
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Kirkland Board of Trustees met November 4

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Village of Kirkland Board of Trustees met Nov. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order - President Block called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and asked for a roll call.

II. Roll call - Members answering present as follows: Trustee Ford, Trustee Chambers, Trustee DeVlieger, Trustee Fruit and Trustee Ziegler. Trustee Wiegartz is absent.

III. Pledge of Allegiance - President Block leads us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

IV. Comments from the Audience - None

V. Approval of Minutes - President Block asked for a motion to approve Regular Board Meeting Minutes for Monday, October 7, 2019. Trustee Ziegler made a motion to approve the Regular Board Meetings Minutes for Monday, October 7, 2019 with a 2nd by Trustee Chambers. On a roll call vote Trustees Chambers, Fruit and Ziegler voted yes. Trustees Ford and DeVlieger abstained and Trustee Wiegartz is absent. President Block voted yes. Motion carried.

VI. Approval of Warrant - President Block asked for a motion to approve the Warrant in the amount of $128,128.35. Trustee Chambers made a motion to approve the Warrant in the amount of $128,128.35 with a 2nd by Trustee DeVlieger. On a roll call vote Trustees Chambers, De Vlieger, Fruit, Ziegler and Ford voted yes, Trustee Wiegartz is absent. Motion carried.

VII. Reports

A. Financial Report - Nothing to report, 6-Month Fiscal Report Update should be presented at December's meeting 

B. Police Report - Chief Davenport reported that the Department had 152 reportable calls for the month of October 2019. Chief reported that KPD Officers assisted with Sycamore Pumpkin Fest and Cortland Parade this past month. Both the Sycamore and Cortland Police Departments helped us with our 4th of July parade, so it was nice to go help both departments. Chief reported that Halloween was successful, there was a lot of foot traffic with everything quieting down shortly before 8:00 P.M. Chief Davenport would like to send out a big Thank You to the Community and the youth for making it fun and safe for all. The Village Auxiliary Officers will continue to be present at as many school events as possible. The Kirkland Police Officers will be participating in a "Cuff Cancer" and "No-Shave November" event this weekend in Genoa, along with Kingston PD. This is a fundraiser to fight Cancer, so if you see our Officers with mustaches or unshaved faces this is why. 

C. Public Works - Public Works Superintendent Dale Miller reported the Street guys cut up the Willow tree that blew down by the retention pond in Colonial Estates. Dale also stated that the other Willow trees on this berm are in bad shape and would recommend taking them down and burning them over the winter when the ground is frozen, this would minimize the damage to lawn areas. After this area is cleared Dale would recommend allowing Public Works to purchase some small evergreen trees of various cultivars along with a mix of ornamental trees to shield neighborhood from Route 72 traffic and noise. Sidewalk replacement began this month, however with the rain they have been slowed down. Public Works have put in several hours working on the temporary salt storage and will be dedicating more time in November to finish this project. The month of October was the second time this year that we flushed hydrants and flow tested more hydrants. Public Works employees attended IRWA Water and Wastewater Training along with Jim Stark and Dale Miller attending the IPWMAN conference this month. 

D. Committee Report

1. Police Committee - Nothing 

2. Ordinance Committee - Nothing 

3. Finance Committee - Nothing 

4. Water & Sewer - Nothing 

5. Streets & Alley & Parks Committee - Nothing 

6. Economic Development Committee - Trustee Chambers gave an update on the feedback on the letters that were sent out to property owners. 

7. DeKalb County Regional Planning Commission - Trustee DeVlieger gave an update on October 2019 meeting.

VIII. Guest Speaker - President of Kirkland Public Library Board of Trustees Lorene Finkle expressed concerns from the Library Board regarding the sale of the library building to Resource Bank.

IX. Unfinished Business -

A. Discussion and Approval of additional TIF Fund Reimbursement for Kirkland Family Restaurant for Window Replacement - President Block opened the floor to the Trustees to ask Sam (from the Restaurant) any questions that they have. Trustee Fruit asked about the one quote that had the door on it. Trustee Ford stated that there was some confusion with the door that was on the one quote that was given. Because of the door not being done they held back from the budgeted amount so that when he got the door done, he could get the rest of the budgeted funds. Sam had stated that he never had intentions of doing the front door and did not know why that was put on the quote. Trustee Ford made a motion to pay the Kirkland Family Restaurant the remainder of the budgeted amount that was held back for the replacement of the front door, with a second by Trustee DeVlieger. On a roll call vote Trustees Ziegler, Ford, Chambers, DeVlieger and Fruit voted yes. Trustee Wiegartz is absent. Motion carried. 

