
DeKalb Times

Monday, February 24, 2025

Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 Board of Education Met October 13

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Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 Board of Education met Oct. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 met in regular session in the auditorium at Sycamore High School, 427 Spartan Trail, Sycamore, Illinois. This meeting was also live-streamed through Spartan TV.

Members present

James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

Others Present

Steve Wilder, Superintendent; Nicole Stuckert, Asst. Supt. for Business Services; Nick Reineck, Asst. Supt. for HR and Educational Programs; Kathy Sloniker, Admin. Assist. to Supt./Board of Education

Administrators Present

J. Cleven, R. Janisch

Audience Members Present

R. Helm, A. Jordan, J. McCormick, D. Olson, H. Tucker

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

1. Opening Items

1.01 Call To Order

President Dombek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1.02 Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

1.03 Roll Call/Adoption of Agenda*

Motion by Kristen R Wrenn, second by Jeff A Jacobson, to approve the agenda as printed.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

2. Consent Agenda

2.01 Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting September 22, 2020*

2.02 Approval of Minutes of Executive Session September 22, 2020*

2.03 Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting October 6, 2020*

2.04 Approval of Minutes of Executive Session October 6, 2020*

Motion by Steve M Nelson, second by Kristen R Wrenn, to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

3. Audience to Visitors

3.01 Audience Participation

No one from the audience address the Board.

4. Communications/Correspondence/Informational Items

4.01 Various Letters/Newsletters

President Dombek stated that these items have been placed in the Board packet for the Board's information.

4.02 FOIA Requests

The Board reviewed the FOIA requests that were included in their packet.

4.03 Committee Reports

Chyllo reported from the Citizens Advisory Committee meeting last Thursday. He noted that this was the first meeting of the group, which consisted of parents, Mr. Wilder, Julenne Davey, and himself. He stated that the main purpose of this meeting was to meet each other and begin planning for future meetings.

5. Superintendent's Report

5.01 North Grove School Presentation

Mr. Wilder reviewed the Mission, Vision, Core Values and PLC questions with the Board.

Mr. Janisch, Principal, gave the Board an update on remote learning at the elementary level. He stated that the buildings have moved passed simply functioning in this environment and are now focusing on ways to enhance the program. He shared some student activities that are taking place such as; Early Act Club, Battle of the Books, Yearbook Design Contest, etc. Mr. Janisch reported that parents have been very support of staff by providing positive chalk messages on the sidewalks and snacks. He shared that Olek Clark, a Senior at Sycamore High School, made a sensory table for their school for his Eagle Scout project. He showed pictures of the teachers and staff working on remote learning and supply pick up. He stated that the District's teachers are life-long learners. He commented that all staff have been amazing at adapting to this new way of learning.

President Dombek thanked Mr. Janisch for his report to the Board and thanked the other principals and staff. He stated that the Board is really appreciative of all their work to get the parallel plan implemented.

5.02 Return to Learning Update

Mr. Wilder gave the Board an update on the Return to Learning plan. He acknowledged that there will be inherent differences in instruction for students in-person and at-home, but he emphasized that the curriculum will be as similar as possible. He stated that, as the District transitions to the parallel hybrid model, he asked that everyone be patient for the first couple of weeks since teacher time outside of class will be more limited. Mr. Wilder reviewed the most recent Health Metric Data with the Board. He explained that the data points will not always end up in the same area (full remote, hybrid or full return). He noted that the new cases per 100,000 residents in DeKalb County currently falls in the full remote category; the actual test positivity rate, falls in the hybrid category; and the increase in cases in people under 20 went down and falls in the full return category. He noted that, while this is important data that needs to be considered when making decisions, it cannot be the only factor. He stated that the final decision regarding the transition from one model to another will be his decision, after reviewing the health metric data, consulting with the Board President, staff, and other experts.

Mr. Wilder explained that, unfortunately, the District will not be able to expand the OSCAR program due to space limitations. However, he commented, that the District will provide transportation for students enrolled in childcare at the YMCA and the Sycamore Park District. He stated that the District is working on recruiting substitute teachers to help bridge the gap between now and when everyone is back full-time. Mr. Reineck stated that substitute teaching will look different this year as well, so the District is planning a training for substitute teachers next week.

5.03 Policy Revisions - 1st Reading*

Mr. Wilder stated that Policy 4:180 was reviewed by the District's attorney, and they are supporting the policy as presented by the Illinois Association of School Board (IASB).

President Dombek stated that these policies have been presented for first reading, so no action is required from the Board at this meeting. He noted that they will be placed on the October 27th agenda for final approval.

5.04 Enrollment Update

Mr. Wilder reviewed the 6th Day enrollment numbers with the Board. He reported that this year the District's enrollment is down by 216 students, mostly in grades K-5. He felt this decline was most likely due to the COVID19 pandemic as some parents have decided to attend private schools or home school their children this year.

President Dombek asked if this would have a negative impact to the District's budget. Mrs. Stuckert responded that she was not sure at this time. Mr. Wilder stated that there is a hold-harmless provision in the Evidence Based Funding (EBF) model, but they will continue to closely monitor the District's budget.

6. Open Discussion and Future Agenda Items

6.01 Open Discussion, Issues, Observations, Questions

Jones asked about the possibility of getting Chromebooks from another vendor. Mr. Wilder responded that the purchase agreement with the District's vendor is pretty solid, however, Mrs. Horton has been unable to find another vendor that has Chromebooks available.

6.02 Future Agenda Items


7. Executive Session

7.01 Executive Session for the Consideration of Matters Related to the Appointment, Employment, or Dismissal of Personnel and Imminent Litigation*

Mr. Reineck reviewed the Personnel Report with the Board.

Motion by Jeff A Jacobson, second by James M Chyllo, that the Board of Education adjourn to executive session for the consideration of matters related to the appointment, employment, or dismissal of personnel and imminent litigation.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

In at 7:52 p.m. and Out at 7:45 p.m.

8. Action Items from Executive Session

8.01 Approval of the Personnel Report; Employment, Leaves*

Motion by Eric N Jones, second by James M Chyllo, to approve the personnel Report as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

9. Adjournment

9.01 Adjournment*

Motion by Eric N Jones, second by Jeff A Jacobson, to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek
