
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Dekalb County Public Building Commission met December 3

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Dekalb County Public Building Commission met Dec. 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the DeKalb County Public Building Commission (hereinafter “Commission”) was held Tuesday, December 3, 2019, at 8:30 a.m. in the Community Outreach Building’s Conference Room West in DeKalb, Illinois pursuant to written notice to each Commissioner as required by the By-Laws.


Chairman Swanson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and requested the Secretary to call the roll. Those Commissioners present were Mr. Mike Larson, Vice-Chairman Larry Lundgren, Ms. Cheryl Nicholson, Mr. Chuck Shepard, and Chairman Matt Swanson. A quorum was established with all five Commissioners present.

Others that were present included: Commission Treasurer Gary Hanson, County Facilities Management Director Jim Scheffers, Mr. John Heimbach with Larson & Darby, Mr. Jeff Blanck & Mr. Trucker Johnson with Ringland-Johnson Construction, Nursing Home Maintenance Supervisor Steve O’Bryan, Nursing Home Administrator Steve Duchene, Jeff Whelan, Steve Faivre, and Commission Secretary Tasha Sims.


Mr. Larson moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Nicholson seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously by voice vote.


Mr. Larson moved to approve the minutes for the Tuesday, November 2, 2019 meeting with a couple minor corrections. Vice-Chairman Lundgren seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.


There were no comments from the public.


Mr. Jeff Blanck, Project Manager/Site Superintendent for Ringland-Johnson Construction, joined the Commissioners to provide an update on the Expansion Project. Mr. Blanck shared that in regards to the interior remodeling, the drywalling in Building B around the Nurse Station is up and taped with prime painting about the begin. The plastic dust partitions will come down around the Nurse Station once the prime paint has been applied. In addition to this interior work, there is still working being completed within the Nourishing Room in Building A.

In the Activity Center, the decking is on, the roof, shingles are on the roof, and the windows that go into the Dinning Room and onto the Activity Center itself to the Courtyards are starting today. In the meantime, while all preparation is taking place for the windows to be installed, the rough-ins for the interior framing of the Activity Center have been ongoing and continue. The two-foot-high brick around the outside perimeter of the exterior of the Activity Center has been completed as well.

Outside at the Loading Dock area, the trusses started to get set. The tie-in to the floor drain into the sanitary outside of the Loading Dock took place in order to get the black top patching in and the concrete poured around the Loading Dock area. This work has helped personnel get to the dumpsters and get carts outside.

Over in the TCU Addition, the trusses are all up and in place. The metal decking has been proceeding, followed by the plywood sheeting that goes onto the metal decking and is proceeding from north to south. The shingles will follow behind that. The exterior brick was not started will now be completed in the Spring due to weather conditions. The brick work will not stop siding and anything else from happening. The rough-ins will continue on in the TCU walls once the roof is on.

The project was estimated to be about 45-50% complete with a completion date sometime in September of 2020.

Change Order Request

Mr. Heimbach updated the Commissioners on the Serving Kitchen issue that has been ongoing. He shared that the State Plumbing Division had required additional sinks and a grease trap in each of the proposed Serving Kitchens beyond what was showing in the original design of the project. The County Health Department had identified similar concerns and were also requiring additional fixtures based on the comments from the plumbing inspector. These requirements stemmed from an assumption that they were intending to include cooking activities in these kitchens that would produce grease, require significant food preparation and create a need for pot and utensil washing during each meal. It was reminded that the intent is not to provide menu items or do any food prep in these serveries that would produce grease or create food waste.

Mr. Heimbach additionally shared that he met with the County Health Department on Friday, November 15th to review the changes they were making in response to their most recent review letter. At the meeting with the Health Department, they reviewed the proposed changes to address their concerns and Nursing Home Administrator Steve Duchene provided an update to the maintenance repairs and changes in the CVS kitchen. The Health Department agreed with the proposed changes for each of the serveries, and confirmed their stance that neither a three-compartment sink or associated grease trap was required; the Health Department provided conditional approval as described in their review letter.

