
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Sandwich City Council met August 26

Webp meeting 04

City of Sandwich City Council met Aug. 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Robinson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call was taken:

Present: Mayor Robinson, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Chmielewski, Dell, Kelleher, Killey, Kreinbrink, Redden & Surratt

Also present: Attorney Harrill, Department of Public Works / City Engineer Horak.

Chief Bianchi & EMA Director Ciciora

Absent: City Treasurer Webber

Oath of Office: Mayor Robinson administered the oath of office for Patrolman Andrew Gagner.

Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Alderman Dell, and seconded by Alderman Surratt, to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting of August 12, 2019 and the Committee-of-the- Whole Council Meeting of August 19, 2019. Aye: Aldermen Chmielewski, Dell, Kelleher, Killey, Kreinbrink, Redden, Robinson & Surratt Nay:0 Motion carried 8:0

Approval of August Semi-Monthly Bills: Motion was made by Alderwoman Killey, and seconded by Alderman Kelleher, approving payment of the August semi-monthly bills in the total amount of $679,202.90. Aye: Aldermen Chmielewski, Dell, Kelleher, Killey, Kreinbrink, Redden, Robinson & Surratt Nay: 0 Motion carried 8:0

Mayor Robinson

Ordinance 2019-08 entitled “An Ordinance Granting a Special Use in the ‘B-3’ Service, Automotive, and Wholesale Business District Permitting the Operation of a Body Art Establishment at 142 Indian Springs Drive by Outer Beauty Ink, LLC” presented for passage. The business is relocating within the Indian Springs Shopping Center and has no affiliation with a proposed arcade / restaurant business co-owned by Randy Goodwin.

Motion made by Alderman Dell to pass Ordinance 2019-08 as presented. Motion was seconded by Alderman Kelleher. Aye: Aldermen Chmielewski, Dell, Kelleher, Killey, Kreinbrink, Redden, Robinson & Surratt Nay:0 Motion carried 8:0

Approval of Mayoral Appointments: The slate of city appointments (attached and made a part herein) was presented for board approval.

So moved by Alderman Surratt, and seconded by Alderwoman Chmielewski. Aye: Aldermen Chmielewski, Dell, Kelleher, Killey, Kreinbrink, Redden, Robinson & Surratt Nay:0 Motion carried 8:0

Announcement: Because of the Labor Day Holiday on Monday, September 2nd, the next COW meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 3rd at 7 PM. Mayor Robinson also announced that on September 16th, the Council will start discussions on the sale of recreational marijuana.

Foster, Buick, Conklin & Lundgren, LLC: No report

City Clerk Ii: No report

City Treasurer Webber: Absent

Director of Public Works / City Engineer Horak

Zoning Board of Appeals regular meeting of Tuesday, August 27, 2019 has been cancelled.

2019 MFT (19-00000-01-GM): Rain has hampered the project; construction continues at the following locations.

i. Center Street: Mechanic Street to Washington Street: Street pavement reconstruction, sidewalk reconstruction, curb ramps and detectable warnings.

ii. 6th Street/Latham Street: Curb ramps and detectable warnings.

iii. Wells Street: Hall Street to Church Street: Sidewalk repairs, reconstruction, and curb ramps with detectable warnings.

iv. Main Street – 3rd Street to Lisbon Street: Sidewalk repairs, reconstruction, curb ramps with detectable warnings, and curb replacement.

Update on the Gletty Road Spoils Pile: On August 1st, Clean Soils Consulting obtained soil samplings for analysis and assessment. The IEPA did not take any samples from the Gletty Road spoils pile. Based on work completed to date, it was the opinion of Clean Soils Consulting that the material in the piles is not hazardous, and that most of the materials may be either hauled to a CCDD (clean construction or demolition debris) site, recycled at a general purpose or asphalt recycling plant or disposed at an area Subtitle D landfill. On August 21st, City Engineer Horak met with Clean Soils Consulting and the IEPA to discuss the assessments and removal of the materials. Once the IEPA has reviewed the findings and offered their opinion on removal, the City will work with Clean Soils Consulting to develop bid documents for removal.

Chief Bianchi: No report.

EMA Ciciora: No report

Alderwoman Chmielewski asked the Council to consider different means to obtain the community’s opinion on the sale of cannabis for the September 16th meeting. Oswego will be conducting an online survey, for example. The City will utilize its Facebook page as an initial start.

Alderman Dell noted that there were 2 downtown street closures this past weekend that appeared to be well received by the community. He suggested some rules may need to be put in place if the events are going to be annual.

Alderman Kelleher: No report

Alderwoman Killey advised that the next finance committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 3, 2019.

Alderman Kreinbrink: No report

Alderman Redden reported that the DeKalb County Regional Plan Commission meeting on August 22, 2019, was cancelled due to lack of a quorum.

Alderman Robinson: No report 

Alderman Surratt: No report 

New Business: None 

Audience Comments: None

Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Redden and seconded by Alderman Kelleher to adjourn the Regular Council meeting at 7:26 PM. Motion carried unanimously by viva voce vote.
