Kishwaukee College Board of Trustees met March 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Members present
Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Members absent
Others present
Laurie Borowicz, President; Dave Dammon, Executive Director of Campus Operations; Kayte Hamel, Executive Director of College Relations & Foundation; Jill Hansen, CFO; Barbara Leach, Associate Dean of Instruction; RJ McGarry, Executive Director of IT; Michelle Ohlinger, Executive Administrative Assistant to the President; Michelle Rothmeyer, Vice President of Student Services; Judson Curry, Assistant Vice President of Instruction; Norm Jenkins, Citizen; Diane McNeily, Citizen; Barb Male, Citizen; Laurie Hoecherl, Faculty; Greg Brink, Faculty; Dominick Demonica, DKA Architects; Brad Male, Facilities
1. Opening of the Meeting
Procedural: A. Call to Order
Mr. Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
Action, Procedural: B. Roll Call
Ms. Ohlinger did roll call.
2. Closed Session
Action: A. Move into Closed Session
Motion to move into closed session.
Motion by Robert Hammon, second by Kathy Spears.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting “aye”: Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Procedural: B. Reconvene Open Session
The closed session ended at 6:39 pm. The open session resumed at 6:42 pm.
3. Public Comment
Information: A. Public Comment
Brad Male addressed the Board regarding renovations to campus and the concerns over the relocation of the Early Learning Center and the relocation of facilities staff from the Campus Operations building. The Board was emailed a letter spelling out concerns that felt needed to be addressed. There were concerns over the safety of the children, proximity the children and truck traffic, and the possible location of chemicals near the Early Learning Center. Mr. Male asked the Board to think of better alternatives for the Early Learning Center and give serious consideration of the renovations proposed. Mr. Male expressed that moving facilities out of the Campus Operations building would reduce the staff's efficiency to complete necessary work.
Greg Brink addressed the Board as a long time resident, tax payer and registered voter. Mr. Brink expressed his concern over how the tax dollars are being spent on the renovations. Mr. Brink stated that he does not see the transparency with the College. Mr. Brink mentioned that he doesn't understand the renovations that are being done to the campus and why programs, specifically CRT is now closed. Mr. Brink asked the Board where all the funds are coming from, yet the College is proposing a tuition increase. Mr. Brink stated that he has been in contact with Representative Tom Demmer, and will be working with his administration to get Representative Demmer to Kish's campus. Mr. Brink asked for the Board to consider postponing the renovations to the early learning center and the relocation of facilities from the campus operations building. Mr. Brink stated that he knows that the early learning center is important to the community, but the Board needs to consider a different location on campus.
Mr. Johnson thanked both Mr. Male and Mr. Brink for their comments.
4. Communications
Mr. Johnson stated that the City of DeKalb has closed two TIF's and that all the surplus funds have been released in total amount of $1,915,082.61. A total 5.6% is the total share to Kishwaukee College in TIF 2 Funds. Kishwaukee College has received three payments totaling just under $108,000 dollars. Ms. Hansen stated that in February, the College received a check from the TIF 1 in the amount of $162,000, totaling $270,000, from the City of DeKalb. Mr. Johnson stated that the process of handling the TIF's under the Dr. Nicklas is much more transparent as it has been handled in the past. Mr. Johnson stated that the States Attorney has instituted a forensic audit on the City of DeKalb. The results of the audit has not yet been disclosed.
5. PresentationS
Presentation: A. Demonica Kemper Architects- Locker Rooms, IT, Early Learning Center
Dominick Demonica from Demonica Kemper Architects presented to the Board of Trustees the renderings of the Locker Room, IT and Early Learning Center projects.
Dr. Borowicz stated that the Early Learning Center will cost $177,000 to remodel bathrooms and Kishwaukee College staff will be completing the remainder of the work. Dr. Borowicz stated that they looked for a place to put the Early Learning Center. Dr. Borowicz asked Mr. Demonica to explain how the $177,000 dollars compares to other options. Mr. Demonica stated that the Early Learning Center would need bathroom work completed for any relocation space on campus. Mr. Demonica stated that when looking at the master plan, he was trying to find the most efficient use of space to save on costs for the College. Mr. Demonica stated that Campus Operations Building is a newer, safer building for the children.
Dr. Borowicz stated that the Grant Building and the Early Learning Center are not structurally suitable for continued use.
