
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Dekalb County Veterans Assistance Commission met Jan. 13

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Dekalb County Veterans Assistance Commission met Jan. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

III. Roll Call of Delegates & Alternates

IV. Public Comment

V. Reading and Approval of the December 2019 Meeting Minutes

VI. Treasurers' Report

VII. Superintendent's Report

a. Approval of Expenses

VIII. Committee Reports

IX. Old Business

X. New Business

XI. For the Good of the Commission

XII. Adjournment

Meeting started at 7:02 pm with President Celeste Latham presiding, she led us in the pledge of allegiance.

Board Members Present: President Celeste Latham, Vice-President Chuck Fish, Secretàry Luz Maria Gilkey and Treasurer Bob Coulter.

Employees Present: Tammy Anderson, Luz Maria Gilkey, Cindy Childress, Tim Stubinger and Jessica Morganegg.

Amend the Agenda: Motion was made to change the order of the Agenda Section X, items a & b-Jim Cox made the motion, seconded by Gene Ege. Motion passed.

New in Attendance: Sarah Sweet

Public Comment: None.

Meeting Minutes: November 4, 2019 minutes were reviewed Motion was made by Don Jones to accept the minutes as read, and seconded by Manny Olalde - Motion passed unanimously. Treasurers Report: Treasurer Bob Coulter reported a balance of $528312e no additional income or expenditures, same as the previous month. Motion was made by Bob Bend to accept the treasurer's report, seconded by Don Jones subject to audit. Motion passed.

Superintendents' Report: The Commission helped 12 Veterans and their families with Shelter Assistance totaling $4,775.00. There were 31 Veterans transported on 19 trips to the VA Medical Centers and Compensation & Pension (C&P) appointments, with the Divers' donating 150.0 houts with 3,425 miles driven. Drivers Per Diem was $415.00. One driver prefers not to get paid. Fuel cost was $321.12 and Fuel gallons) 147.3. Monthly Retro amount of $102,830.00 was collected with $23,431.00 of monthly payments for Veterans. Total year to date $1,248,409.00. Total Employee Activity was approximately 1097 in actiáns. The November expenses totaled $40,116.64. Motion was made by Jim Cox to pay monthly bills seconded by Don Jones. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.

Committee Report Tim reported Hines has emphasis on environmental registries this month. They are still doing Flu shots in Sandwich. Frank reported on upcoming events & a motorcade escort on Memorial Day Parades – see attached flyer.

Old Business: None

New Business:

Celeste provided the first reading of the change to the By-Laws, electronic copies will be sent out prior to the next meeting to Delegates or Alternates.

Nomination for 2020 Commission Officer Positions were re-opened and changes were made:

1) President - Celeste Latham

2) Vice-President - Chuck Fish

3) Treasurer - Bob Colter

4) Director 2 - Don Anderson

Nominations were closed. A motion of unanimous elections was made by Jim Cox, seconded by Gene Ege. Motion passed

For the Good of the Commission: We received a check of $1,500.00 from Vietnow for the maintenance of the flags at the County Court House. We also received the title for the trailer used by Vietnow to transport & store the flags. We will change the title to reflect DCVAC as having ownership. Maintenance of these flags will be made by DCVAC and will be budgeted in the 2021 budget year.

We received monetary donations from Mike Tritle of Turning Back Time Car Show, Jim and Jodi Long and numerous other monetary donations. The Sycamore VFW Auxiliary have again provided food baskets for our Veterans who need help.

We received $1,955.00 in donations and would like Bob to deposit this money and provide us with 5 checks for disbursement. Motion was made by Jim Cox and seconded by Manuel Olalde. Motion passed.

Being no further business, Gerry Drake made a motion to adjourn-Seconded by Don Jones. Meeting adjourned at 7:28pm Respectfully Submitted by Recording Secretary Tammy Anderson.