B. Discussion and Approval of Computer Server Update to Microsoft Exchange Online and Configuration of Firewall/Security - President Block turned the floor over to Mike Ryan from Pine Computer Consulting. Mike introduced himself and explained what he found when he was here and helped get the Public Works Department up and running. Trustee Fruit asked Mike a few questions. Trustee DeVlieger made a motion for the approval of Computer Services from Pine Computer Consulting up to eleven hundred dollars with a second by Trustee Ford. On a roll call vote Trustees Ford, Chambers, DeVlieger, Fruit and Ziegler voted yes. Trustee Wiegartz is absent. Motion carried. 

C. Approval for repair of roof at the Wastewater Treatment Plant - President Block asked Dale Miller to explain where we are with the repair on the roof at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Dale explained that he has gone out and priced out the parts that are needed and then would have Fuller Construction do the labor for a new metal roof. President Block asked for a motion for approval for the repair of the roof at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Trustee Fruit made a motion to approve the repair of the roof at the Wastewater Treatment Plant not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars, the motion was seconded by Trustee Ziegler. On a roll call vote Trustees Ford, Chambers, DeVlieger, Fruit and Ziegler voted yes. Trustee Wiegartz is absent. Motion carried.

X. New Business -

A. Discussion of proposed 2019 Levy for the Village of Kirkland - President Block explained that when the TIF expired all the property in it is treated as new construction or growth in the Village. The Village will no longer receive all the money that used to into the TIF. Most of it will now go to the school district and other taxing entities just like all the property taxes normally do. The Village needs a Truth in Taxation Hearing in order to capture the Village's portion of this "growth" in the EAV for the Village levy. Basically, it is the Village's portion of the TIF District. The impact of the Truth in Taxation Hearing for the average homeowner will be immaterial. Their taxes will only go up by the 1.9% allowed under PTELL (Property Tax Extension Limitation Law). The additional taxes received by the Village, School District, Fire District, etc. will be all the money that used to go into the TIF Fund, which will now go to these entities as new growth. The properties in the TIF District similarly will not see a spike in their tax bills, it is just realigning where the funds are going because the Village is increasing the taxes. 

B. WIPFLI presentation of 2018-2019 Annual Financial Report for the Village of Kirkland/ Approval of 2018-2019 Annual Financial Report for the village of Kirkland - WIPFLI was not able to make it tonight, however they did drop the Financial Report books off. President Block asked the Trustees to take this home and look it over and bring any and all questions to December's meeting. President Block asked for a motion to defer the approval of the 2018 2019 Annual Financial Report for the Village of Kirkland until the December 2, 2019 Board Meeting.  Trustee Ziegler made a motion to defer the approval of the 2018-2019 Annual Financial Report for the Village of Kirkland until the December 2, 2019 Board Meeting wotja 2nd by Trustee Fruit. On a roll call vote Trustees De Vlieger, Fruit, Ziegler, Ford and Chambers voted yes. Trustee Wiegartz is absent. Motion carried. 

C. Approval of Aggregation Program with Progressive Energy Group for the Kirkland Public Works Building, Wells and Lift Stations - President Block asked for a motion for the Approval of Aggregation Program with Progressive Energy Group for the Kirkland Public Works Building, Wells and Lift Stations. Attorney Stewart, just for the point-of-order, explained we will consider this ratification of the approval. Trustee Fruit moved to ratify the approval of Aggregation Program with Progressive Energy Group for the Kirkland Public Works Building, Wells and Lift Stations with a 2nd by Trustee Ziegler. On a roll call vote Trustees Fruit, Ziegler, Ford, Chambers and DeVlieger voted yes. Trustee Wiegartz is absent. Motion carried. 

D. Discussion and Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Kirkland and DeKalb County - Jeff from Fehr-Graham and Attorney Brad Stewart gave an update on the Intergovernmental Agreement from DeKalb County.  President Block asked for a motion for the approval of Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Kirkland and DeKalb County. Trustee Ziegler made a motion for the approval of the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Kirkland and DeKalb County with a 2nd by Trustee Chambers. On a roll call vote Trustees Ziegler, Ford, Chambers, DeVlieger and Fruit voted yes. Trustee Wiegartz is absent. Motion carried 

E. Discussion and Approval of Railroad Well Capping (Well #1) and Contaminated Soil Disposal - Public Works Superintendent Dale Miller gave an update as to where they are with this project. After discussion with the railroad, there is some contaminated soil at that property which will prohibit the Public Works Department from doing this project. This will need to be done by professionals and that anything that is removed will have to be dumped at an approved location. Trustee Ford made a motion for the approval of the Railroad Well Capping (Well #1) and contaminated soil disposal not to exceed fifteen-thousand dollars with a 2nd by Trustee Ziegler. On a roll call vote Trustees Ford, Chambers, DeVlieger, Fruit and Ziegler voted yes. Trustee Wiegartz is absent. Motion carried 