Mr. Demonica stated that there were several conversations and input with the Early Learning Center staff during the development of bid package 3.
6. Committee Reports
Report: A. Audit Committee
Report: B. Executive Committee- January 28, 2020
Report: C. Finance Committee
Report: D. Advisory Committee
Report: E. Foundation Liaisons
Ms. Hamel stated that sponsorship packets have been mailed out for the Athletics Campaign and follow-up phone calls are being made to schedule appointments. Ms. Hamel shared that Heartland Bank has signed on as our first corporate partner.
Scholarships are up and running for FALL 2020. Application deadline is April 15th.
The Annual Scholarship Donor Appreciation Reception will be Thursday, April 2nd.
Ms. Hamel stated that Tricia Meyers, Foundation Assistant has been a great addition to the Foundation. Ms. Meyers started two weeks ago.
7. Information & Reports
Report: A. Comparison of Education Fund Revenue & Expenditures: FY'19 and FY'20
Ms. Hansen provided an update on the comparison of revenue and expenditures. Year-to-date revenue is slightly ahead of year-to-date FY20 budgeted revenue, at $373,860 higher than budget. Year-to-date expenses are under FY20 budget. Contractual and IT expenditures are over year-to-date budget due to annual costs expended in July.
Report: B. Dashboard Report
Dr. Borowicz stated that we continue with good news as when looking at Fall. We are up 8% in applications and registration opens in April.
The highest transition is with in-district students 22 years and younger; these applications are up 21%.
Dr. Hammon gave kudos to the College for their efforts.
Dr. Borowicz stated that a report will be provided to the Board at the end of the year showing the businesses that have been served and training that has been provided by Ms. Konan and her team.
Report: C. Grant Report
The Board was provided with the Grant Report.
Report: D. Upcoming College Events
The Board was provided with the upcoming College events.
Report: E. KEC Financial Summary
The Board was provided with the KEC financial summary.
Report: F. Facilities Report
Mr. Dammon stated that the remodeling and renovations to the A1400 bathrooms has begun. The project is being completed by our own maintenance personnel and will continue through March 2020.
The furniture plan is being finalized for the new Intercultural Center, student space in C1132. The area is planned to be open for Fall 2020. Dr. Borowicz mentioned that we have lots of students that currently hang out in the cafeteria area, and we felt that this was a good location for the Intercultural Center. The students are really looking forward to the new space, and if a larger space needs to be provided in the future, the College will look at other locations.
Report: G. Personnel Report
The Board was provided with the personnel report.
Dr. Borowicz provided the Board with the retirement letters from the two faculty members.
Report: H. FOIA Report
The Board was provided with the FOIA report.
8. Old Business
9. New Business
Action: A. Board of Trustees Awards of Excellence
The Board was provided with the recommendations for the Awards of Excellence.
Ms. McCluskey stated that we received a high turnout of 29 nominations this year. Each year the Board of Trustees recognizes employees in several categories who have made significant contributions to the institution through their assigned duties and responsibilities, through efforts going beyond their regular assignments, through providing exceptional leadership in helping the College to fulfill its mission and achieve its vision, or who have made significant contributions to the community through their service.
The recipients will be honored at the Employee Year End Recognition Celebration on May 14th. This year’s recipients are Laura Murdaugh– Full-Time Faculty, Eric Schroeder– Adjunct Faculty, Jessica Anderson– Professional Staff, Donna Keller– Support Staff, and Julie Oberheim– Part-Time Staff.
Motion to approve Board of Trustees Awards of Excellence
Motion by Bobbi Burke, second by Kathy Watkins.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting “aye”: Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action: B. Approval of Employment Contract
Caprice Butts, Coordinator of Testing Services $45,000
Motion to approve employment contract.
Motion by Robert Hammon, second by Linda Mason.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting “aye”: Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action: C. Approval of Policy Manual Revision- 4.12.01 Social Media
Dr. Hammon moved to waive the 2nd reading and approve the policy manual revision- 4.12.01 Social Media
Ms. Hamel stated the policy revision is to add language following legal guidelines and follow what other colleges are stating in their policy.
