DeKalb County Forest Preserve Operations Committee met April 28.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Operations Committee met virtually via Zoom. Chairman Stoddard called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those Members virtually present were Ms. Maureen Little, Ms. Terri Mann-Lamb, Mr. Chris Porterfield, Mr. Craig Roman, Mr. Jeff Whelan, and Chairman Paul Stoddard. Mr. Tim Hughes was absent. A quorum was established with six Members present and one absent.
Others present via Zoom included Forest Preserve District Superintendent Terry Hannan, Pete Stefan, and Kathy Lampkins.
It was moved by Mr. Porterfield, seconded by Ms. Little, and it was carried unanimously to approve the meeting agenda as presented.
It was moved by Mr. Whelan, seconded by Mr. Roman and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from the February 25, 2020 Meeting.
There were no public comments.
Mr. Hannan explained that this is an annual housekeeping item to transfer appropriations between line items or approve supplemental appropriations for unanticipated expenditures that were incurred during FY 2019.
DeKalb County Finance Director Pete Stefan commented for auditing purposes he advised Mr. Hannan to move the Chambers and Nehring Addition land acquisitions to the Forest Preserve General Fund and then transferring in that same amount from the Land Acquisition Fund. This is solely to protect the Forest Preserve General Fund from future tax objections as the fund balance is becoming a target. This explains the two $1,542,000 entries – one in the Forest Preserve General Fund for the actual purchase, and one in the Land Acquisition Fund for the transfer of funds. This was done as a procedural move to help satisfy some tax objections that the District has been involved with in the past couple years.
Mr. Hannan noted that regarding the tax objections, he has provided all information regarding future land acquisitions and what the reserves are being earmarked for to the State’s Attorney’s Office. Both instances those objections have been dropped because the reserve funds can be justified.
Mr. Whelan questioned whether the COVID-19 pandemic would have a significant impact on the District’s budget. The only item that may have a very minimal impact will be the user fees collected (shelter rentals/camping fees) but that that is a pretty small portion of the budget, Mr. Hannan noted.
It was moved by Mr. Whelan, seconded by Ms. Little and carried unanimously to forward the FY 2019 Year-End Budget Transfers Resolution to the full Board of Commissioners recommending its approval.
Mr. Hughes arrived at 6:13 p.m.
The Committee was provided the March/April Forest Preserve Report, the March and April Natural Resource Summary, and Wildlife Highlights Report for January, February & March of 2020.
Mr. Hannan reported that all forest preserve have been very well used by people and families outside getting exercise, fresh air, reconnecting to nature and un-plugging for a while. Shelters, Lodges, the Natural Resource Center, toilets and campgrounds are all currently closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Trails, greenspace, parking lots, picnic and conservation areas are open and social distancing is required.
Most spring events have been canceled but the 26th annual Great Western Trail cleanup was held on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day by the Lions Club.
Forest Preserve District staff has been working independently at the various preserves installing signage, doing trail and culvert repairs, grading and installing new gravel drives, burning, mowing, and performing normal spring preserve maintenance projects. Along sections of the Great Western Trail non-native trees, brush, etc. was cut and herbicide treated to prevent regrowth. This also serves for public safety visibility for trail users.
Mr. Hannan also shared that he has still been keeping in contact and meeting with Mr. Bob Wood regarding the property previously known as the Oak Club in Genoa. The Forest Preserve District is still planning on having a June closing on the property. Mr. Hannan shared that he expects to hear back on the results of the 50% Clean Energy Grant he applied for in May.
Mr. Roman noted that the Great Western Trail was in great condition.
Mr. Hughes noted that he walked the old cart paths at the former Oak Club property recently and the property is looking great.
It was moved by Mr. Porterfield, seconded by Mr. Roman and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 6:28 p.m.