However, the issue remains unresolved with the Regional Plumbing Inspector, Mr. Heimbach explained. The Regional Plumbing Inspector has asked for a variance to the pumping code that would allow these serveries to function with the fixtures he is requiring; specifically, the three-compartment sinks and grease trap. Mr. Heimbach intends to submit a variance request and he has asked for further clarification from the Inspector on the specific plumbing code sections that should be cited in the request for variance that are not adequately addressed with the submission of the three-compartment sink and grease trap. Mr. Heimbach lastly that drawings are being prepared and specifications to document the changes and the pricing for this equipment and the related installation costs are in progress but are not yet available.

The Commissioners were provided with the updated Change Order Proposal Log. Mr. Blanck explained that the items in white are ongoing issues that are under review, the gray rows are items that have been previously discussed and approved, and the items up for discussion currently are in yellow.

Mr. Heimbach and Mr. Blanck reviewed the following Potential Change Order requests with the Commissioners for their approval:

PCO #29: (Item #71) Mr. Heimbach explained that each resident toilet includes a sliding door for entry from the bedroom. The sliding door system that is to be installed includes an aluminum frame on the strike end only; there is no frame on the opposite end. When the door is in the open position, the door edge stops near the corner of the entry wall at the bedroom and is vulnerable to damage from traffic in and out of the room including wheelchairs, lifts and carts. The recommendation is to reconfigure this exposed corner that will create a more durable end jamb for the sliding door and a corner at this location that can be protected from traffic in and out. This reconfiguration will require additional construction at each of the corner conditions (18 total corners). The contractor has evaluated this change and has identified additional studs, blocking, inside and outside corner construction and finishing for each location resulting in a total of $3,381.46.

PCO #30: (Item #50) At the Nurse Station in Building A and Building B, there is an existing intercom system that will have to be relocated to the new Nurse Station locations. This existing system was not shown on the construction drawings. It will have to be related and rewired to maintain operation. This work is already in progress in order to maintain project schedule and maintain daily operations at the Nurse Station. The total for the work is $4,336.73.

PCO #32: (Item #51) This is a change to the intake system for fresh air in the Activity Center. During bidding, there was a cupola eliminated on top of the Activity Center roof intended for fresh air intake. The ductwork connection to this cupola was not modified at that time. This change represents a simplification of the air intake duct within the roof system that will supply fresh air to the two air handling units serving the Activity Center. The contractor has evaluated this change and has identified the cost reduction for the simplified duct design in the amount of ($253.61).

PCO #33: (Item #21) During demolition an existing circuit was discovered that fed the Beauty Salon’s previous location. The circuit had to be refed in order to maintain power to other locations on that circuit. The work in this area of the building is ongoing and this change request is needed to fit into the construction schedule for a total of $1,581.89.

Mr. Shepard moved to approve PCO #29, PCO #30, PCO #32 and PCO #33 totaling $9,046.47. Mr. Larson seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.


Mr. Heimbach updated the Commission on the ongoing issues that have been less of a priority at this time:

Item #12: Install door to Soiled Utility Room 225 from main corridor. The owner requested a second door to the Soiled Utility Room from the main corridor to replace a door that was removed for the new layout. This second door will provide easier access to the Soiled Utility Room from the Nurse Station. The renovated Soiled Utility Room is being expanded from its original size to incorporate the adjacent existing Linen Room for the purpose of creating space to store soiled linen carts that are currently being stored in the staff corridor. The original design intent was to rely on the existing door off of the staff corridor for primary access to the expanded Soiled Utility Room. The door that is being proposed was left off the plans in order to leave more room for soiled carts inside the expanded Soiled Utility Room. Status: Documentation for pricing is in progress and should be ready for review at next meeting.

Item #18: Provide and install a new floor drain in existing Mechanical Room 128. The owner requested a new floor drain to be installed in this Mechanical Room. The drain will allow a better option to remove water from the floor when the pumps are undergoing repair or maintenance. Selecting floor drain cut sheets is currently in review. Underfloor work in the adjacent Salon is completed to allow this drain to be installed without interrupting the operation of rooms adjacent to the Mechanical Room. Status: Documentation for pricing is in progress.

