
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Board of Education Met August 11

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Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Board of Education met Aug. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

Board President, Mrs. Kristen Andrews called the Genoa-Kingston CUSD #424 Special Board of

Education Meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Roll Call - Physically present: Dr. Brynteson, Mr. Cleveland, Dr. Hintzsche, Mrs. Ratliff, Mr. Wesner, Mrs. Andrews, Mr. O’Daniell, and Dr. Shortridge.

Virtually Present: None.

Absent: None.

Pledge of Allegiance

Mr. O'Daniell led guests and members of the Board of Education in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mission Statement

Board Member, Mr. Wesner read the Mission Statement "Preparing students to excel and contribute to their community."

Mr. O’Daniell shared a Presentation:

Mr. O’Daniell thanked the board, community, staff and students for their input relating to the Return to Learn plan.

Mr. O’Daniell shared a presentation outlining reasons he was now recommending starting the school

year full remote through first semester versus the hybrid plan previously approved by the board on July 28. He also recommended pushing back the start of the school year to August 24. Mr. O’Daniell shared current data regarding an increase in COVID cases with DeKalb County at a warning level. He also shared new developments from the IDPH regarding their definition of close contact while also waiting for guidance for the start of school. Mr. O’Daniell stated the health and safety of all staff and students was in the forefront of his decision, and this decision was not made lightly. He also stressed the importance of stability for the district overall. Mr. O’Daniell clarified he was not pressured by the union in making this decision or recommendation, but rather his decisions to start in full remote was driven by the current data to have stability for the district staff, students and community.

GKEA Statement:

GKEA President, Mr. Owen thanked the board and community for their time and asked to speak on behalf of the Union. He shared a presentation reviewing a prior survey sent to the staff as well as recent survey regarding staff input over health and safety concerns returning to school in a hybrid model. Equally divided was KES while GES staff had a moderate to high level whereas GKMS and GKHS staff had a high level of concern for their health and safety. He further commented on the collaborative approach to find what is in the best interest of students and staff. Mr. Owen also shared the staffs concerns over having enough time to prepare for the start of the school year.

Mr. Cleveland shared concerns over the union sending out an additional survey when the board already approved the Hybrid model.

Mr. Owen stated recent staff concerns, regarding health and safety, brought to union representatives initiated the survey to obtain current data when speaking to the board. He also stated he would continue to send surveys throughout the school year to monitor any further concerns of the staff.

Public Hearings, Petitions, Questions and Comments from Guests and Visitors


Kara Groh – Stated doing research on surrounding districts Return to Learn plans and was not in favor of a full remote learning plan. She shared concerns over her half-day Kindergarten student walking home alone, and/or remote learning, technology concerns and speech/language concerns. She also shared concerns over working from home while her students learn from home.

Lisa Shuester – Was not in favor of full remote learning. She also shared concerns over helping her own children learn, speech/language classes, daycare, and loss of education with full remote learning.

Melissa Neblock – Was not in favor of full remote learning and stated students need to be in class. She shared concerns regarding social/emotional well-being of students as well as losing students to other districts. She was in favor of pushing back the start date of school.

Zachary Neblock – Stated he was a current sophomore at G-K. He was not in favor of full remote learning.

Laura Klein – Was not in favor of full remote learning. She shared concerns over the social/emotional well-being of students. She also shared concerns over our student’s educational futures.

Breanna Vitacco – Teacher - Thanked the administration and board for evaluating and re-evaluating the Return to Learn plan. She stated wanting to be back in the classroom but shared concerns over the health and safety of staff and students.

Jacob Groh – Stated he has four students in the district and youngest going into Kindergarten. He shared concerns over a full remote learning plan and youngest using technology as well as all his students’ education suffering.

Facebook “Live” Comments

Mr. O’Daniell shared the Facebook “Live” comments.

Theresa Scott – Shared concerns regarding various levels of learners in one-class as well as middle school students staying in one room all day.

James Dodd – Commented on in-person learning.

Melissa Griffith – Was in favor of the hybrid model and some normalcy for students.

Nicole W – Was in favor of the hybrid model for working parents and shared concerns over the education student’s would receive with full remote learning.

Tabitha - Was in favor of in person learning and asked how often the Return to Learn plan will be re- evaluated She also asked about the reading program and student assistance.

Bryan Schwichtenberg - He was in favor of parents choosing between a remote learning or hybrid learning plan.

Logan Neblock – A junior at G-K was more in favor of in person learning and shared his concerns over full remote learning. "

Anonymous – Asked if staff would be educated in proper PPE such as; wearing masks.

Brooke Patrick – Was in favor of a full remote plan in order to eliminate the unforeseen challenges and inconsistencies.

Melissa Dodd – Was in favor of a hybrid plan if full in person was not an option.

Jessica Evans – Was in favor of in person learning. She also shared concerns over students with IEP’s as well as students social/emotional well-being.

Stephanie Fowler – Expressed support of the school board and the tough decisions to be made and asked that the community supports the final decision and come together to make the decisions set by the board successful for all families.

Emma Foelske – Was in favor of full remote learning to be better safe than sorry.

Kristi – Was in favor of parents having a choice of hybrid or remote learning

Ryan – Was in favor of the hybrid plan and parents choosing what is best for their student.

Amber Wiegartz – Was in favor of in person learning. She also shared concerns over the social/emotional well-being of students. She further stated to change plans now without force from the CDC or State of Illinois would be wrong.

Jessica Sus – Was in favor of a hybrid plan.

Laura Hulseberg – Teacher – She was in favor of remote learning due to the increase in COVID cases in the county. She also stated it was imperative that public servants like educators work to reduce the infection rate and not contribute to the spread. She also stated while we all acknowledge virtual learning is not perfect, it does guarantee that each teacher will be able to educate students despite the ongoing pandemic and that each student will have an un-interrupted learning experience. She further stated that if infections infiltrate the teaching staff, then teachers would not be able to do their jobs. "

Katie Rich – Asked about licensed substitutes working remotely from home.

Katelin Keacher – Teacher – She was in favor of full remote learning for the safety of staff and students.

Samantha Rodway – Felt strongly in favor of children returning to school. She shared concerns over the social/emotional well-being of students as well as their education versus catching the virus.

Sandy Arndt - Teacher – She was in favor of a customized Return to Learn plans by grade level.

Anson Ellis – Teacher – He was in favor of full remote learning, and commented on wanting what is best for the staff, students and community. He shared concerns over the unknown long-lasting complications of COVID even after recovery.

Faith Lee – Teacher – She was in favor of a full remote plan and shared concerns regarding students effectively and successfully learning in person with social distancing and safety guidelines in place. She stated as much as we want to return to “normal”, their days and educational experiences will not be normal. She also shared concerns as a new mom regarding the anxiety of bringing the virus home to her family.

Terri Chriss, RN – Stated current ISBE and CDC recommendations have not changed since the board voted for a hybrid plan on July 28. She was in favor of parents making the choice for their student to attend in person or remotely. She also stated there was no more of a safety risk working at school than working at Walmart, Lowes or a professional office and the precautions put in place by the ISBE and CDC decrease the risk.

Kaedyn – Was in favor of a hybrid approach to learning and stated the hardest part of E-Learning was the social aspect with feeling isolated and alone.

Kelly Frederick – Shared concerns over a full remote plan and her 7 year old not getting the necessary instruction.

Old Business

Return to Learn Update - Class Breakdowns

Mr. Cleveland asked why the board was being asked to consider taking action on a change the Return to Learn plan which was recently approved by the board. He also stated guidelines from the ISBE, CDC, IDPH and DCHD have not changed. He was in favor of parents deciding what is best for their student and was not in favor of taking action on a change to the Return to Learn plan.

