
DeKalb Times

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of DeKalb Citizen's Environmental Commission met November 7

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City of DeKalb Citizen's Environmental Commission met Nov. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

Chair Dan Kenney called the meeting to order at 4:02 P.M.


Roll call was recorded by Management Analyst Jason Blumenthal and the following members of the CEC were present: Dan Kenney (Chair), William Oleckno, Rachel Farrell, Stephen Honeywell, Clare Kron, and Sharon Skala. Members absent: Ken Koch and Virginia Wilcox. Ex-Officio member present was Amy Doll.

Also present were Mayor Jerry Smith, City Manager Bill Nicklas, and Management Analyst Jason Blumenthal.


Chair Kenney asked for a motion to approve the agenda.


Ms. Skala moved to approve the agenda; seconded by Mr. Honeywell.


Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote of those present.


Chair Kenney asked for public comment. No public comment was given.


1. Regular monthly meeting October 3, 2019

Minor changes were requested to the monthly minutes and all approved.


Ms. Kron moved to approve the minutes as amended; seconded by Ms. Farrell.


Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote of those present.


Commission Reports

1. DeKalb County Health Department: Not present, Management Analyst Blumenthal will follow up with the Health Department.

2. DeKalb Park District: The Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District and the DeKalb Park District are working together to create open space prairie lands and letting natural growth occur. The Reclamation District is already doing this but is partnering with the park district to continue this project. In addition, the Park District sledding hill is open and complete. This project was done at a reduced rate, due to collaboration with the Reclamation District for using their dirt and saved both taxing districts money.

3. Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District: Report found within the Park District’s Report.

4. Northern Illinois University: Not present due to another meeting.

5. City Staff Liaison: Management Analyst Blumenthal stated that the bee ordinance

should be put together prior to the next meeting for a discussion.


1. City Manager Bill Nicklas City finance position discussion

City Manager Nicklas discussed the finance budget and what the process would be for the remainder of the year. He stated no money is expected to be budgeted specifically to any board, committee, or commission. However, if a project came up, he would be willing to attempt to find some funding if possible. The Motor Fuel Tax will be seeing a 4 cent increase this coming year, which should help lessen the gap on the money that should be spent on roads. Finally, there are some pieces of legislation that might be changing the police and fire pensions and consolidating them. City Manager Nicklas will report to the City these changes if they become active law.

Ms. Kron asked if there will be money for electric vehicle charging stations. City Manager Nicklas stated that yes there will be, and that staff is working to come up with the best product for our buck.

Report from Commissioner Clare Kron on her presentation to the NIU Environmental Law Class. Also, she will lead a discussion concerning a possible Plastic Bag Ordinance.

Ms. Kron stated her presentation was great and that they had some research completed on banning plastic bags. Ms. Kron continued to state that Evanston is a municipality that entirely banned plastic bags. The thought was to only have it affect the big box stores. Management Analyst Blumenthal stated he is concerned about being selective on the ban and would need to have the City Attorney’s review for that to be acceptable. Mr. Oleckno stated it was a good idea but what about the pushback? He continued to say is banning it better than just placing a plastic bag tax? Also, the question was raised if there was a phase-in period. Ms. Skala asked if this would impact businesses doing delivery. Consensus of the Commission was that more research would need to be conducted for a more robust conversation to occur. Ms. Kron will report back after viewing other’s codes.


1. Sustainability Plan Updates

Ms. Kron discussed having a broader discussion on emerging technology. Management Analyst Blumenthal stated he would send out the updated Sustainability Plan so that everyone could review it one more time.

2. Vehicle Charging Stations Update

Reiterated that the City Managers Office was getting pricing together as well as model types. Will update as soon as a decision has been made.

3. Updates on other items discussed previously

No updates at this time.


Chair Kenney asked if anyone had any announcements. Mr. Oleckno began by saying commission members should be thinking about PRIDE awards and the annual report to City Council. In addition to this report Chair Kenney stated that a report on the sustainability plan should be presented at the same time.

Mr. Honeywell stated that he will be looking into organizations like Second Helpings and teaching people how to cook. More is to come at the next meeting.

Ms. Farrel asked if a discussion on Monarch City USA could return to see how the community can be a part of the project.

Chair Kenney finished announcements with asking the Commission if he should write a letter about having the new parking lot at 1st and Locust Street use permeable pavers. He continued to state that there have been multiple coyote sightings, and this might need to be looked at.


Chair Kenney asked for a motion to adjourn.


Mr. Oleckno moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Mr. Honeywell.


Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote of those present.

Chair Kenney declared the meeting adjourned at 5:16 P.M.
