
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Dekalb County Public Building Commission met October 1

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Dekalb County Public Building Commission met Oct. 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the DeKalb County Public Building Commission (hereinafter “Commission”) was held Tuesday, October 1, 2019, at 8:30 a.m. in the Community Outreach Building’s Conference Room West in DeKalb, Illinois pursuant to written notice to each Commissioner as required by the By-Laws.


Chairman Swanson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and requested the Secretary to call the roll. Those Commissioners present were Mr. Mike Larson, Vice-Chairman Larry Lundgren, Ms. Cheryl Nicholson, Mr. Chuck Shepard, and Chairman Matt Swanson. A quorum was established with all five Commissioners present.

Others that were present included: Commission Treasurer Gary Hanson, County Facilities Management Director Jim Scheffers, Mr. John Heimbach with Larson & Darby, Mr. Jeff Blanck with Ringland- Johnson Construction, Nursing Home Maintenance Supervisor Steve O’Bryan, Interim Nursing Home Administrator Steve Duchene, Steve Faivre, Jeff Whelan and Commission Secretary Tasha Sims.


Mr. Larson moved to approve the agenda. Vice-Chair Lundgren seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously by voice vote.


Mr. Shepard moved to approve the minutes for the Tuesday, September 3, 2019 meeting with a couple corrections identified by Mr. Blanck. Ms. Nicholson seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.


There were no comments from the public.


Mr. Jeff Blanck, Project Manager/Site Superintendent for Ringland-Johnson Construction, joined the Commissioners to provide an update on the Expansion Project. Mr. Blanck shared that IDPH approved the occupancy of the interior areas where Phase 1 work has taken place. There are a couple of little items (cameras looked at and a monitor moved) that will take place to make that happen for occupancy to occur. The permanent doors have arrived so the temporary doors will be replaced and will be done by the end of the week. Also, a couple of thermostats will be installed by the end of the week as well. Mr. Blanck noted that he will coordinate with Mr. O’Bryan to set up a schedule for the move-in so the construction can progress to the other areas.

For the exterior, the underground electric for the TCU is now complete. Right now, they are prepping for the final stone and final leveling to be able to pour the TCU slab. The tentative schedule shows the first north half being poured this week with the south half immediately following the next week.

In the Activity Center, the wall panels are up and the slabs were poured in the Serving Kitchens, and the sheeting (Type 1, Exterior Grade) started to go on today. The trusses will follow the sheeting work.

The wall panels went up on the Boiler Room Addition. Today, they are starting to install the wall panels on the Southwest Kitchen Addition, Mr. Blanck shared.

Lastly, he shared that some of the site work including the sidewalk installations have been taking place and the curbs and sidewalks have been re-poured. There is still more to do and there need to be more backfill done around those curbs and sidewalks as well as the patching of the blacktop need to still happen.

Change Order Request

Mr. Heimbach noted that as for the previous PCO #22 – Item #11 regarding Updated Landscape Drawings, he reiterated that the County has reviewed this with the City and it was determined that no landscape work is needed at this time. However, the cost for this work totaling $10,451.00, would be set aside or anticipated by the DCRNC for future landscaping in this area if it is needed.

Mr. Hanson explained that Mr. Shepard talked with the City of DeKalb and got the deal worked out with them and Mr. Hanson was drafting an agreement with the City currently. Both parties agree no landscaping will be occurring now.

The Commissioners were provided with the updated Change Order Proposal Log. Mr. Blanck explained that the items in white are ongoing issues that are under review, the gray rows are items that have been previously discussed and approved, and the items up for discussion currently were in yellow.

Mr. Heimbach and Mr. Blanck reviewed the following Potential Change Order requests with the Commissioners for their approval:

PCO #25: (Item #36) This item was presented for additional sanitary and storm sewer connections. Mr. Heimbach explained that there are two conditions covered in this change proposal. The first condition deals with the connection location of the existing sanitary line as it exits the building and ties into the sanitary line coming from the grease manhole. The sanitary main coming out of the building was different than anticipated and caused an additional tie-in point to the new sanitary line coming of the new grease manhole location. The second condition deal with new interior roof drain connections to a new storm underground location adjacent to the TCU Addition. This was a missed coordination issue between the plumbing engineer and the civil engineer. Mr. Blanck commented that this work has not been completed yet. The cost of this PCO, which includes both items, totals $20,092.23.

PCO #26: (Item #40) This item is for site utility work which includes an additional storm sewer connection. The owner identified an additional storm tie-in location near the TCU Additional not previously identified in as-built conditions on the original building. The cost for this PCO totals $1,045.00.

PCO #26: (Item #40) Mr. Larson moved to approve PCO #25 and PCO #26 totaling $21,137.23. Ms. Nicholson seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously by a 5-0-0 voice vote.

Current Issues

Mr. Heimbach wanted to update the Commission on the ongoing serving kitchen issue.

Item #29: Mr. Heimbach shared that he has received confirmation from IDPH Plumbing Division and from IDPH Health Division that their previous requirements for a three-compartment sink and grease trap is not valid because they do not have authority in licensed health care facilities.

