DeKalb County Board of Health met Sept. 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Derryl Block, RN, PhD, President
Heather Breuer, DMD, Vice President
Rukisha Crawford
Lorraine Daly
Carlos Dominguez, DVM
Erik Englehart, MD
Patricia Faivre
Paul Stromborg, MD
Anita Zurbrugg
Lizy García, Secretary
Jessica Harrill, JD
Lisa Gonzalez, MPH, Public Health Administrator
Cindy Graves, RN, MSHA, Director of Community Health and Prevention & Health Promotion and Emergency Preparedness
Greg Maurice, LEHP, Director of Health Protection
Dytania Washington, MS, Director of Administrative Services
Chessa Kendrick, Administrative Support and Marketing Manager
The DeKalb County Board of Health meeting was called to order at 6 pm by Dr. Block, President.
Mrs. Gonzalez provided an overview of guidelines for the virtual Board of Health Meeting.
On a motion by Dr. Stromborg, seconded by Lorraine Daly, the Board of Health Meeting Agenda was approved. Motion carried.
Full Board
On a motion by Anita Zurbrugg seconded by Dr. Stromborg, the Board of Health Minutes of the Meeting for July 28, 2020 were approved. Motion carried.
Personnel Committee
On a motion by Lorainne Daly seconded by Dr. Block, the Personnel Committee Minutes of the Meeting for July 24, 2020 were approved. Motion carried.
Dr. Block stated that the Finance Committee met on September 21, 2020 to review the 2021 Health Department and Solid Waste Budgets. Both budgets will be summarized during new business.
Ms. Gonzalez provided a COVID-19 case update in DeKalb County by date, age, zip-code, week and demographics. Ms. Gonzalez also provided the number of people who have recovered and are in the recovery period. An update was provided on the current outbreaks in long term care facilities (LTCF) which include Willow Crest Nursing Pavilion, DeKalb County Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, and Oak Crest- DeKalb Area Retirement Center. Outbreak status in facilities that are not long-term care was provided.
Ms. Gonzalez provided an updated on DCHD services and staff. This included the extension of the waivers for the WIC and FCM programs which allow individuals to be certified through a contactless model. Ms. Gonzalez discussed the need for DCHD departments to reorganize when staff have to quarantine/isolate due to outside exposure to a positive COVID-19 case. DCHD staff are still wearing cloth masks unless contact time and level of exposure is greater, then additional PPE is provided.
Ms. Gonzalez discussed the impact of services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A comparison was made from the exact time frame last year to this year and the reduction programs have seen in their numbers. Family Planning is now seeing clients at a greater number but overall numbers are still impacted from the first few months of the pandemic. Immunizations has seen a significant decrease in immunizations given.
An update was provided on the current Contact Tracing team which consists of newly hired staff. This includes 10 full-time and 2 part-time individuals.
Ms. Gonzalez provided an update on masking guidance. This includes patrons wearing masks at all times when interacting with employees of bars and restaurants. The guidance was shared for polling locations for the upcoming election. Ms. Gonzalez and Ms. Graves discussed the interim exclusion guidance for schools for COVID-19.
Ms. Gonzalez stated that PPE items were distributed in July and August to LTCF and first responders throughout the County. DCHD was the cloth mask donation site for District 428 with over 800 donations. 7,000 kits were assembled for the community which include cloth masks, thermometer, tissues, pen, hand sanitizer, and wipes.
Ms. Gonzalez provided a current status update on DeKalb County. DeKalb County was issued at a warning level on 9/11/20 due to two or more indicators trending unfavorably. On September 19th DeKalb County
was removed from warning level. The indicators for new cases per 100,000 and test positivity rate were higher than the target. A graph was shown to show a spike in cases which correlate with the returning of NIU. Region 1 metrics were shown to provide the current status of Region 1.
The current status of K-12 schools was provided showing which Districts are in e-learning and those that have an in-person option. The table showed which Districts have experienced COVID-19 activity. Ms. Gonzalez showed which school districts have had DCHD staff conduct their N95 fit testing and how many staff at each location were tested.
The current status of DCHD’s role in Restore in Illinois was shared and what current steps have been taken including providing guidance, PPE requests, consultations, etc.