Motion to approve policy manual revision- 4.12.01 Social Media
Motion by Robert Hammon, second by Linda Mason.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting "aye": Ken Douber, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action: D. Approval of Faculty Appointments for Full-Time KCEA Bargaining Unit for FY'21
The Board was provided with two recommendations combined. The first recommendation is a change in status for the fulltime tenure-track faculty progressing toward tenure. There are three full-time faculty that have status change. The second recommendation if for change in rank status for the fulltime tenure and adjunct faculty members. There are eight faculty members and the rank changes will be effective for the fall 2020 semester. The Board was also provided with FY21 salaries for the KCEA Bargaining Unit.
Motion to approve Faculty Appointments for Full-Time KCEA Bargaining Unit for FY'21.
Motion by Kathy Watkins, second by Linda Mason.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting “aye”: Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action: E. Approval of 2020-2021 Sabbatical Leave Recommendation
There were no request for sabbatical leaves in fiscal year 2021.
Action: F. Approval of Bid Recommendation for Campus Remodeling Project
A request for Proposals (RFP) was circulated for the renovations to the Men's and Women's locker rooms, including referee locker rooms and trainer office, renovations to A1300 (IT area), A1314 (new Facilities office), and renovations to F111 bathrooms (Early Learning Center).
The bid opening was held on Thursday, February 27th. Two firms submitted bids. The low bidder, Sojstrom & Sons Inc., had bid of $1,734,064.
The total cost of the project is estimated to be $2,142,164 including contingency, furnishings, and Architectural and Engineering fees. DKA estimated all three projects would total $2,212,944. The bid came in $70,780.00 under the estimated total cost.
Motion to approve bid recommendation for Campus Remodeling Project
Motion by Ken Doubler, second by Robert Hammon
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting "aye": Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action: G. Tuition & Fee Recommendation
The Board was asked to approve a $5 per credit hour tuition increase effective with the Summer 2020 semester. This would result in a tuition rate of $149 per cred hour, a 3.5% increase. There was no recommended change to the Technology Fee ($11 per credit hour), Student Activitiy fee ($6 per credit hour), or the Registration Fee ($6 per class).
Motion to approve tuition and fee recommendation of $5 per credit hour.
Motion by Kathy Watkins, second by Robert Hammon. The Board held further discussion.
Ms. Watkins stated that one of the bigger topics of discussion during the ACCT Legislative Summit in DC was to try to get more students struggling financially into community colleges. She questioned if we need to do the $5 per credit hour increase to our students. Ms. Watkins stated that she knows that this would mean the College going into the OPEB liability fund. There is such a move to make college completely free but understands that Kish will most likely never get to that level.
Ms. Hansen stated that the $5 tuition increase would translate $250,000 to $300,000. Dr. Borowicz stated that every 1% in enrollment change is approximately $100,000. The College is budgeting down 7% and depending on how registration goes, we may not have to dip into reserves. Currently, we are anticipating dipping into our reserves in the amount of $250,000.
Dr. Hammon stated that in order to pursue a balanced budget if the $5 per credit hour is not accepted, the choices would be to dip into the reserves or the College will need to make cuts.
Dr. Borowicz stated that the $3 million dollar OPEB money that has been set aside at this point is projected to last 3-4 years before it is depleted.
Mr. Johnson suggested that the $260,000 unanticipated revenue from the City of DeKalb TIF, could offset the $5 per credit hour and buy the College one year.
Ms. Spears stated that one year the College did not do a tuition increase. The year the College did a $0 dollar increase, and the following year the College needed to approve a $12 per credit hour increase. Ms. Spears mentioned that she would not vote again for no tuition increase. Zero tuition increase does not keep up with inflation and all of our contracts are built in with inflation.
Mr. Doubler asked how we compared to some of our peer colleges. Dr. Borowicz stated that the College was about in the middle of tuition increases compared to other colleges. When we look at cost per full-time equivalent, we are the second lowest in the state because we have a small tax base in our district. Other colleges are able to charge less tuition, due to a larger tax base. Dr. Borowicz stated that we are a very efficient organization for the students we serve.
Mr. Luna stated that the students are not happy with the tuition increase. Dr. Borowicz mentioned that she has attended listening sessions with the students, and they understand that there needs to be some sort of increase for inflation.
Dr. Hammon asked for an amendment to the motion to approve the $5 dollar per credit hour increase.
Motion to amend the motion to approve a $5 dollar per credit hour tuition increase to a $3 dollar per credit hour tuition increase.