Mrs. Andrews commented on the request to change the Return to Learn plan. She asked for a discussion and consensus by the board prior to considering taking action on the recommendation of a full remote plan.

Mr. O’Daniell commented on current data from the state and county showing weekly increases since the first week in July. He also commented on the change in definition of close contact with individuals wearing masks being cumulative increasing the risk to students and staff. He also commented on the opportunity for students that are asymptomatic to transfer the virus. All reasons he was recommending a change to full remote learning for the first semester.

The board held a lengthy discussion regarding the request to approve the change from a hybrid plan to a full remote plan for first semester.

Mrs. Ratliff, Dr. Hintzsche, and Dr. Brynteson were not in favor of taking action on a full remote plan.

Mr. Wesner shared his concerns over the recent data and increased cases in children along with the unknown long-term effects of the virus.

Mr. Cleveland was not in favor of a full remote plan and asked for clarification in the two action items requested.

Mr. O’Daniell commented on the request to approve pushing back the start date to August 31 as well as approval of a hybrid plan to a full remote plan.

Dr. Brynteson stated it was important that parents not send their students to school sick as well as the district continue to review the data on the virus and impact to learning being aware that the plan may change. She also shared concerns regarding the upcoming flu season.

Dr. Brynteson also clarified that online learning does not equate to bad education and that remote learning can be powerful.

Mrs. Andrews was in favor of the hybrid plan. She also asked the community to help in efforts to keep students and staff safe by keeping children home if they are sick as well as teach them to wear their masks. She also asked for PPE staff education. She further asked staff to continue to share needs and concerns to keep them safe.

Dr. Hintzsche asked about the PPE supplies and education for all staff.

Mr. O’Daniell commented on PPE items provided to staff and students as well as PPE education provided to all staff at the upcoming teachers institute. He also commented on the procurement of any additional staff safety needs.

Mr. Owen asked to address the board again. The board approved Mr. Owen’s request.

Mr. Owen stated he understood the difficult decisions by the board. He also commented on the staff wanting to do what is best for students. Mr. Owen stated the staff was concerned about the feasibility

and timeline to allow for proper PPE education as well as developing a staff safety plan prior to August 17. Mr. Owen also commented on districts moving to full remote plans because they cannot effectively keep people safe. He also commented on collaborating with other districts to look at best practices.

Dr. Hintzsche asked Mr. Owen to clarify what exactly the staff was seeking.

Mrs. Andrews commented on best practices to keep staff and students safe as well as working together at building and district level to meet the needs of the staff to help everyone feel safe.

Mr. O’Daniell will be attending a superintendents meeting to address and collaborate on all student and staff safety concerns.

Mrs. Andrews asked the board for consensus on the request to change the Return to Learn plan from hybrid to full remote.

The board gave was in consensus to not take action on a change to the Return to Learn plan.

Mrs. Andrews was in favor of pushing back the start of the school year and asked for board input regarding an acceptable start date.

Board members were in favor of moving the start of school to August 31.

Approval of the amended 2020-2021 public school calendar with a start date of August 31 will take place on August 25.

Discussion/Approval of Substitute Teacher Rates

Dr. Shortridge shared a report with the most recent countywide substitute teachers pay as requested by the board.

Mrs. Andrews asked for a recommendation to continue to attract substitutes to the district. Mr. O’Daniell commented on investing in substitute teachers due to the current climate.

Dr. Shortridge commented on increasing the substitute rates to stay competitive with little to no effect on the overall budget.

The board held a lengthy discussion regarding substitute rates and was in favor of matching DeKalb School District rates to stay competitive.

A motion was made by Dr. Brynteson, and second by Mr. Cleveland, to approve the increase of substitute rates to match DeKalb School District.

Ayes: Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Andrews Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Discussion/Approval of Park District After-School Child Care Program Intergovernmental Agreement

Dr. Shortridge shared information on the Parks childcare program and the agreement.

The Park District will be running these programs at Kingston and at GES this fall and perhaps for the entire school year.

