
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DeKalb County Highway Committee Met August 7

Webp meeting 07

DeKalb County Highway Committee met Aug. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

A virtual public meeting of the Highway Committee of the DeKalb County Board was held on Thursday, August 6, 2020, at 6:00pm.

Chairman Plote called the meeting to order at 6:04pm and called for the roll. Committee members present were Ms. Emmer, Mr. Luebke, Mr. Pietrowski, and Vice Chair Willis. Mr. West and Mr. Osland joined the meeting at 6:07 and 6:08 respectively. The County Engineer, Mr. Nathan Schwartz, Mr. Derek Hiland, Assistant County Administrator, Mr. Wayne Davey, Support Services Manager and three guests were also present by video.


Motion made by Mr. Luebke and seconded by Ms. Emmer to approve the agenda as presented. Roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Pietrowski moved and Vice Chair Willis seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the June 4, 2020 regular meeting. Roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.



Mr. Schwartz provided the Committee a short overview of the engineering agreement for this project. As the traffic increases and the road becomes more challenging for the traveling public, some sort of improvement or redesign might be in order for that portion of Plank Road north of Lindgren to east of Lukens Road. This agreement will study the best option to address the future needs of the traveling public and then continue with the Phase I Preliminary Engineering. The cost negotiated for this study and phase I engineering was a not-to-exceed amount of $470,928.00. This amount is the financial worst case scenario if the consultant needs to maximize all the aspects of the work.

The County would only pay for what work that was actually performed by the consultant. If, after the project was underway, and some elements or components of this agreement were not needed, the County would not be charged for those. Traditionally, the not-to-exceed amount on engineering contracts are rarely met. The Committee expressed concerns over the cost of this agreement in light of the current financial situation the County is facing dealing with the current pandemic restrictions and uncertainties. Also mentioned was the Committee’s understanding that there were other options that might apply to this portion of roadway that could be implemented prior to or instead of the realignment option that could provide a safer roadway. The Committee recognized the need for roadway improvements on Plank Road and the need to move forward sooner rather than later. Mr. Schwartz stated funding was available for this agreement and this agreement would be completed over 18 months. The Highway Department does not rely on sales tax for funding which goes into the General Fund, but receives property tax, motor fuel tax and Federal funding. The Highway Department does not budget from the General Fund. The longer the County were to wait to begin this process of determining what would be the best avenue of approach to take on Plank Road the more likelihood the cost for these services would increase. The Committee inquired if the cost could be shared by either DSATS or the City of Sycamore. Mr. Schwartz stated DSATS is a federally funded planning organization and this project would not meet the federal requirements associated with planning. The City of Sycamore is unlikely to participate at this level of the proposed project. The Committee asked if the current traffic remained constant over the next 5 -10 years, would the project be able to be put on hold. Mr. Schwartz stated the County would move forward with the land acquisition and construction only after the best option was selected and traffic trends dictated a safety upgrade to Plank Road. The first step in determining what action, if any, would be appropriate for Plank Road would be to begin the phase I engineering process. Vice Chair Willis moved and Mr. Pietrowski seconded a motion to forward the resolution to the full County Board for approval. Roll call vote was taken with Mr. Luebke, Mr. Osland and Mr. West voting yes. Mr. Pietrowski, Vice Chair Willis and Chairman Plote voted no. Ms. Emmer had left the meeting prior to this vote. Motion failed for lack of a majority.


Mr. Schwartz explained to the Committee that bids were received for this project and opened at the Highway Department on August 5, 2020. Four bids were received with Swedberg and Associates Inc. from Sycamore, Illinois submitting the low bid meeting specifications in the amount of $219,500.00. This amount was under the engineer’s estimate for this project and Mr. Schwartz recommended award. Mr. Luebke moved and Vice Chair Willis seconded a motion to forward the resolution to the full County Board recommending approval. Roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously with six yes votes.


Bids were received for this project on August 5th and five bids were submitted. Martin and Company Excavating from Oregon, Illinois submitted the low bid meeting specifications in the amount of $401,078.63. This was below the engineer’s estimate for this project and Mr. Schwartz recommended approval of this award. Mr. West moved and Mr. Osland seconded a motion to forward the resolution to the full County Board recommending approval. Roll call vote was held and the motion passed unanimously with six yes votes.


Mr. Schwartz stated the Highway Department is replacing one of its skid steers this year as budgeted. The County has a track Bobcat as well as an all-wheel Bobcat. In order to carry like maintenance items and attachment compatibility, the Department again requested bids for a Bobcat model skid steer and one additional attachment. One bid was received and it was submitted by CSR Bobcat from DeKalb, Illinois. The bid is within the budgeted amount by the Department and Mr. Schwartz recommended approval of the Bobcat and the additional attachment in the amount of $45,833.53. Mr. Osland moved and Mr. Luebke seconded a motion to forward the resolution to the full County Board recommending approval. Roll call vote was held and the motion passed unanimously with six yes votes.

CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS: Chairman Plote requested updates on Waterman Road and commented that it appeared Suydam Road culvert project was progressing well.

COUNTY ENGINEER’S COMMENTS: Monthly updates on projects were shared with the Committee. The McGirr Road Bridge, scheduled to be built during 2021, stands at 50% of the preliminary and design engineering complete. Construction of McNeal Road Bridge is underway and it is 10% complete and has a completion date of October 31st. Motel Road Bridge was let and bids came in 7-8% over the engineer’s estimate. The County informed IDOT that funds were available to cover the anticipated increase right after the bid, but IDOT has yet to award the contract. Anything over 5% of the engineer’s estimate calls for further review by IDOT. This project is still in Springfield being reviewed and hopefully will be awarded soon so construction can begin. The Peace Road and Route 64 intersection is 100% complete as is the Peace Road resurfacing from Bethany Road to Sarah Drive (to include Mercantile Drive for the City of Sycamore). The Plank Road Safety Shoulder project is also 100% complete. Somonauk Road culvert extensions is being moved to 2021. South First Street box culvert replacement will be awarded by the County Board this month. The Suydam Road Bridge stands at 50% complete for the preliminary engineering and 25% complete for design engineering. The ditch reshaping on Waterman Road is also 100% complete. Waterman Road project, 3B – ditches south of Somonauk Creek, currently stands at 50% preliminary and design engineering complete.

The legislative update remains focused on COVID relief and budget discussions. On the Federal side work has begun on the Federal Transportation Bill that is set to expire in September. It will more than likely be extended a couple of times before there is a final bill.

DSATS interviewed a promising candidate for the Planner position. Further discussions will hopefully take place in the near future. DSATS will also be working on the Pavement Condition Study to assist with the selection and prioritizing of projects to submit for funding.

The 2021 Budget was presented to the Committee. Discussion was held on the County Motor Fuel Budget as to the big jump in expenditures. There are several hot-mix resurface projects scheduled for 2021, to include Waterman Road, South First Street, Chicago Road and Suydam Road. These additional projects were made possible by the recent receipt of Rebuild Illinois Funds that the County will be receiving for the next two years.

ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Plote stated there was nothing further on the agenda and asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by Mr. Luebke seconded by Mr. West. Roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously with six yes votes. The meeting was adjourned at 8:03pm.
