
DeKalb Times

Monday, February 24, 2025

Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 Board of Education Met October 27

Webp hall

Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 Board of Education met Oct. 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 met in regular session in the auditorium at Sycamore High School, 427 Spartan Trail, Sycamore, Illinois. This meeting was also live-streamed through Spartan TV.

Members present

James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

Others Present

Steve Wilder, Superintendent; Nicole Stuckert, Asst. Supt. for Business Services; Kathy Sloniker, Admin. Assist. to Supt./Board of Education

Administrators Present

M. Ekstrom, K. Webster

Audience Members Present M. Dukes, R. Helm, A. Jordan, R. Majerus, J. McCormick, D. Olson, P. Olson, D. Powell, N. Shelton, H. Tucker, J. Woods

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

1. Opening Items

1.01 Call To Order

President Dombek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1.02 Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

1.03 Roll Call/Adoption of Agenda

Motion by Jeff A Jacobson, second by Eric N Jones, to approve the agenda as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

2. Consent Agenda

2.01 Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting October 13, 2020*

2.02 Approval of Minutes of Executive Session October 13, 2020*

2.03 Bills Payable*

2.04 Financial Reports*

2.05 Resolution Authorizing Intrafund Transfers*

Motion by Steve M Nelson, second by James M Chyllo, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

3. Audience to Visitors

3.01 Audience Participation

Pam Olson, High School Teacher, addressed the Board regarding the Metric guidelines that the SEA presented to the Board members. She reviewed the metrics in light of the current test positivity rates, cases per 100,000 and youth cases in the County. She pointed out that all of these areas are above the target in the metric model. She did not feel the children should be in the buildings since the COVID-19 virus has not been contained.

4. Communications/Correspondence/Informational Items

4.01 Various Letters/Newsletters

President Dombek stated that these items have been placed in the Board packet for the Board's information.

4.02 FOIA Requests

The Board reviewed the FOIA requests that had been received.

4.03 Committee Reports

Nelson reported from the Sycamore Education Foundation meeting that took place last week. He stated that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was discussed, and they only suggested one small language change.

Nelson also reported from the IASB Resolutions Committee. He stated that there will be a virtual delegate assembly even though the Joint Annual Conference was canceled. He pointed out two (2) resolutions that will be controversial. He asked the Board to review the resolutions and let him know if they have any questions or comments.

5. Assistant Superintendent for Business Services' Report

5.01 Facility Master Plan - FGM

Mr. Woods presented the costs associated with the District's facility assessment to the Board. He noted that the budget that was presented at a prior meeting was $81 million over a 10-years period, but that number has since been reduced to 75,250,000. He shared two reasons for the cost reduction: 1) A roofing expert feels that the roofs at the Middle School and High School can be re-coated, pending a full moisture survey, which reduced the cost significantly; and 2) some paving projects that were included in this proposal were completed over this past summer. He stated that they worked with the District Administration to determine the greatest priorities, so the first three (3) years are significantly less than they were before. He stated that in order to accomplish items in the summer of 2021, bids would need to be sought in January/February 2021, and he would like to begin working on the necessary documents as soon as possible.

Mrs. Stuckert reviewed a few funding options to pay for the proposed repairs. She stated that the options include; issuing Non-referendum bonds; a referendum to increase the levy; and the District Budget. It was Mrs. Stuckert's recommendation to issue Non-referendum bonds. She felt that a referendum to increase the levy would be a substantial increase to the Bond and Interest levy before 2034 and the District's budget would not generate the funds needed to complete these projects.

The Board asked questions regarding how this would affect the District's credit rating and asked if the District's financial advisors could come to a meeting and explain the bond process to the Board. Mrs. Stuckert responded that she would contact the bond counsel and schedule them for a presentation to the Board.

5.02 2020 Preliminary Tax Levy Resolution* (Authorization for publication of the tentative levy as required by law.)

Mrs. Stuckert explained that the Tax Levy is the largest and most reliable source of revenue for the District. She reviewed the Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) with the Board and explained why it is important to the District. She stated that the school district is under PTELL, commonly referred to as tax caps, and she explained the effect it has on the District's budget.

Mrs. Stuckert shared with the Board that the tax rate for the District should decrease about $.06. She reviewed the levy calendar with the Board. She stated that she is asking for approval of the tentative levy tonight and the public hearing and final levy will be held on November 24, 2020.

Motion by Eric N Jones, second by Kristen R Wrenn, to authorize publication of the 2020 preliminary tax levy resolution as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

6. Superintendent's Report

6.01 Administrator Appreciation

Mr. Wilder reviewed the District's Mission, Vision, Core Values and PLC Questions with the Board.