Motion by Dr. Hammon, second Ms. Mason
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting "aye": Linda Mason, Kathy Spears, Robert Hammon, Bobbi Burke, Robert Johnson. Those voting "nay": Kathy Watkins, Ken Doubler, Cris Luna
Motion to approve a $3 dollar per credit hour tuition increase effective with the Summer 2020 semester through next fiscal year.
$3 dollar per credit hour would be approximately a 2% increase.
Motion by Dr. Hammon, second Ms. Mason
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting "aye": Kathy Spears, Robert Hammon, Bobbi Burke, Robert Johnson. Those voting "nay": Kathy Watkins, Ken Doubler, Cris Luna
Action: H. Course Fee Recommendation
Dr. Kantner stated that the course fees are assessed to offset the higher costs learning environments. These courses require specialized consumable supplies and materials, specialized software, high technology equipment and equipment maintenance costs, contracts, and/or low faculty to student ratios.
Motion to approve course fee recommendation.
Motion by Bobbi Burke, second by Ken Doubler
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting "aye": Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action: I. Out-of-District and Out-of-State Tuition
The Board was asked to approve Out-of District tuition amount to $298 per credit hour (2 times the In-District rate) and Out-of State tuition amount to $447 per credit hour (3 times the In-District rate).
Motion to approve Out-of-District and Out-of State Tuition
Motion by Robert Hammon, second by Linda Mason
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting "aye": Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action: J. Approval of Variable Tuition for Career Technology and Health/Education Programs
The Board was asked to approve variable tuition for Career Technology and Health/Education Programs. The programs require specialized equipment, equipment maintenance costs and high contract hours of instruction.
Motion to approve variable tuition for Career Technology and Health/Education Programs
Motion by Bobbi Burke, second by Ken Doubler.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting “aye”: Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action: K. Approval of Settlement Agreement with Former Employee
Mr. Johnson stated that the settlement agreement is with a former employee of the College who had a claim against the college for unpaid wages.
Motion to approve Settlement Agreement with Former Employee
Motion by Robert Hammon, second by Ken Doubler.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting “aye”: Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action: L. Approval of Travel Expenses for any Member of the Board of Trustees
The Board was asked to approve travel expenses for Kathleen Watkins ( ACCT Legislative Summit, travel and parking $229.81 and meals $171.27, ICCTA Meeting Registration $150.00 and lodging $100.80), Roberta Burke ( ACCT Legislative Summit, meals $184.18 and parking $10.00), Robert Johnson (ICCTA Meeting Registration $150.00 and lodging $100.80, Springfield Meeting- mileage $200.10 and meals $22,63).
Motion to approve travel expenses for any Member of the Board of Trustees.
Motion by Kathy Spears, second by Robert Hammon.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting “aye”: Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action, Procedural: M. Approval of Travel Expenses that Exceed the Maximum Allowable Reimbursement
There were none.
Action: N. Approval of Reimbursable Expenses Because of Emergency or Other Extraordinary Circumstances
There were none.
10. Board Member Discussion
Information: A. ICCTA Meeting- Heartland Community College (3/13-3/14)
Mr. Johnson, Ms. Watkins and Dr. Borowicz will be attending meeting at Heartland Community College March 13-14.
Information: B. ICCTA NW Region Community College Meeting-Kishwaukee College (4/1)
The Kishwaukee College Board of Trustees will be hosting the ICCTA NW Region Community College Meeting on April 1st. Mr. Johnson will welcome the group.
Ms. Watkins will not be present at the ICCTA NW Region Community College Meeting.
Discussion: C. ICCTA Meeting, Harry L. Crisp II Community College & Lobby Day, Springfield (4/28-4/29)
Discussion: D. Other
Dr. Borowicz shared with the Board the College's Continuity of Business Plan. As colleges are closing due to COVID-19, we have decided that we need a plan to determine what Kish will need to if a proclamation comes out stating that insitutions of higher education needs to close. Dr. Borowicz asked the Board to review the plan and give their thoughts and give the opportunity to ask questions. The plan is a draft, and will be discussed with our unions. We feel much better today knowing that we have a plan in place.
The Board will review Dr. Borowicz's performance during the May Board meeting.
Mr. Johnson stated that on March 3rd, he and Mr. Iverson and Mr. Eddington met with leaders in Springfield in regard to the sewer project. The day was full of meetings scheduled by Joyce Nardulli, Kishwaukee College lobbyist.