Item #20: Remove existing dormers above CVS Dining Room and patch roof to match new roof condition at other three existing dining rooms. The owner requested the removal of these two dormers to be included within the scope of this project. There are currently 8 dormers at the facility, 2 above each dining room. Six of the dormers are being removed with the current renovation and the request is intended to make all of the dining rooms consistent. Status: Drawings are in progress to provide the basis of pricing for this work and serve as the basis for the dormer removal and subsequent roof repair. This item should be ready for review next meeting.

Item #24: Extend New Finishes Beyond Current Project Scope. The new wall finishes are limited to only new renovated areas around the Nurse Stations. Extending these finishes down the corridors to cross-corridor door locations will provide a cohesive appearance to the renovation of the Nurse Stations. The owner has requested pricing to extend corridor impact panel wainscot and handrails as well as wall paint going down corridors from the Nurse Stations to cross-corridor doors. This work represents approximately 180 lineal feet of wall at each Nurse Station. Status: Drawings are in progress to provide the basis of pricing for this work.

Item #27: Lobby 101, Changing Automatic Door from Sliding to Swinging. Vestibule 101originally included the installation of a new automatic swinging door at the inside wall and relocating the existing exterior automatic sliding door to the outside wall. Mr. O’Bryan requested the replacement of the relocated sliding door with a new automatic swinging door to match the new interior automatic swinging door for safety-related issues. The contractor has been provided with specifications of the new automatic swinging door to match the automatic swinging door at the inside wall. Status: The contractor is preparing pricing for this change.

Item #30: Addendum #4, Finishes to Room 251K. Addendum #4 includes a clarification describing finishes in Dining Room 251, but the finishes for the adjacent Serving Kitchen 251K are missing off the revised Finish Schedule. Each of the three Dining Rooms is to have new flooring and new wall finishes and repair of surfaces adjacent to new construction. Each of the three Dining Rooms has a new Serving Kitchen addition that is also to have new finishes. The original base bid documents included finishes for two of the three Dining Rooms and all three Serving Kitchens. Addendum #4 picked up the new finishes for this missing Dining Room 251, but at the same time inadvertently dropped the finishes in the adjacent Serving Kitchen 251K. The Contractor did not include pricing for finishes in Serving Kitchen 251K. Drawings are in progress. Status: Documentation for pricing is in progress to add finishes to Serving Kitchen 251K.

Item #38: Electric Closers on TCU Doors (resident Rooms). Larson & Darby Group are working with the Electrical Engineer on this item.

Item #42: Topping Out of Existing Rated Walls behind Nurse Station in Building B. As was discovered in Building A, there are several conditions above the ceilings in the staff areas behind the Nurse’s Station where the rated walls were not protected to the underside of the structure above as required by the fire code. The solution is to install drywall to protect these exposed walls. This work has been completed and should be ready for review next meeting.

Item #43: Fireproofing Steel in Med Room 450. Similar to Item #42, contractors uncovered conditions behind the Building B Nurse Station where structural steel was left without fireproofing. The solution will be to pack new fireproofing onto the beams and columns to meet the fire code requirements. The work has been completed and should be ready for review next meeting.

Item #48: Door Swinging into Serving Kitchen. This item is still being discussed and there is a potential that it will be removed due to a change in layout in the kitchen.

Item #53: Nurse Call Door Monitoring. This is being priced by Morse Electric and should be ready for review next meeting.

Item #55: Snow Removal. Due to an early snow, there were costs associated with snow removal on site. The charges for this extra work are being collected to determine the final costs to date and should be ready for review next meeting.


Mr. Blanck announced that he would be retiring at the end of year and introduced Mr. Tucker Johnson, VP of Operations at Ringland-Johnson. Mr. Johnson assured the Commission that between him and Ms. Megan Simon, there would be someone present at the meetings to update the Commissioners on the project details. The Commissioners congratulated Mr. Blanck and wished him the best.


The next Public Building Commission Meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, January 7th at 8:30 a.m. at the Community Outreach Building’s Conference Room West.


A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Larson, seconded by Ms. Nicholson and was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 a.m.
