
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Dekalb County Board met January 15

Dekalb County Board met Jan. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The DeKalb County Board met in regular session at the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium on Wednesday, January 15, 2020. Chairman Pietrowski called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the Clerk called the roll. Those Members present were Ms. Sandra Polanco, Mr. Chris Porterfield, Mr. Craig Roman, Ms. Linda Slabon, Mr. Paul Stoddard, Mr. Larry West, Mr. Jeff Whelan, Ms. Suzanne Willis, Mr. Tim Bagby, Mr. Scott Campbell, Ms. Rukisha Crawford, Mrs. Karen Cribben, Mrs. Laurie Emmer, Mr. Steve Faivre, Vice-Chairman John Frieders, Mr. Tim Hughes, Mr. Tracy Jones, Ms. Dianne Leifheit, Mr. Jim Luebke, Ms. Terri Mann-Lamb, Mr. Jerry Osland, Mr. Roy Plote, and Chairman Mark Pietrowski, Jr. Ms. Maureen Little was absent. A quorum was established with twenty-three Members present and one absent.

Chairman Pietrowski asked Ms. Polanco to lead in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.



It was moved by Mr. Luebke and seconded by Mr. Whelan to approve the agenda as presented.

Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote to approve the agenda. The motion carried unanimously.



Ms. Slabon moved to approve the minutes of the November 20, 2019 County Board Meeting. Ms. Mann-Lamb seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski asked for a voice vote on the approval of the minutes. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Pietrowski shared that the County Clerk & Recorder has launched a new mobile friend site proving voter enrichment and empowerment called VOTERA. You can use your smart phone, tablet or laptop to: check the status of your registration in DeKalb County, register to vote through the Online Paperless portal, find out what address you are registered at, apply to vote by mail, view your sample ballot, find your voting jurisdictions, and find and locate your Polling Place. You can also receive notifications for important election dates and reminders if you sign up with your email through the site.

Veterans Honor Roll

DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commission Superintendent Tammy Anderson alongside Chairman Pietrowski honored and inducted Mr. Richard Westlake into the DeKalb County Veterans Honor Roll.

Mr. Westlake served in the served in the U.S. Army from October 1966 to July 1968 and was awarded 2 Air Medals, 3 oak leaf clusters, the Vietnam Service Medal and the Good Conduct medal.

On behalf of the DeKalb County Board and the Citizens of DeKalb County, Ms. Anderson and Mr. Pietrowski thanked Richard for his Service and Sacrifice.

Employee Service Awards for December 2019

Chairman Pietrowski recognized the following County Employees who were celebrating Service Awards in the month of December 2019: Five Years: Maureen Little – County Board Member, Jim Luebke – County Board Member, Debra Petrie – Regional Office of Education; Ten Years: Margaret Rice – Sheriff’s Office; Fifteen Years: Brandy Jones – Rehab & Nursing Center; Twenty Years: James Burgh – Sheriff’s Office.

Sheriff Roger Scott was present to present Deputy Sarah Frazier with an Employee Service Award Plaque for her twenty-five years of service to the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office.

Employee Service Awards for January 2020

Chairman Pietrowski recognized the following County Employees who were celebrating Service Awards in the month of January 2020: Five Years: Deanna Cada – Community Mental Health Board, Ronald Jossendal – Judiciary, Patricia McAdams – Circuit Clerk’s Office, Chris Porterfield – County Board Member; Fifteen Years: Lawrence Olson – Public Defender’s Office, Michael Venditti – Court Services; Twenty Years: Marcellus Anderson – Community Development Department.


Those Members of the Public that addressed the Board were:

- Terry Lozier, Gerry Ln., Sycamore Township

- Julie Weingarz, Gerry Ln., Sycamore Township

- Paul Anderson, Gerry Ln., Sycamore Township

- Pam Nelson, Gerry Ln., Sycamore Township

- Charlie Ocker, Gerry Ln., Sycamore Township

- Laurie Jobe, Shearon Ct., Sycamore Township

- Richard Westlake, Plank Rd., Sycamore Township

All seven citizens addressed the Board regarding their safety concerns about the driving conditions of Plank Road, specifically between Moose Range Road and just east of Lukens Road. Their concerns are the speed of the vehicles, drivers not obeying the rules of the road by passing at intersections, and vehicles passing when vehicle(s) in front of them are making a turning movement that requires them to cross a lane of traffic. A petition was provided to the County Board Members by Ms. Julie Weingarz. The petition summary stated that “Residents along Plank Road and commuters request restriping of Plank Road from south edge of Moose Range curve eastward to past the s-curve that is east of Lukens Road with a double, solid yellow stripe to indicate no passing zone. Place no passing signs along this stretch of road and lower speed limit to 45mph. There are 4 intersections on this stretch of road that should be clearly marked as no passing zones. The complexity of road conditions on this stretch include 4 intersections, 2 sharp curves, 2 moderate curves, 1 steep hill, entrances to 2 subdivisions, 1 school bus stop and multiple farm entrances. These conditions make passing very dangerous and rate of speed needs to be reduced from 55mph to 45mph to allow for safer entrance to and exiting from Plank Road for area residents and farmers and commuters until turn lanes or road straightening on Plank Road can be implemented.” The Action Petitioned for was “We the undersigned are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to extend no passing zone with appropriate signage on Plank Road eastward from the southern edge of Moose Range curve to eastern edge of S-curve that is just beyond Lukens Rd. Reduce speed limit to 45mph for this stretch of Plank Road.”