Mr. Wilder explained that it was Principal Appreciation Week last week, and he wanted to recognize the building Principals, Asst. Principals, and Dean of Students. He thanked all the building administrators for the work that they do, especially this year as they navigate through these unusual circumstances.

6.02 Return to Learning Update

Mr. Wilder stated that November 4th has been identified as the date to implement the "parallel" hybrid model. He stated that the District still does not have a firm ship date on the arrival of the new chromebooks and returning to in person learning would be particularly difficult in grades K-8. However, he felt it would be possible on a short-term basis. He noted that the significant increase in COVID cases is of greater concern at this time, and he reviewed the statistics with the Board.

Mr. Wilder reviewed some challenges with the Board: rising number of COVID Cases; social gatherings; some reluctance to share information with our staff and DCHD; following protocols; cold & flu season; staffing, especially substitute teachers; and Chromebooks. He also shared some advantages with the Board: anecdotal data from other districts supports the effectiveness of IDPH protocols and the minimal transmission in school (nearly all cases are the result of transmission outside of school); the District can now implement and follow IDPH guidelines; the District continues to finalizing preparations for Nov. 4th.

Nelson voiced concern about the November 4th date and suggested looking at returning at semester break. His concerns centered around lack of equipment, time for teachers to learn a new way of teaching, and COVID-19 statistics.

Jones stated that he was in favor of a November 4th reopening. He felt reopening school is very important to the mental health of students.

Wrenn voiced concern about the increased numbers in the data and did not feel opening school on November 4th was the right thing to do right now.

Chyllo stated that other schools in our town are open, and he felt we needed to move forward with returning to school on November 4th. He noted that parents will still have the option to keep their students home if they so choose.

Davey voiced concern about the teachers and the students and their risk of infection.

Jacobson stated that he still feels comfortable moving forward.

Dombek felt that the District has made a commitment to go back, and we should continue with that commitment. He stated that all safety protocols are in place, and he felt that the District should move forward on November 4th.

Mr. Wilder stated that the majority of the Board feels the District should move forward on November 4th. He asked the community to help us keep students and staff safe by wearing a mask, keeping 6' distance, and washing their hands.

6.03 Learning and Teaching Update - School Report Card/ESSA Update - K. Webster

Dr. Webster stated that the School Report card will be published at noon on Friday, October 30th. She stated that the report card is based on the previous year's testing, which was not done. She noted that the State has added new qualifiers to explain why things are not on the report card: Data Unavailable Due to COVID 19; Possible Data Impact Due to COVID 19 - Calculated with Concern; and Possible Data Impact Due to COVID 19 - Use with caution. Dr. Webster also stated that some items have been added to the report card that will be reported on the 2021 report card, including: Gifted data; Illinois Youth Participation Survey; Early Learning; and School Improvement Funds. She reported that the District is still required to do testing in the Spring. She stated that she would keep the Board posted as more information becomes available regarding Spring testing.

Dombek asked about MAP testing. Dr. Webster responded that the MAP testing was not done, due to the lack of technology and concerns with the environment as students were home. She stated that MAP testing has been scheduled to begin in January with the belief that the technology will be available at that time.

6.04 Policy Revisions - 2nd Reading*

Mr. Wilder recommended approving the policies included in the Board's packet as presented.

Motion by Eric N Jones, second by Jeff A Jacobson, to approve the policy revisions as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

7. Open Discussion and Future Agenda Items

7.01 Open Discussion, Issues, Observations, Questions

Jones clarified his comfort level with COVID-19 cases in the schools. He explained that he expects that people will come to school with cases of COVID-19, but he is not expecting that the disease would be transmitted at school.

7.02 Future Agenda Items

Financial Advisors for Bond Issue

8. Personnel

8.01 Executive Session for the Consideration of Matters Related to the Appointment, Discipline, Employment of Personnel, and Imminent Litigation*

Motion by Steve M Nelson, second by Eric N Jones, that the Board of Education adjourn to executive session for the consideration of matters related to the appointment or employment of personnel, and imminent litigation.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

In at 9:17 and Out at 9:21 p.m.

9. Action Items from Executive Session

9.01 Approval of the Personnel Report; Employment, Resignations, Retirements*

Motion by Steve M Nelson, second by Eric N Jones, to approve the personnel report as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

10. Adjournment

10.01 Adjournment

Motion by Kristen R Wrenn, second by Steve M Nelson, to adjourn the meeting at 9:23 p.m.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek
