
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Kirkland Board of Trustees met August 5

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Village of Kirkland Board of Trustees met Aug. 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Due to President Block traveling for his job he is unable to make this meeting. Trustee Chambers made a motion to elect Trustee Ford President Pro Temp with a 2nd by Trustee Fruit. On a roll call vote Trustees Ford, Chambers, Fruit and Ziegler. Trustee Wiegartz and Trustee DeVlieger are absent.

I.Call to Order - President Pro Temp Ford called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and asked for a roll call.

II.Roll call - Members answering present as follows: Trustee Ford, Trustee Chambers, Trustee Fruit and Trustee Ziegler. Trustee Wiegartz and Trustee DeVlieger were absent.

III. Pledge of Allegiance - President Pro Temp Ford leads us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

IV. Comments from the Audience – Sam Ramadini from the Kirkland Family Restaurant explained that he did not have any intension of doing the front door of the restaurant. He got three quotes and only one had the door on it. Sam wanted to know what he would need to do to get the Board to reconsider the payout for the windows. Attorney Brad Stewart asked that he put together a letter to present to the Board at the September 3, 2019 meeting. Attorney Stewart also asked the Village Clerk to place this under Unfinished Business on the September 3, 2019 Board Agenda.

V. Approval of Minutes - President Pro Temp Ford asked for a motion to approve Regular Board Meeting Minutes for Monday, July 8, 2019. Trustee Ziegler made a motion to approve the Regular Board Meetings Minutes for Monday, July 8, 2019 with a 2nd by Trustee Fruit. On a roll call vote Trustees Ford, Chambers, Fruit and Ziegler voted yes. Trustees Wiegartz and DeVlieger are absent.

Motion carried.

VI. Approval of Warrant - President Pro Temp Ford asked for a motion to approve the Warrant in the amount of $59,790.37. Trustee Fruit made a motion to approve the Warrant in the amount of $59,790.37 with a 2nd by Trustee Ziegler. On a roll call vote Trustees Chambers, Fruit, Ziegler and Ford voted yes, Trustees Wiegartz and DeVlieger are absent. Motion carried.

VII. Reports-

a.Financial Report – Nothing

b.Police Report - Chief Davenport reported that the Department had 155 reportable calls for the month of July 2019. Chief Davenport reported that there has been a recent wave of vehicle burglaries in the Village of Kingston, Kirkland and Genoa. This is a reminder to all citizens to lock their cars and homes at night.

c.Public Works – Public Works Superintendent Dale Miller reported that they were working on getting ready for the Independence Day Festivities, street and right-of- way clean up, trimming low branch obstructions to sidewalks and corners and the trees that obstructed trucks and floats on the parade route. They also fabricated and distributed trash cans throughout the town, helped Franklin Township set up detour routes for the parade and hung the Flags and Banners throughout town. Water and Sewer Department is working on starting up the Water Meter replacement program. They’ve had several difficult meter calls this month, including one that required the aid of a plumber.

d.Kirkland Community Center – The committee had their bid opening on July 29, 2019 for the first phase of the construction. The Committee met on July 31 and the purpose of the meeting was to review the bids that came in because of the bid package being sent out. Unfortunately, bids were not in the range they were hoping for to make this a viable project with the funds available and budgeted for the project. We need to review potential grant sources to see what could realistically be available to us.

e.Planning & Zoning – No update

f.Committee Report-

1.Police Committee – Nothing

2.Ordinance Committee - Nothing

3.Finance Committee - Nothing

4.Water & Sewer - Nothing

5.Streets, Alley & Parks Committee – Nothing

6.Economic Development Committee – Trustee Chambers put together a letter to send out to property owners that current have buildings that are empty. Trustee Ziegler is going to contact DeKalb County to get a list of all property owners. Trustee Chambers reached out to NIU‘s Department of Biological Sciences for landscaping /horticulture research (i.e. dedicate a specified number of feet around the pond for planting, cultivating, maintaining and researching plants specimens). Unfortunately, there is no current interest at this time. Barrie informed Dan that NIU is developing a center called NICCS (Northern Illinois Center for Community Sustainability), which he sent everyone on the list Kirkland’s opportunity and will ask if something surfaces that makes sense. More information on NICCS can be found at https://www.niu.edu/niccs/

7.Regional Planning – Nothing

Vlll. Guest Speaker – None

IX.Unfinished Business-

A.Update on Water and Sewer Mapping for the Village of Kirkland – Dale could not get this to come up on his laptop. This item will be placed on the September 3, 2019 Board Agenda.

B.Update on Sewer Manhole Refurbishment - Dale Miller reported that we have a signed contract with the company to refurbish sewer manholes. Our project is in-between Freeport and another Municipality, so these will be done very soon.

X. New Business –

A.Discussion of 2019-2020 Village of Kirkland Municipal Electric Aggregation Program: Shawn Ajazi from Progressive Energy Group - Shawn Ajazi explained what Municipal Electric Aggregation is and does, they go out and get a price on Electricity for the whole Village. This helps so if someone knocks on your door and wants to give you a great price, you can just tell them that you are in the Municipal Electric Aggregation Program. They should walk away. The Village residents will be receiving opt-out letters and the new supplier will start in October and go for one year.

