
DeKalb Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

City of Sandwich Finance Committee met May 18

Webp meet

City of Sandwich Finance Committee met May 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Chairwoman Killey called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM via WebEx teleconference call due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Roll call was taken:

Present: Aldermen Dell, Killey & Kreinbrink

Also Present: Any public member that was logged into the teleconference call; Mayor Robinson, City Clerk Ii & Aldermen Redden were present in open meeting

Review of Semi-Monthly Bills: Bills were reviewed to be submitted for payment approval at the Regular Meeting of May 26th, 2020. Alderman Kreinbrink questioned several entries for landlord reimbursement. Clerk Ii explained that delinquent accounts were turned over to IDRP (Illinois Debt Recovery Program) for collection from the debtors. The collection process can take up to seven years to collect from the debtor’s State income tax return. If a landlord has paid the delinquency, and in the interim the City has received compensation from the State, the landlord is refunded their money. Such a scenario happens infrequently. Alderman Kreinbrink also questioned payment to DeKalb County Collector for $2,298.34. Clerk Ii explained this is an annual drainage tax fee of which the City is not tax-exempt.

Alderman Dell questioned why $950.00 for squad camera repairs was debited from the Drug Abuse Fund under police equipment line item120.0000.85.5820 and not from line item 001.0020.80.5720 in the general fund. Chief Bianchi explained the Drug Abuse Fund can be used for police equipment. Both Alderman Dell & Kreinbrink favored the invoice be debited to GL (General Ledger) line item #001.0020.80.5720 via journal transfer. Clerk Ii reminded the Committee that the Drug Abuse Fund is held at Heartland Bank & Trust whereas the general ledger entries are funded at FNB Bank. The Drug Abuse Fund is a reserve account.

New Business: Alderman Kreinbrink suggested that the Finance Committee evaluate and address the policy procedures suggested by Lauterbach & Amen last fall. The proposed policies include debt, investment and purchasing. Committee favored reviewing the purchasing policy first. Chairwoman Killey will contact committee members to decide on a special meeting date due to arrangements needed for a teleconference meeting.

Audience Comments: None

Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Committee, motion made by Alderman Dell and seconded by Alderman Kreinbrink to adjourn at 7:52 PM.
