
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Genoa City Council met August 20

Webp meeting 07

City of Genoa City Council met Aug. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Vicary called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Carroll, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta and Lang were present. Alderman Brust was absent. Motion made by Alderman Wesner to allow Alderman Di Guido to join the meeting remotely due to a military related absence, seconded by Alderman Carroll. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta and Lang vote yes. Motion carried.

Mayor Vicary led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guest Speaker: Chief Smith recognized 2 officers for their life saving actions while on duty. Officer Ryan Baxa saved a person’s arm and leg, after being struck by a train. He remained calm and applied a tourniquet to the person’s arm and stayed with him until the ambulance arrived. Officer Nick Garvey saved a person’s life from a vehicle accident, where despite the car being engulfed in flames, he approached the vehicle and pulled the passenger out of the car. The passenger only suffered minor injuries due to his actions. Chief Smith thanked them for representing the Police Department in the highest possible regard.

Motion made by Alderman Lang to approve the minutes of the August 6, 2019 City Council meeting, seconded by Alderman Stevenson. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Alderman Wesner to approve payment of the accounts payables for the first half of August 2019 in the amount of $120,744.38, seconded by Alderman Lang. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta and Lang voted yes. Motion carried.




A. Discussion Regarding Liquor Licenses and Video Gaming: City Administrator, Art Osten Jr., began the discussion by stating that he and Assistant City Administrator, Alyssa Seguss, came up with some ideas to determine whether an applicant requesting a liquor license is legitimately for their business or if they are only requesting it to ultimately obtain a video gaming license through the State. Video Gaming Café applicants must come to Council to request a liquor license since there are no more available at this time. Bars and full service restaurants are exempt from the new requirements due to a liquor license being required for their businesses. He stated that there will be 2 requirements that must be met when a business is applying for a liquor license that is not for a video gaming café, full service restaurants and/or bars.

1. No more than 10% of their floor space is allowed for video gaming and must be significantly separated both physically and audibly from the rest of the services provided by that business.

2. They must provide a business plan

Mr. Osten then stated that Waubonsee College has a small business development center that can assist people with business plans. There is no charge for the service. The applicant does not have to have Waubonsee College do their business plan, but they must at least review the plan before an application can be submitted to the City for consideration of a liquor license. If an applicant is granted a liquor license and obtains a video gaming license and then does not comply with the requirements, the Liquor Commission will step in.

B. Discussion Regarding Recreational Cannabis: City Administrator, Art Osten Jr., stated that effective January 1, 2020, the State law will consider cannabis a legal drug. We would like to enact an Ordinance that addresses the new law. Attorney Slingerland provided a brief overview of the new law. He stated that employers can continue to have no tolerance policies and they can test and discipline employees for drugs in the workplace. He then stated that the City can prohibit businesses in town from selling cannabis or limit the sale of it to a certain section of town that works best for the community. Mr. Osten suggested that Attorney Slingerland put a list together of things we can do to prohibit and things we can do to encourage and have Council pick and choose what they would like included in the Ordinance. Another suggestion was made that our UDO include requirements for proper signage and proper zoning for these types of businesses.

RECESS INTO CLOSED SESSION: Motion made by Alderman Stevenson to go into closed session for the purpose of approving the minutes of the previous closed session and for the purpose of discussing Collective Bargaining as provided for in 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2), seconded by Alderman Lang. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta, Lang, Wesner, Carroll and Di Guido voted yes. Motion carried.

RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION: Motion made by Alderman Lang to reconvene into the regular session, seconded by Alderman Winter. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried.

In closed session, the City Council accepted the June 4, 2019 closed session minutes.


Administrative Report – City Administrator, Art Osten Jr., reported that the cash and adjustments are on track. The budget reports, in addition to more explanations, new information will be identified in red. He then reported that IDOT will be renting the house on North Sycamore Street from the City for $1,000 a month while they are working on the Route 72 project. At the next City Council meeting there will be some discussion regarding property maintenance as far as what priorities will be. Also, the demolition bids came in for the house on South Sycamore Street and were lower than anticipated. There will also be a couple Ordinance requests for a food truck and for an escrow account for plan review and inspection fees for when an application is submitted for large projects and staff and B&F Construction Code Services spends quite a bit of time on it and then the applicant withdraws the application. He also indicated that there will be an Appointment to the Police and Fire Commission to fill the current vacancy. Lastly, he reported that we have a few different people approving applications and/or doing inspections. He stated that a list has been comprised to clarify which person will handle which project/situation.

Public Works – Public Works Director, Rich Gentile, added to Mr. Osten’s report regarding renting the house on North Sycamore Street to IDOT. Whenever there is a large project, IDOT is required to provide housing for the construction workers, so they will be renting it for $1,000 dollars per month for 6 months. He then reported that we have received 7 applications so far for the job opening in Public Works. The North Water Tower project will be starting on Friday, August 23rd. He then indicated that at the last Council meeting a gentleman that lives on A Street had some concerns about his alley. Mr. Gentile took a look and had staff clean up some of the ditch by weed whipping and applying weed kill to help clear it up. He is hoping to get some patch work done as well once the North Locust Street sewer and street repairs have been completed. Lastly, he reported that if there is any money left over, the alley behind Hill’s Tap is really rutted, so he would like to mill it out and asphalt it. Mr. Gentile was asked about the condition of Railroad Avenue by PolarTech. He stated that he knows it is in bad shape and is planning on doing a substantial amount of patching.

Police Department – Chief Smith reported that Officer Gates is still at the school, most likely until October sometime. He then indicated that Officer Garvey has been off of work, so Chief Smith has been working on some of the property maintenance issues.

Mayor’s Report – Mayor Vicary reported that there were over 100 vehicles at the car show this year, but got cut short when the rain started. Mayor Vicary asked Council if anyone would be unable to attend the next meeting. All replied that at this point they are planning on attending.


Motion to adjourn the regular meeting of the City Council was made by Alderman Wesner, seconded by Alderman Winter. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