B.Approval of Ordinance 2019-10 / Authorizing Aggregation of Electrical Load for the Village of Kirkland - President Pro Temp Trustee Ford asked for a motion for the approval of Ordinance 2019-10 / Authorizing Aggregation of Electrical Load for the Village of Kirkland. Trustee Chambers made a motion for the approval of Ordinance 2019-10 / Authorizing Aggregation of Electrical Load for the Village of Kirkland with a 2nd by Trustee Ziegler. On a roll call vote Trustees Ford, Chambers, Fruit and Ziegler voted yes. Trustees DeVlieger and Wiegartz are absent. Motion Carried.

C.Approval of Pay Application #2 for Bull Run Creek for the total of $207,807.71 through our IEPA Loan #L17-5562 - Jeff from Fehr-Graham stated that the final for the Bull Run Creek project will be the seeding of the wet land mix. He explained that we missed the window for IDOT for the seeding of wet Mesick grass mix, technically the window is May 15 to June 30 and the next window is October 15 to November 1. William Charles will seed in the fall and it will come up in the Spring. President Pro Temp Trustee Ford asked for a motion for the approval of Pay Application #2 for Bull Run Creek in the amount of $207,807.71 through our IEPA Loan #L17-5562. Trustee Chambers made a motion to approve Pay Application #2 for Bull Run Creek in the amount of $207,807.71 through our IEPA Loan #L17-5562 with a 2nd by Trustee Fruit. On a roll call vote Trustees Chambers, Fruit, Ziegler and Ford voted yes. Trustees DeVlieger and Wiegartz are absent. Motion carried.

D.Discussion of proposed Ordinances Amending Chapter 150, Building Codes, of the Village of Kirkland Municipal Code and Ordinances Amending Chapter 51, Utility Fees, of the Village of Kirkland Municipal Code - Dale explained what brought this to the board. This is given to the Trustees to review for further discussion at a later meeting.

E.Approval of Village of Kirkland Codification Services by American Code Services for 2018 Village Ordinances - President Pro Temp Trustee Ford asked for a motion for approval of Village of Kirkland Codification Services by American Code Service for 2018 Village Ordinances. Trustee Ziegler made a motion for approval of Village of Kirkland Codification Services by American Code Service for 2018 Village Ordinances with a 2nd by Trustee Ford. On a roll call vote Trustees Fruit, Ziegler, Ford & Chambers voted yes. Trustees DeVlieger and Wiegartz are absent. Motion carried.

F.Approval of Village of Kirkland Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Dates for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 - President Pro Temp Trustee Ford asked for a motion to approve the Village of Kirkland Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Dates for Fiscal Year 2019-2020. Trustee Ziegler made a motion to approve the Village of Kirkland Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Dates for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 with a 2nd by Trustee Ford. On a roll call vote Trustees Ziegler, Ford, Chambers and Fruit voted yes. Trustees DeVlieger and Weigartz are absent. Motion carried.

G.Approval to sign the contract for SCADA System work at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Lift Stations and Early Warning System- After some discussion, Trustee Fruit made a motion to move approval to sign the contract for SCADA System work at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Lift Stations and Early Warning System to the September 3, 2019 meeting with 2nd by Trustee Ford. On a roll call vote Trustees Ford, Chambers, Fruit & Ziegler voted yes. Trustees DeVlieger and Wiegartz are absent. Motion carried.

H.Approval of Public Works Expenditures for August 2019 – President Pro Temp Trustee Ford asked for a motion for the approval of Public Works Expenditures for August 2019 in the amount of $25,490.67. Trustee Ziegler made a motion to approve Public Works August 2019 Expenditures in the amount of $25,490.67 with a 2nd by Trustee Fruit. On a roll call vote Trustees Ford, Chamber, Fruit and Ziegler voted yes. Trustees DeVlieger and Wiegartz are absent. Motion carried.

I.Approval for Officer Saladino and Chief Davenport to attend the 2019 Midwest Security and Police Expo for August 12th thru August 14th - Chief Davenport asked to amend the agenda to include the IEMA Training on September 3rd, 4th & 5th for just himself. – President Pro Temp Trustee Ford asked for a motion to approve Officer Saladino and Chief Davenport to attend the 2019 Midwest Security and Police Expo for August 12th thru August 14th and Chief Davenport to attend the IEMA Training September 3rd thru September 5th. Trustee Ziegler made a motion to approve Officer Saladino and Chief Davenport to attend the 2019 Midwest Security and Police Expo August 12th thru August 14th and Chief Davenport to attend the IEMA Conference September 3rd thru September 5th, not to exceed $1500.00 with a 2nd by Trustee Fruit. On a roll call vote Trustees Trustee Chambers, Fruit, Ziegler and Ford voted yes. Trustees DeVlieger and Wiegartz are absent. Motion carried.

XIII. Adjournment – At 8:35 P.M. President Pro Temp Trustee Ford asked for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Ziegler made a motion to adjourn with a 2nd by Trustee Ford. On a voice call vote all in favor. Meeting adjourned.
