
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Highland Park City Council met Oct. 28

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City of Highland Park City Council met Oct. 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Call to Order

At 7:32 p.m., Mayor Rotering called the meeting to order and asked for a roll call:

Roll Call

Present: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Blumberg, Knobel, Holleman

Absent: None

Staff Present: City Manager Neukirch, Fire Chief Amidei, Community Development Director Fontane, Public Works Director Kanapareddy, Finance Director Logan, Assistant City Manager Sabo, Commander Cameron, Deputy City Clerk Palbitska

Also Present: Corporation Counsel Elrod

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Minutes

1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting Held on October 15, 2019

Councilman Blumberg moved to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on October 15, 2019, as amended. Councilman Kaufman seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.

Result: Adopted as Amended [Unanimous]

Mover: Anthony Blumberg, Councilman

Seconder: Daniel Kaufman, Councilman

Ayes: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Blumberg, Knobel, Holleman

Approval of Warrant List

1. Warrant List and Wire Transfers from September 27, 2019 to October 17, 2019. Councilman Blumberg moved to approve the Warrant List. Councilman Stolberg seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.

Result: Adopted [Unanimous]

Mover: Anthony Blumberg, Councilman

Seconder: Adam Stolberg, Councilman

Ayes: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Blumberg, Knobel, Holleman

Report of Mayor

A. Appointments

There were none.

B. Proclamations

There were none.

C. Other business

1. Giants Hockey Club Recognition for Scott's Law Awareness

Mayor Rotering recognized the Highland Park Giant's Hockey Team for helping to organize a fundraiser to benefit the family of Illinois State Trooper Christopher Lambert and provide critical public information about Scott's Law.

Halley Martin, wife of State Trooper Lambert, thanked the Highland Park Giant's Hockey Team and delivered important information regarding Scott's Law.

Parker Hara, Jack Elbaum and Sam Schachtman, members of the Highland Park Giant's Hockey Team, came forward to provide information on the fundraiser and critical information regarding Scott's Law.

2. HP150 Poster Contest Winner

Mayor Rotering stated that as a part of the City's 150th Anniversary, AmdurProduction ran a poster contest in conjunction with the Port Clinton Art Festival.

Amy Amdur, owner of Amdur Productions, presented information on contest winner Layla Lurie. She presented Layla and her grandma with a ribbon and a copy of the winning poster. She presented the City Council with a copy of the winning poster to be displayed at City Hall.

3. Mayor's Beautification Award Presentation

Katie Wiswald, Business and Economic Development Advisory Group Chair, provided background information regarding the Beautification Award.

Mayor Rotering and the City Council recognized Audi Exchange as the recipient of the 2019 Mayor's Beautification Award.

Audi Exchange General Manager Mario Rogic; Construction Manager Rob Guarnaccio; and The Exchange Auto Group COO Chris Orth accepted the award and thanked the Council for the recognition.

Business from the Public (Citizens wishing to be heard regarding items not listed on this agenda)

Anne Bassi, Moraine Township Supervisor, provided information on how the community can enroll in health insurance through the Affordable Care Act with the assistance of counselors at the Moraine Township offices.

Scheduled Business

Items for Omnibus Vote Consideration

Mayor Rotering pulled item 5 from omnibus vote consideration.

Councilman Blumberg moved to approve items 1-4 and 6 by omnibus vote consideration. Councilman Holleman seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.

Result: Adopted [Unanimous]

Mover: Anthony Blumberg, Councilman

Seconder: Michelle Holleman, Councilman

Ayes: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Blumberg, Knobel, Holleman


1. Adoption of a Resolution (R132-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Approving First Amendments to the Agreements with Lakeshore Recycling Systems, LLC for the Provision of Residential and Commercial Solid Waste and Recycling Services”.

2. Adoption of a Resolution (R133-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Approving an Easement Relocation Agreement”.

Public Works

3. Adoption of a Resolution (R134-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Salt From Compass Minerals America Inc., of Overland Park, Kansas through the Illinois Department of Central Management Services Joint Purchasing Program”.

Community Development

4. A Referral of a Height Variation to the Zoning Board of Appeals For Final Disposition Related to 1384 Linden Avenue.

6. Adoption of an Ordinance (O71-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “An Ordinance Amending Chapters 170 and 171 of "The Highland Park Code of 1968," As Amended, Regarding the City's Building Code and Plumbing Code”.

Items Removed from Omnibus Vote Consideration

5. Adoption of an Ordinance (O72-2019) titled, “An Ordinance Amending Article XXI of "The City of Highland Park Zoning Ordinance of 1997," as Amended, Regarding Inclusionary Housing”.

Councilman Holleman stated that she wanted to bring forward a couple of items before a final vote was taken on item 5. She explained that the first section of the amended Article has a policy statement that will be reviewed at a public meeting at another time because some of the language is outdated and it was agreed that the section would be reviewed. She discussed language as it relates to the donation of land to the Highland Park Housing Commission or the Commission's non-profit designee and proposed that the language may be changed to allow for the donation of land to the City and then the City would designate how the land would be used because the Housing Commission is a separate entity from the City. She discussed the reference within the document to "the City or its non-profit designee" and proposed that the language may be changed to "the City or its designee".

