
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Town of Cortland Board of Trustees met May 11

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Town of Cortland Board of Trustees met May 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Call to Order I Pledge of Allegiance / Roll Call

Mayor Stokes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Those in attendance said the Pledge of Allegiance. Deputy Clerk Nielsen called the roll call and the following Trustees were present: Siewierski, Robins, Stone, Fioretto, and Walker. Absent: Corson. Also present: Town Attorney Kevin Buick, Anna Kurtzman, ICCI, Nathan Schwartz, DeKalb County Highway Engineer, and Deputy Clerk Peerboom.

Approval of Agenda

Trustee Robins made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Trustee Walker. Motion carried by voice vote.

Public Wishing to Speak

Nathan Schwartz, DeKalb County Highway Department Engineer, was in the audience, but wanted to speak at the appropriate time.

Consent Agenda

The Deputy Clerk read into the record the Consent Agenda. Trustee Robins made a motion to approve the Town Board.Minutes for April 27, 2020, seconded by Trustee Walker. Motion carried by roll call vote.

New Business for Discussion and Possible Action

Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement (IGA) for the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in the DeKalb-Sycamore, Illinois Urbanized Area - Nathan Schwartz, DeKalb County Highway Engineer.

Trustee Robins asked about the difference between the new agreement and the old agreements. Mr. Schwartz advised that they have made substantial changes to the agreement, making the agreement more concise.

Trustee Robins made a motion to approve the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in the DeKalb-Sycamore, Illinois Urbanized Area, seconded by Trustee Walker. Motion carried by roll call vote. A2020-04

Approve an Ordinance for the Final Plat for Robinson Farm P.U.D. Unit 5 Re- subdivision of Lots 30, 31, and 32 and Amend a Special Use Permit for A Planned Residential Development by Adopting a Final Development Plan for Robinson Farm P.U.D. Unit 5

Trustee Stone asked about the Special Use. Mrs. Kurtzman advised that this agreement amends a portion of the Special Use. Mr. Stone also asked why it was a re-subdivision. Mrs. Kurtzman replied that, when it was first subdivided, it was called a subdivision; but now that it is being subdivided again, it is called a re-subdivision.

Trustee Stone made a motion to approve the Ordinance for the Final Plat for Robinson Farm P.U.D., Unit 5 Re-subdivision of Lots 30, 31, and 32 and to amend the Special Use Permit for a Planned Residential Development, by adopting a Final Development Plan for Robinson Farm P.U.D., Unit 5, seconded by Trustee Fioretto. Motion carried by roll call vote.

Ratify Mayor's action to execute an Easement with Com Ed for a utility service on North Avenue.

Trustee Stone asked if this was the same easement that was discussed at the last meeting, Mayor Stokes agreed that it was.

Trustee Stone made a motion to ratify the Mayor's action to execute an Easement with ComEd for a utility service on North Avenue, seconded by Trustee Fioretto. E 2020-01


Trustee Fioretto asked about trees being taken down at the park land that was donated by Resource Bank. Mayor Stokes advised that it has been "JULIE'd" and it will be cleaned up, but services will need to be moved before the rest of the trees can be removed.

President Report

Mayor Stokes thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. He said that there are certain things that just can't wait to be approved.


Trustee Robins made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Siewierski. Motion carried by voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