Chairman Pietrowski recommended approval of the following appointments:

a. Board of Health: Dr. Paul Stromborg, MD, Anita Zurbrugg, Dr. Carlos Dominguez, DVM, and Lorraine Daly, RN all newly appointed for three-year terms beginning January 1, 2020 and expiring December 31, 2022; Rukisha Crawford reappointed for a one-year term beginning January 1, 2020 and expiring December 31,2020.

b. Alternate Zoning Hearing Officer: Jeffrey L. Lewis appointed for a two-year term beginning February 1, 2020 and expiring January 31, 2022; Sarah Gallagher Chami appointed for a three-year term beginning February 1, 2020 and expiring January 31, 2023.


It was moved by Mr. Stoddard and seconded by Ms. Leifheit to approve the recommended appointments as presented.

Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote. The motion carried unanimously.



Resolution R2020-01: Award Resolution for New Cab & Chassis


Mr. Plote moved the DeKalb County Board hereby approves the lowest bid meeting specifications to CIT Trucks Inc. of Rockford, Illinois for the provision of a new Kenworth T370 Series Tandem Axle Cab and Chassis in the total amount, with warranty options, of $102,436.02. Mr. Jones seconded the motion as presented.

Roll Call Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those Members voting yea were Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Mr. Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Ms. Leifheit, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Ordinance O2020-01: An Ordinance Authorizing Boundary Modifications to the Area Known as the DeKalb County Enterprise Zone


Mrs. Emmer moved the DeKalb County Board hereby approves to amend the boundaries of the DeKalb County Enterprise Zone to include the Additional Area, specifically, Addendum “A” attached to the Designating Ordinance is hereby amended to include Exhibit “A” and Exhibit “B” attached to this Ordinance. Ms. Willis seconded the motion as presented.

Voice Vote

After additional clarifications on the area addressed in the Ordinance, the Chair called or a voice vote on the motion as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2020-02: Approval of a Second Amendment to the DeKalb County Enterprise Zone Intergovernmental Agreement


Mrs. Emmer moved the DeKalb County Board hereby approves this Second Amendment to the DeKalb County Enterprise Zone Intergovernmental Agreement to reflect modifications to the Legal Description of the Enterprise Zone as reflected in said Ordinance, and further authorizes and directs the Chairman of the DeKalb County Board to sign and execute said Agreement on behalf of DeKalb County, Illinois. Mr. Luebke seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote. The motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance O2020-02: An Ordinance Amendment the Property Tax Abatement Qualifying Criteria and Definitions in the DeKalb County Enterprise Zone


Mrs. Emmer moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves to amend the qualifying criteria for, and the terms of the property tax abatements available within, the boundaries of the DeKalb County Enterprise Zone, as outlined in the Ordinance, to improve the competitiveness of the region. Mr. Osland seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2020-03: Approval of a Third Amendment to the DeKalb County Enterprise Zone Intergovernmental Agreement


Mrs. Emmer moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves this Third Amendment to the DeKalb County Enterprise Zone Intergovernmental Agreement to incorporate the terms of the Abatement Amendments set forth in the Third Amending Ordinance, and further authorizes and directs the Chairman of the DeKalb County Board to sign and execute said Agreement on behalf of DeKalb County, Illinois. Mr. Porterfield seconded the motion as presented.

Voice Vote

The Chairman called for a voice vote on the motion as presented. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance O2020-03: An Ordinance Amendment Chapter 7 (Raffles and Poker Runs) of the DeKalb County Code


Mrs. Emmer moved the DeKalb County Board does hereby concur with the recommendation of the Economic Development Committee and approves to amend Chapter 7 of the County Code as outlined in Exhibit A, attached to this Ordinance. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The motion carried with a majority of the Members voting yea. Mr. Campbell and Ms. Crawford were opposed.


Claims – December 2019


Mr. Bagby moved to approve the payment of claims for last month, and the off-cycle claims paid during the previous month, including all claims for travel, meals, and lodging, in the amount of $11,137,059.83. Mr. Stoddard seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Chairman Pietrowski asked for a roll call vote on the approval of the December 2019 Claims. Those Members voted yea were Ms. Polanco, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Mr. Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Ms. Leifheit, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Claims – January 2020


Mr. Bagby moved to approve the payment of claims for this month, and the off-cycle claims paid during the previous month, including all claims for travel, meals, and lodging, in the amount of $9,020,960.54. Mr. West seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Chairman Pietrowski asked for a roll call vote on the approval of the January 2020 Claims. Those Members voted yea were Ms. Polanco, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Mr. Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Ms. Leifheit, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Reports of County Officials


Mr. Bagby moved to accept and place on file the following Reports of County Officials:

Ms. Willis

Cash & Investments in County Banks – November & December 2019 Public Defender’s Report – November & December 2019

Adult & Juvenile Monthly Reports – November & December 2019 Pretrial Report – November & December 2019

Sheriff’s Jail Report – November & December 2019

Building Permits & Construction Reports – November & December 2019 seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chairman requested a voice vote to accept the Reports of County Officials as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


Ordinance O2020-04: Providing for the Preservation of County Government History


Vice-Chairman Frieders moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves the provision to allow for the Preservation of DeKalb County Government History, as outlined in Exhibit A, attached to this Ordinance, and further directs the County Administrator to incorporate said language into the County Code, effective February 1, 2020. Ms. Slabon seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The motion carried unanimously with all Board Members present voting yea.

Ordinance O2020-05: Regulating the Parking of Vehicles on the County’s Sycamore Campus Property


Vice-Chairman Frieders moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves the regulations for the Parking of Vehicles on the County’s Sycamore Campus Property, as outlined in Exhibit A, attached to this Ordinance, and further directs the County Administrator to incorporate said language into the County Code, effective May 1, 2020. Ms. Mann-Lamb seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the motion. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.





Mr. Plote moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m. and Mrs. Emmer seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The motion to adjourn the meeting carried unanimously.
