
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 Board of Education Met December 8

Webp hall

Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 Board of Education Met Dec. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. Opening Items

1.01 Call To Order

President Dombek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1.02 Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

1.03 Roll Call/Adoption of Agenda

Motion by Jeff A Jacobson, second by Kristen R Wrenn, to approve the agenda as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

2. Consent Agenda

2.01 Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting November 24, 2020*

2.02 Approval of Executive Session Minutes November 24, 2020*

2.03 Bills Payable*

2.04 Approval of Consolidated Title I Plan*

Motion by Steve M Nelson, second by Kristen R Wrenn, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

3. Audience to Visitors

3.01 Audience Participation

No one from the audience addressed the Board.

4. Communications/Correspondence/Informational Items

4.01 Various Letters/Newsletters

President Dombek stated that these items have been placed in the Board packet for the Board's information.

4.02 FOIA Requests

No FOIA requests had been received since the last meeting.

4.03 Committee Reports

Nelson reported that the Sycamore Education Foundation will meet in January and it will be a grant meeting. He commented that he attended the state's virtual conference and it was well done. He noted that when he receives the report on the final resolutions, he will submit it to the Board.

President Dombek stated that he attended the virtual meeting on the most recent PRESS Policy update as well as the Illinois Association of School Board's webinar on running for school board and recruiting people to run for school board.

5. Asst. Supt. for Business Services' Report

5.01 FY21 Budget Review

Mrs. Stuckert gave the Board a budget review that reflects the first four (4) months of the fiscal year. She reviewed COVID related expenses as well as how much of those were covered by the CARES Act and how much the District contributed. She reviewed the Financial Dashboard with the Board and indicated that it is ready to be placed on the District's website. She stated that the dashboard will be updated on a monthly basis.

Mrs. Stuckert reviewed the timeline for the FY22 Budget, which will begin at the February 9, 2021, Board meeting.

5.02 Resolution declaring the intention to issue $20,000,000 Working Cash Fund Bonds for the purpose of increasing the District’s Working Cash Fund, and directing that notice of such intention be published in the manner provided by law*

Motion by Steve M Nelson, second by Kristen R Wrenn, to approve the resolution declaring the intention to issue $20,000,000 Working Cash Fund Bonds for the purpose of increasing the District’s Working Cash Fund, and directing that notice of such intention be published in the manner provided by law, as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

5.03 Resolution setting forth and describing in detail claims heretofore authorized and allowed for proper school purposes which are presently outstanding and unpaid, declaring the intention to issue $2,900,000 bonds for the purpose of paying claims against the District, and directing that notice of such intention be published as provided by law*

Motion by Eric N Jones, second by James M Chyllo, to approve the resolution setting forth and describing in detail claims heretofore authorized and allowed for proper school purposes which are presently outstanding and unpaid, declaring the intention to issue $2,900,000 bonds for the purpose of paying claims against the District, and directing that notice of such intention be published as provided by law, as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

6. Superintendent's Report

6.01 Return to Learning Update

Mr. Wilder reviewed the District's Mission, Vision, Core Values and PLC Questions with the Board.

Mr. Wilder indicated that the District's goal is that COVID-19 health metrics will allow for implementation of a hybrid, in-person model in grades K-12 on January 19th. He stated that the District will be closely monitoring health metrics and other data leading up to January 19th. He noted that some students are currently attending in small groups during the pause, primarily special education students and students needing academic and social-emotional support during the pause. Mr. Wilder reported that Sycamore High School is experiencing a larger number of failing grades than normal. He indicated that they have made some accommodations and the number of failing grades has decreased by 100 over the last two weeks.

Mr. Wilder reviewed test positivity rates for Region I, DeKalb County, Sycamore and Cortland with the Board. He commented that there was a spike in mid-November, but the numbers are currently coming back down. He reported that he will be watching the numbers after Christmas and New Years to see if the downward tread continues. He stated that the DeKalb County Health Department (DCHD) has indicated that they want to see the test positivity rates trending down, but they did not mention numbers specifically.

6.02 Live-streaming Board Meetings

Mr. Wilder explained that there are some challenges to continuing to live-stream meetings when students are back in school full-time, and he asked David Olson, Communications Director, to discuss possible options with the Board.

Mr. Olson reviewed location options and the costs associated with those options. He recommended a permanent installation at a building to save wear and tear on equipment and to cut down on set-up time.

The Board voiced concern about the cost to continue to live-stream meetings as well as not being able to hold meetings at the various schools in the District. The Board suggested using Zoom to record meetings, which would allow the community to watch the meeting the next day.

Mr. Wilder suggested that the Board try a Zoom meeting in the near future to see how it turns out.

6.03 Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Evaluation Procedures for Certified Staff During the 2020-2021 School Year*

Mr. Wilder explained that the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has allowed flexibility in teacher evaluations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He stated that the District's Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA) Committee met and developed modifications to the current teacher evaluation process, which the SEA membership has reviewed and approved.

Mr. Reineck commented that normally there are 22 components to the teacher evaluations, and they have chosen 9, for this year, that they felt could apply to both remote and in-person learning.

Motion by Kristen R Wrenn, second by Steve M Nelson, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Evaluation Procedures for Certified Staff During the 2020-2021 School Year, as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

7. Open Discussion and Future Agenda Items

7.01 Open Discussion, Issues, Observations, Questions


7.02 Future Agenda Items


8. Executive Session

8.01 Executive Session for the Consideration of Matters Related to the Appointment, Employment, or Dismissal of Personnel, and Imminent Litigation*

Motion by Kristen R Wrenn, second by Steve M Nelson, that the Board of Education adjourn to executive session for the consideration of matters related to the appointment, employment, or dismissal of personnel, and imminent litigation.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

In at 8:07 p.m. and Out at 8:54 p.m.

9. Action Items from Executive Session

9.01 Approval of the Personnel Report; Employment, Retirements*

Motion by Jeff A Jacobson, second by Steve M Nelson, to approve the personnel report as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

10. Adjournment

10.01 Adjournment