Since these serveries are based on a design that has been implemented in other nursing facilities in Illinois, they will continue to review the proposed operation with the County Health Department to determine if there is a way to provide their intended menu enhancements within their food service guidelines. Larson & Darby’s goal is to achieve a solution that will enhance the dining experience for the residents. To avoid delays while this matter is under appeal, the project is proceeding per the original design. If the appeal is unsuccessful, the cooking equipment will not be installed and no cooking will occur. Mr. Blanck noted that he would get a directive out to begin the pricing process in the event that they will need to eliminate the serving kitchens.

Mr. Hanson questioned if the Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District (Sanitary District) was okay with the serving kitchens. Mr. Heimbach answered that he thought so and that they had reviewed everything when the City of DeKalb reviewed the drawings.


Mr. Blanck reviewed the following upcoming change orders with the Commissioners:

Item #12: Install door to Soiled Utility Room 225 from main corridor. The owner requested a second door to the Soiled Utility Room from the main corridor to replace a door that was removed for the new layout. This second door will provide easier access to the Soiled Utility Room from the Nurse Station. The renovated Soiled Utility Room is being expanded from its original size to incorporate the adjacent existing Linen Room for the purpose of creating space to store soiled linen carts that are currently being stored in the staff corridor. The original design intent was to rely on the existing door off of the staff corridor for primary access to the expanded Soiled Utility Room. The door that is being proposed was left off the plans in order to leave more room for soiled carts inside the expanded Soiled Utility Room. Drawings are in progress.

Item #18: Provide and install a new floor drain in existing Mechanical Room 128. The owner requested a new floor drain to be installed in this Mechanical Room. The drain will allow a better option to remove water from the floor when the pumps are undergoing repair or maintenance. Selecting floor drain cut sheets is currently in review. Underfloor work in the adjacent Salon is completed to allow this drain to be installed without interrupting the operation of rooms adjacent to the Mechanical Room. Drawings are in progress.

Item #20: Remove existing dormers above CVS Dining Room and patch roof to match new roof condition at other three existing dining rooms. The owner requested the removal of these two dormers to be included within the scope of this project. There are currently 8 dormers at the facility, 2 above each dining room. Six of the dormers are being removed with the current renovation and the request is intended to make all of the dining rooms consistent. Drawings are in progress.

Item #24: Extend New Finishes Beyond Current Project Scope. The new wall finishes are limited to only new renovated areas around the Nurse Stations. Extending these finishes down the corridors to cross-corridor door locations will provide a cohesive appearance to the renovation of the Nurse Stations. The owner has requested pricing to extend corridor impact panel wainscot and handrails as well as wall paint going down corridors from the Nurse Stations to cross-corridor doors. This work represents approximately 180 lineal feet of wall at each Nurse Station. Drawings are in progress.

Item #27: Lobby 101, Changing Automatic Door from Sliding to Swinging. Vestibule 101originally included the installation of a new automatic swinging door at the inside wall and relocating the existing exterior automatic sliding door to the outside wall. Mr. O’Bryan requested the replacement of the relocated sliding door with a new automatic swinging door to match the new interior automatic swinging door for safety-related issues. The contractor has been provided with specifications of the new automatic swinging door to match the automatic swinging door at the inside wall. Additional door hardware operation discussion with contractor is ongoing.

Item #30: Addendum #4, Finishes to Room 251K. Addendum #4 includes a clarification describing finishes in Dining Room 251, but the finishes for the adjacent Serving Kitchen 251K are missing off the revised Finish Schedule. Each of the three Dining Rooms is to have new flooring and new wall finishes and repair of surfaces adjacent to new construction. Each

of the three Dining Rooms has a new Serving Kitchen addition that is also to have new finishes. The original base bid documents included finishes for two of the three Dining Rooms and all three Serving Kitchens. Addendum #4 picked up the new finishes for this missing Dining Room 251, but at the same time inadvertently dropped the finishes in the adjacent Serving Kitchen 251K. The Contractor did not include pricing for finishes in Serving Kitchen 251K. Drawings are in progress. As these items were clarifications during the bid process, they are suggesting that they are included as a scope gap item and included in the construction contingency.


Mr. Hanson reviewed the Public Building Commissioner’s Budget Recommendation Summary for FY 2020. Mr. Hanson noted that the Commissioners didn’t need to approve the budget now, they can just look at it and ask questions or discuss or they could approve it, it was up to them. The most significant thing in the budget is the Chiller Project that Mr. Scheffers is working on. Half of it was done in FY 2019 and the other half will be completed in FY 2020. It is almost a $600,000 item.

It was moved by Mr. Shepard, seconded by Mr. Larson and approved unanimously to approve the FY 2020 Public Building Commission Budget totaling $916,000.


It was moved by Mr. Larson, seconded by Vice-Chair Lundgren and it was approved unanimously to accept the 2020 Public Building Commission’s Meeting Calendar.


It was moved by Ms. Nicholson, seconded by Mr. Larson and was approved unanimously maintain the status quo and to keep the same Officers that are currently in place for 2020. Chairman: Matt Swanson, Vice-Chairman: Larry Lundgren, Treasurer: Gary Hanson, Secretary: Tasha Sims.


Mr. Nicholson suggested and volunteered to possibly coming up with a PBC Standard Change Order Log to use in the future to track change orders and ongoing construction project costs in the most understanding and consistent way from project to project.


The next Public Building Commission Meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, November S"" at 8:30 a.m. at the Community Outreach Building's Conference Room West.


A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Larson, seconded by Vice-Chair Lundgren and was approved unanimously. The meetinsLi^as,adioumed at 9:03 a.m.