Mr. Johnson stated we are asking for $4,000,000 dollars out of $7,000,000 for the sewer project. An application will be submitted. Dr. Kantner stated that Ms. Green will find out the eligibility and all the requirements by the end of this week or Monday at the latest.
Mr. Johnson mentioned that it was a very positive experience in Springfield, and he feels we would find some support from Springfield relating to the sewer project.
Ms. Hamel stated that the ICCTA awards are due at the end of the month. The ICCTA awards nominations will be presented to the Board next month.
Mr. Johnson stated that earlier in the meeting the Board held a closed session. The Board reviewed a March 4th email request from the KCEA President to Dr. Borowicz. In that email request, the KCEA Union President requested that Dr. Borowicz provide a written self-assessment of what she "has done wrong" and actionable, measurable lines for improvement. The KCEA President instructed that Dr. Borowicz submits the assessment of her performance and action plan, in writing to the KCEA President by 4:00 pm on March 27th.
The College's Board of Trustees has the sole obligation and the responsibility under law and per her employment contract to evaluate Dr. Borowicz's performance on an annual basis, which has been done each year. The Board will review, assess and evaluate Dr. Borowicz 2019-2020 performance in May, as part of our annual process. The Board has recognized her successful accomplishments and effective Administrative team, and we really value her performance as our President. It has been strong and effective in a time of necessary change. Because, the KCEA requested Dr. Borowicz's self-assessment of her performance to the KCEA President, rather than the Board of Trustees, the Board has asked Dr. Borowicz not to respond to the request.
Rather than a written response to the KCEA President's March 4th email, the Board requests that the KCEA allow the opportunity for the Board Chair, another Board member and Dr. Borowicz to address any issues of concern to KCEA members at the next or special KCEA membership meeting. The Board continues to have complete and full confidence in Dr. Borowicz and her administrative team. We will communicate directly in an email to the KCEA Union President tomorrow.
11. Consent Agenda
Action (Consent): A. Board of Trustees February 18, 2020 Meeting Minutes
Resolution: Motion to approve consent agenda item.
Motion to approve consent agenda item.
Motion by Kathy Watkins, second by Bobbi Burke.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting “aye”: Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action (Consent): B. Summary and Report of Budgetary Revenues and Expenditures
Resolution: Motion to approve consent agenda item.
Motion to approve consent agenda item.
Motion by Kathy Watkins, second by Bobbi Burke.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting “aye”: Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action (Consent): C. Accounts Payable Recap
Resolution: Motion to approve consent agenda item.
Motion to approve consent agenda item.
Motion by Kathy Watkins, second by Bobbi Burke.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting “aye”: Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
Action (Consent): D. Investment Report
Resolution: Motion to approve consent agenda item.
Motion to approve consent agenda item.
Motion by Kathy Watkins, second by Bobbi Burke.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting “aye”: Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna
12. Student Representative's Report
Report: A. Student Representative's Report
The Board received the Student Representative's Report.
13. President's Report
Report: A. President's Report
Dr. Borowicz recently met with the Indian Creek High School Principal and Superintendent in regard to an expansion to the 2 Degrees in 3 Years program.
Dr. Borowicz and Dr. Kantner met with Erik Carlson and Rockford Mayor McNamara to discuss Kishwaukee College as a partner with the Cannabis Vocational Pilot program. Dr. Borowicz stated that this would be a great boost to our agriculture and horticulture programs at Kish.
Dr. Borowicz and Dr. Kantner went to the Alliance for Innovation and Transformation (AFIT) conference in Denver last week. The theme of the conference was on leading the change in disruption in education.
If Kish decides to commit to this organization, we would take a team of 5-6 in to an additional 3-day conference in July. Dr. Borowicz mentioned that it was a productive and valuable three days. The conference was very useful and beneficial.
14. Closed Session
Action: A. Move into Closed Session
Mr. Johnson stated that there was no need to have a 2nd closed session.
15. Adjournment
Action, Procedural: A. End of Meeting
The meeting concluded at 8:14 pm.
Motion to adjourn the meeting.
Motion by Bobbi Burke, second by Kathy Watkins.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Those voting “aye”: Ken Doubler, Linda Mason, Kathy Watkins, Kathy Spears, Bobbi Burke, Robert Hammon, Robert Johnson, Cris Luna