Councilman Blumberg agreed with Councilman Holleman that these points should be a subject for discussion at a later time but at present, he voiced his support for voting on the changes that have been provided in the meeting packet. He opined on the section of the Article as it relates to the properties remaining affordable in perpetuity.

Councilman Kaufman noted his appreciation of the comments that have been made by his colleagues. He suggested the Council vote on what has been presented in the meeting packet and allow for a more thorough discussion on the other items that have been mentioned that will allow for a public process to make sure that substantive changes are not made on the fly.

Corporation Counsel Elrod clarified that there was an amendment provided after the meeting packet posting on Thursday and confirmed that the Council is considering the amended version that is now before them.

Mayor Rotering stated that the consensus seems to be that a majority of the Council is in favor of approving what was posted for tonight's meeting with a strong interest in continuing the conversation to address all of the points that have been raised by Council members.

Councilman Holleman stated that she is not in favor of moving forward with the ordinance as presented because she feels that what is being voted on does not capture every item that should be addressed under this section of the Zoning Code.

Mayor Rotering and City Manager Neukirch agreed that the points that have been brought forward by Council members can be added to the meeting discussion at a future meeting.

Corporation Counsel Elrod confirmed that once the vote is taken on this item, the process will have been completed for the amendment of the Zoning Code. He stated that any future discussions would have to be an amendment to the Zoning Code and that would have to go before the Plan and Design Commission.

Mayor Rotering stated that she understood and that given the time and hard work that has already been done to complete the recommended amendments, it would be beneficial to approve what is before the Council tonight and continue the conversation at a later date.

Councilman Stolberg stated that it may be beneficial to not limit future conversations to just the four points that have been brought forward at tonight's meeting.

City Manager Neukirch explained that the subject matter will be added to a Committee of the Whole agenda to be sure that all policy interests are being captured and to discuss the specific sections that Council members want reviewed.

Councilman Blumberg moved to approve an Ordinance Amending Article XXI of "The Highland Park Zoning Ordinance of 1997," as Amended, Regarding Inclusionary Housing, as amended. Councilman Kaufman seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed.

Result: Adopted as Amended [6 To 1]

Mover: Anthony Blumberg, Councilman

Seconder: Daniel Kaufman, Councilman

Ayes: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Blumberg, Knobel

Nays: Councilman Holleman

Other Business (the City Council will consider and then either approve or disapprove the following items)


7.Adoption of an Ordinance (O73-2019) titled, “An Ordinance Partially Waiving Enforcement of Section 170.003.1(11) of "The Highland Park Code of 1968," As Amended”.

Councilman Blumberg recused himself from discussion because his wife serves as the President of the Board of Directors for the Highland Park Community Nursery School and Day Care.

Councilman Blumberg exited the meeting at 7:59 p.m.

City Manager Neukirch stated that there are some outstanding issues that need to be addressed with the Albion Jacobs as it pertains to the purchase and sale of the Karger Center. She explained that staff is seeking the Council's approval of the proposed ordinance as drafted and as amended. She provided information as it relates to requested fee waivers and changes to the schedule for payments in-lieu by the developer.

Councilman Stolberg moved to approve an Ordinance Partially Waiving Enforcement of Section 170.003.1(11) of "The Highland Park Code of 1967," as Amended, as amended. Councilman Knobel seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.

Result: Adopted as Amended [6 To 0]

Mover: Adam Stolberg, Councilman

Seconder: Alyssa Knobel, Councilman

Ayes: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Knobel, Holleman

Recused: Councilman Blumberg

Councilman Blumberg entered the meeting at 8:01 p.m.

Business from the Council

Councilwoman Stone mentioned that there will be a Clean Energy Town hall meeting on November 19, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the Highland Park Police Department Community Room. She stated that the meeting will be co-hosted by herself and State Representative Bob Morgan and County Board Member Paul Frank. She explanted that there will be speakers from the Illinois Environmental Council, the Union of Concerned Scientists, Climate Reality Project and Respiratory Health Association. She stated that the event is free and open to the public.

Business From City Staff

A. Budget Workshop

City Manager Neukirch provided an overview of the City's FY2020 Budget process and introduced two department presentations planned for the evening.

Public Works Budget Presentation

Public Works Director Kanapareddy provided an overview of the Public Works FY2020 budget. He highlighted 2019 accomplishments, 2020 major projects, performance metrics and budget variances.

Mayor Rotering and Public Works Director Kanapareddy discussed the cost variation from last year to this year as it relates to the purchase of salt and the importance of a new Salt Dome.

Community Development Budget Presentation

Community Development Director Fontane provided an overview of the Community Development FY2020 budget. He highlighted 2019 accomplishments, 2020 major projects, performance metrics and budget variances.


Councilwoman Stone moved to adjourn. Councilman Kaufman seconded the motion. On a voice vote, Mayor Rotering declared the motion passed unanimously.

The City Council adjourned its meeting at 8:34 p.m.
