
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Town of Cortland Board of Trustees met March 25

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Town of Cortland Board of Trustees met March 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance / Roll Call

Mayor Stokes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge was recited and roll call was taken by Deputy Clerk Rita Nielsen. Shown as present were Trustees Charmaine Fioretto, Jim Walker, Mike Siewierski, and Rick Robins. Doug Corson and Brad Stone were absent. Quorum was present. Also present were Attorney Kevin Buick, Director John Kocher and Director Joel Summerhill.

Approval of Agenda

Trustee Robins moved and Trustee Siewierski seconded a motion to approve the agenda. Unanimous voice vote carried the motion.

Public Wishing to Speak

No one was present.

Consent Agenda

Deputy Clerk Nielsen read the consent agenda into the record: Approve Town Board Minutes February 25, 2019

Approve Expenditure Reports for February 2019

Approve Treasurer’s Reports for February 2019

Trustee Robins moved and Trustee Siewierski seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion.

New Business for Discussion and Possible Action

An Ordinance Approving A Non-Exclusive Cable Television Franchise Agreement Between the Town of Cortland, Illinois and Metro FiberNet, LLC (MetroNet)

This ordinance allows for the creation of an additional non-exclusive cable television franchise agreement in the Town of Cortland

Mayor Stokes stated that trustees have had time to read the Franchise Agreement with MetroNet and asked if there were any questions for Kathy Scheller from MetroNet who present to ask any questions.

Trustee Robins moved and Trustee Walker seconded a motion Approving A Non-Exclusive Cable Television Franchise Agreement Between the Town of Cortland, Illinois and Metro FiberNet, LLC (MetroNet) Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion.

When asked when the project would start, Ms. Scheller stated that, weather related, they are looking at six (6) months with completion about (12) twelve month after.

Attorney Buick stated that he has prepared a Memorandum of Understanding for operations. The Town’s Engineer, Brandy Williams will be reviewing it before it is presented to the Town Board for approval. Upon approval it will be sent to MetroNet for signature.

Ordinance Amending Title 1-11-1 State Officials and Employees Ethics Act of the Cortland Town Code This ordinance creates the authority to appoint an Ethics Officer for the Town of Cortland

Attorney Buick explained that the Town had previously adopted the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5ILCS 430/70-5) as part of Town Code, Sec. 1-11-1. The Act provides that the Town appoint an Ethics Officer for the purpose of carrying out the requirements of the Act. This Amendment allows for the creation of a title known as the Ethics Officer appointed by the Mayor with the Advice and Consent of the Board of Trustees.

Trustee Walker moved and Trustee Siewierski seconded a motion to approve the

Ordinance Amending Title 1-11-1 State Officials and Employees Ethics Act of the Cortland Town Code This ordinance creates the authority to appoint an Ethics Officer for the Town of Cortland. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion.

An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Certain Item of Personal Property Located at 19917 Airport Road, Maple Park; Detached Garage. This ordinance authorizes the sale of the detached garage owned by the Town of Cortland

Mayor Stokes explained that the properties on Airport Rd. are going to be demolished soon and there is an interested party that would like to remove the detached garage before the demolition.

Trustee Siewierski moved and Trustee Walker seconded a motion to approve An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Certain Item of Personal Property Located at 19917 Airport Road, Maple Park; Detached Garage. This ordinance authorizes the sale of the detached garage owned by the Town of Cortland. Unanimous roll call carried the motion.


Trustee Siewierski asked Director Kocher if there are any plans for Prairiefield Drive as people park on both sides the road is breaking up. Director Kocher said they will only be patching at this time.

President’s Report

Mayor Stokes reported that DSATS (DeKalb Sycamore Area Transportation Study) will be putting together a survey for the residents of Cortland to better understand their transportation needs, for example bus transportation to the Elburn train station. There will be a link from the Town’s website so they can respond electronically. Information regarding the survey will be provided in a town newsletter.

Mayor Stokes asked the trustees for a consensus as to whether or not they would like to consider a code amendment that would allow for chickens. Trustee Robins and Walker said they would not. Trustees Fioretto and Siewierski said they would consider more information before deciding on an amendment. Mayor Stokes said he talked with Trustee Stone before the meeting and he is not in favor of considering an amendment to the current code. According to Ms. Nielsen Trustee Corson has stated to the Clerks’ that he is not in favor amending the code.

Mayor Stokes will not pursue an amendment to the code to allow for chickens.


Trustee Robins moved and Trustee Walker seconded a motion to adjourn. Unanimous voice vote carried the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
