seconded a motion to approve a Resolution Opening an Account with Resource Bank for Credit Card Receipts. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion.

Receive recommendation PC19-01 regarding Del’s Family Landscaping Corp

Ms. Kurtzman explained that on March 7, 2019 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the petitioner’s request to rezone the property located at the Southeast corner of Somonauk Road and Cortland Center Road from C-1 Limited Retail Business District to C-2 General Commercial District. The commission debated the merits of the case including concerns that any use within C-2 district could be established on this property if the property were rezoned. There were also concerns the proposed use would not be in keeping with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission also considered the fact that a similar request was made for the property across the road from this and the board elected to approve that request for rezoning. Therefore, upon completion of deliberation a motion was made to approve the requested rezoning.

Attorney for Del’s Landscaping, Stephanie Butler, addressed the board stating that Resource Bank has a contract with Mr. Delgado and has authorized Del’s Landscaping to make an application on this land before purchasing. Mr. Delgado is seeking the rezoning of this property, and that this property would create space for his landscaping business that would include an office, storage space and a yard. Mr. Delgado believes that with his landscaping knowledge he could create landscaping around the property that would be appealing.

There was general concern regarding access to the property, the subject property being west of NeuCort Lakes Subdivision, with R-2 zoning, and the property to the south being zoned P-1 for parks and open spaces. Trustee Stone said he would like to have more time to consider the recommendation.

Trustee Corson moved and Trustee Stone seconded the motion to hold acting on recommendation until the June 10 meeting; meeting the 30-day requirement for action. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion.

Approve an Ordinance Rezoning the Property Located at TBD (f/k/a 20740) N Somonauk Road from “C-1” Limited Retail Business to “C-2” General Commercial Was held over for the June 10, 2019 meeting.

Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of a 2013 Ford Explorer as Surplus Equipment Trustee Corson moved and Trustee Fioretto moved to Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of a 2013 Ford Explorer as Surplus Equipment. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion.

Approve Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy for CDL Employees (Mid-West Truckers Assoc) (Mid-West Truckers Association Municipality Rev.3.1.6)

Trustee Corson moved and Trustee Robins seconded a motion to approve Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy for CDL Employees (Mid-West Truckers Assoc) (Mid-West Truckers Association Municipality Rev.3.1.6) choosing Option 1 under Section 10 on page 12 of the Policy. This option states that the driver is terminated on the first offense if the driver violates a drug or alcohol regulation and also option 1 at the bottom of page 12, which says that costs associated with the evaluations, rehabilitation, return to duty testing, and follow up testing will be the responsibility of the driver. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion.

Approve ESDA Memorandum of Understanding between County, Cities, Towns, and Villages in the County of DeKalb (Replaces MOU of 2017) Trustee Stone moved and Trustee Fioretto seconded the motion to approve the ESDA Memorandum of Understanding between County, Cities, Towns, and Villages in the County of DeKalb (Replaces MOU of 2017).

Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion. Pitney Bowes Postage Machine Lease Agreement – Five-Year Term The Town’s postage machine is obsolete and will be replaced under the agreement. Trustee Corson moved and Trustee Robins seconded a motion to approve the Pitney Bowes Postage Machine Lease Agreement for a five-year term. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion.

Annual Memorial Day Mayors Breakfast – Information only

Anyone wishing to attend should contact the Clerk’s Office to make your reservation.


Trustee Fioretto asked if there was any news on when Casey’s will start construction. Mayor Stokes stated that we do not have a date, we were told the construction date is based on where we are in line.


Trustee Robins moved and Trustee Walker seconded a motion for adjournment. Unanimous voice vote carried the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