Ms. Gonzalez and Ms. Graves discussed the current NIU COVID-19 response. Currently NIU utilizes a COVID-19 hotline where students or employees can call to report a positive test, known exposure, or COVID-19 symptoms. Ms. Gonzalez shared on that information funnels through the hotline and is reported to DCHD for further investigation. The difference in COVID-19 number reporting between NIU and DCHD was explained.
The collaboration that take place between DCHD and NIU was presented. NIU and DCHD have been communicating since the beginning of the pandemic to establish plans for the returning of NIU students in the Fall semester. NIU was key player in alternative housing. DCHD and NIU communicate on a daily basis. The challenges were discussed including the extensive volume that NIU creates in regards to COVID- 19. There has been a substantial burden on CD leadership staff to respond to the significant volume 7 days per week.
On September 19 and 20 a temporary free COVID-19 testing site was offered at DCHD through IDPH with over 400 tests being conducted. COVID-19 community kits were handed out to individuals.
Ms. Gonzalez stated the Health Department is now offering flu vaccines by appointment only.
As noted.
On a motion by Anita Zurbrugg seconded by Dr. Stromborg, the financial statements for the months of July and August 2020 were approved. Motion carried.
On a motion by Dr. Breur seconded by Dr. Stromborg, the claims for the months of August and September 2020 were approved. Motion carried.
1. 2021 Health Department Budget
In reviewing 2020 end of year projections versus the 2020 Budget, Mrs. Gonzalez anticipates an end of year shortfall in the amount of $110,300 compared to the budgeted shortfall of $191,600. Ms. Gonzalez explained that since the original 2020 Budget was adopted, the Health Department has projected greater than budgeted revenues in the amount of $692,000 and greater than budgeted expenses in the amount of $610,700 for a revised projected shortfall of $110,300.
This projected decrease in fund balance utilization in 2020 is primarily due to increase in new grant funding related to COVID-19. The projections also include the elimination of the FCM Federal Match funding, as a resolution has not been met at the state level for this revenue line item. Ms. Gonzalez indicated that expenditures are expected to be up in the amount of $610,700, primarily due to expenses tied to COVID- 19 Contact Tracing funding.
Ms. Gonzalez presented the proposed 2021 Health Department Budget. The Budget includes level fees, a projected two percent salary adjustment, benefits estimates, level rates for health insurance and the County Requests, as proposed.
In 2021, the Budgeted Revenue is expected to decrease by approximately six percent ($267,900) from 2020 projected. This is primarily due to the projected end of new COVID-19 funding at the end of May 2021.
2021 Budgeted Expenditures are expected to be approximately six percent ($286,500) lower than 2020 projected. Budgeted Expenditures include the two percent salary adjustment.
Mrs. Gonzalez reviewed the overall Budget Summary including a budgeted utilization of $91,400 of our Fund Balance reserves in 2021.
Rukisha Crawford moved to approve the 2021 Health Department Budget seconded by Dr. Breur. Motion carried.
2. 2021 Solid Waste Budget
Ms. Gonzalez explained the revenue and expenditures in the proposed 2021 Solid Waste Program Budget. Revenue in the budget primarily includes $25,000 contributed from Waste Management for the Household Hazardous Waste Event and the Landfill Host Benefit Funding in the amount of $139,000.
Under Expenditures, Ms. Gonzalez provided an overview of personnel costs associated with the Solid Waste Program. She also provided an overview of costs budgeted in the Public Notices, Educational Supplies and Commercial Services line items. These expenses include costs related to promotion of recycling events, outreach materials to promote recycling in multi-unit housing and commercial expenses associated with the Household Hazardous Waste Event and Electronic Recycling Events. The Solid Waste Fund Balance is estimated to be $201,706 at the end of December 2021.
Anita Zurbrugg moved to approve the 2021 Solid Waste Budget, seconded by Dr. Stromborg. Motion carried.
3. Solid Waste Management Plan-5 Year Update
Mr. Maurice provided an updated on the five-year plan for Solid Waste Management which focused on goals for recycling within DeKalb County.
As noted.
On a motion by Dr. Stromborg seconded by Rukisha Crawford, the Board of Health adjourned at 7:50 pm. Motion carried.