City of Dekalb Citizens' Environmental Commission met December 5.
Here is the agenda as provided by the commission:
A. Roll Call
B. Approval of Agenda
C. Public Comment
D. Approval of Minutes
1. Regular Monthly Meeting November 7, 2019
E. Commission Reports:
1. DeKalb County Health Department- Veronica Polvi
2. DeKalb Park District: Amy Doll
3. Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District: Mike Holland
4. Northern Illinois University: Christine Lagatolla
5. City Staff Liaison: Jason Blumenthal
F. New Business:
1. Information about insects from Commissioner Bill Oleckno
2. PRIDE Awards
3. End of year report
4. Goals for 2020
G. Old Business:
1. Sustainability Plan Updates
2. Updates on other items discussed previously
H. Announcements
Next Meeting: January 2, 4:00 pm.
I. Adjournment