F. Approval of Village of Kirkland IEPA Water System Project with Fehr-Graham - This motion would allow Fehr-Graham to start the paperwork for the IEPA Forgiveness Loan on this project. President Block asked for an approval of Village of Kirkland IEPA Water System Project with Fehr-Graham. Trustee Ziegler made a motion for the approval of Village of Kirkland IEPA Water System Project with Fehr-Graham not to exceed seventeen-thousand five hundred dollars with a 2nd by Trustee Chambers. On a roll call vote Trustees Ford, Chambers, DeVlieger, Fruit and Ziegler voted yes. Trustee Wiegartz is absent. Motion carried. 

G. Discussion of creation of Ordinances for the Village of Kirkland to address Marijuana Law changes, including allowance of dispensaries, implementation of State Tax, etc. - President Block explained to the Board that at this time the board needs to give Attorney Stewart direction on how we would like to have an Ordinance drawn up relative to Marijuana laws recently passed by the State of Illinois. Attorney Brad Stewart gave a recap on what was presented to the Board at the last meeting. The Village Board went with Option C, which is allowance of dispensaries in the business district with 2% on the sale tax with the Village of Kirkland. Attorney Stewart will draft up the ordinance for approval at December's Board meeting. 

H. Discussion and Approval of Ordinance 2019-12 / ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TERMINATION OF SPECIAL TAX ALLOCATION FUND FOR SUCH DISTRICT ON DECEMBER 31, 2019 - This is for the termination of our TIF District within the Village of Kirkland. President Block asked for a motion for the approval of Ordinance 2019-12 / Ordinance providing for the Termination of Special Tax Allocation Fund for such District on December 31, 2019. Trustee Ford made a motion for the approval of Ordinance 2019-12 / Ordinance providing for the Termination of Special Tax Allocation Fund for such District on December 31, 2019, authorizing President Block to approve the Ordinance as stated subject the final EAV numbers for DeKalb County. The motion was seconded by Trustee Chambers. On roll call vote Trustees DeVlieger, Fruit, Ziegler, Ford and Chambers voted yes. Trustee Wiegartz is absent. Motion carried. 

I. Discussion of Roof Replacement of East Pavilion at Franklin Township Park - President Block provided quotes that he just received for the East Pavilion at Franklin Township Park. These are just for Trustees to review and will be part of further conversation on the pavilion and future uses. 

J. Approval of Kirkland Public Works Expenditures for November 2019 - President Block indicated that the only expenditures left to approve are: Approval to purchase Hoop House parts and 4-year stabilized polyfilm and other miscellaneous hardware and materials from Midwest Trading of St. Charles and Menards for a total approximate cost of $4353.27, approval to purchase a used snow plow to replace the blade on the Ford F350 with an approximate cost of $1200.00 and to purchase a new acetylene cutting torch set from Weldstar Co. with an approximate cost of $495.99. President Block asked for a motion for the approval of Kirkland Public Works Expenditures for November 2019. Trustee Ford made a motion for the approval of Kirkland Public Works Expenditures for November 2019 with a 2nd by Trustee Chambers. On a roll call vote Trustees Ziegler, Ford, Chambers, DeVlieger and Fruit voted yes. Trustee Wiegartz is absent. Motion carried.

(Trustee Ford left the meeting at 8:43 P.M.)

XI. Executive Session - At 8:45 P.M., President Block asked for a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of Litigation and Acquisition/Purchase Price of Real Estate. Trustee DeVlieger made a motion to go into executive session for the purpose of Litigation and Acquisition/Purchase Price of Real Estate with a 2nd by Trustee Ziegler. On a roll call vote Trustees Ford, Chambers, De Vlieger, Fruit and Ziegler voted yes, Trustee Wiegartz is absent. Motion carried.

XII. Return to Regular Session - The Board returned to Regular Session at 9:03 P.M and President Block asked for a roll call. Trustees responding here are Chambers, DeVlieger, Fruit, and Ziegler. Trustees Wiegartz and Ford are absent.

XIII. Adjournment - At 9:04 P.M., President Block asked for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Ziegler made a motion to adjourn with a 2nd by Trustee DeVlieger. On a voice call vote all in favor. Meeting adjourned.

Next Board of Trustees Regular Meeting will be Monday, December 2, 2019 at 7:00 P.M.