A motion was made by Mrs. Ratliff, and seconded by Dr. Brynteson, to approve the 2020-2021 Intergovernmental Agreement between Genoa-Kingston CUSD #424 and the Genoa Township Park District for the After-School Child Care Program to start August 31.

Ayes: Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Andrews.

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Discussion/Approval Genoa Kingston/Kishwaukee College MOU for Dual Credit Classes

Mr. O’Daniell commented on two sets of dual credit courses being provided due to increased numbers.

A motion was made by Mr. Cleveland, and seconded by Dr. Brynteson, to approve the 2020-2021 MOU between Kishwaukee College and Genoa-Kingston High School.

Ayes: Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Wesner, Andrews Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Discussion of Board Vacancy

Mr. O’Daniell commented on the three applicants to be discussed on closed session.

New Business

Review of PRESS Policies #104

Mr. Wesner asked to table this item until after the next Policy Committee Meeting.

High School Tardiness Expectation

Mr. Cascio commented on the tardiness issues at the high school and stated the current expectations regarding tardiness are vague and need updating. He shared an updated tardiness expectation proposal with the board outlining the clear timeline of actions when tardiness occurs. He asked the board for consideration especially now as attendance for the hybrid program is important.

Mrs. Andrews asked that the Policy Committee review the High School Tardiness Expectation Proposal at the next Policy Committee Meeting prior to taking action.

A Policy Committee Meeting will take place on Wednesday, August 19, 2020.

The board held a lengthy discussion regarding the impending Bond payment and scenarios with flexibility to borrow new money for capital projects. The board was in favor of reaching a final decision by October to maintain the deadline of March 2021.

Mr. Cleveland and Mrs. Andrews thanked Dr. Shortridge for input regarding the Bond.

Board Communication

Dr. Brynteson, Mrs. Ratliff, and Kristen Andrews thanked Superintendent, Brent O’Daniell, the administrative team and GKEA for their efforts with the Return to Learn plan.

Superintendent/Board Communication

Dr. Shortridge commented on drainage work being done at the high school.

Future Agenda Items

Policy Committee Meeting – August 19, 2020 @ 9am

Review of PRESS #104, #105

High School Tardiness Expectations

Board of Education Meeting; August 25, 2020 – 7:00 pm

Return to Learn Update

Discussion/Approval of the Amended 2020-21 Public School Calendar Discussion/Approval of the HS tardiness expectations

Approval of the Review of Closed Session Meeting Minutes

Annual Review of Hazardous Transportation Route(s)

Application for Recognition of Schools

Budget Discussion

Bond Discussion

Board of Education Meeting; September 22, 2020 – 7:00 pm

Approval of the Destruction of Audio of Closed Session Minutes

Closed session for discussion of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(1)

A motion was made by Dr. Brynteson, and seconded by Mrs. Ratliff, to convene to closed session for discussion of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(1)) at 9:25 pm.

Ayes: Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson, Andrews Nays: 0

Motion Carried.


The Board of Education reconvened to open session at 10:04 pm.

Personnel Action

A motion was made by Dave Cleveland, and seconded by Mary Hintzsche, to not approve the leave of absence for Ashley Boyer.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Wesner, Andrews. Nays: None

Motion Carried.

A motion was made by Jake Wesner, and seconded by Kristin Brynteson to approve the non-union district office staff recommend 2.5% salary increase retroactive to the beginning of the each individual contract.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson, Andrews Nays: None

Motion Carried.

A motion was made by Jake Wesner, and seconded by Kristin Brynteson to approve the administrators and directors with the exclusion of John Francis recommend 2.3% salary increase retroactive to the beginning of the each individual contract.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Andrews Nays: None

Motion Carried.


A motion was made by Kristin Brynteson, and seconded by Julie Ratliff, to adjourn the Special Board of Education Meeting at 10:07 pm.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Andrews Nays: None

Motion Carried.
