
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Town of Cortland Board of Trustees Met Oct. 26

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Town of Cortland Board of Trustees Met Oct. 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order I Pledge of Allegiance / Roll Call

Town Clerk Aldis called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 7 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll call taken. Shown as present were Trustees, Rick Robins, Charmaine Fioretto, Mike Siewierski, Doug Corson, and Jim Walker. Also present was Town Clerk Cheryl Aldis. Absent were Mayor Russell Stokes, and Trustee Brad Stone. Quorum was present. With the absence of the mayor Trustee Siewierski was selected by the Board to the position of temporary chair. Also present were attorney Kevin Buick, Bookkeeper Wes Levy, Water-Wastewater Directory Joel Summerhill, Public Works Director John Kocher, Police Chief Lin Dargis and Brian LeFevre of Sikich.

Approval of Agenda

Trustee Walker moved and Trustee Corson seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Unanimous voice vote carried the motion.

Public Wishing to Speak

There was no one present wishing to speak.

Public Hearing for Downstate Business Interruption Grant (BIG)

Chair Siewierski called the public hearing to order at 7:01 p.m. The public hearing notice was read into the record by Clerk Aldis. The notice was published in the Daily Chronicle on October 16, 2020, meeting the requirements of the law.

There was no one present in the audience wishing to testify.

Mr. Levy provided an overview of what the grant is. The amount of funds available per qualified business is $25,000; activities will be undertaken with grant funding - the business provided a budget showing the detail for which they will use the awarded money, the business provided its budget as required along with a narrative discussion of the scope of the project, costs, benefit area, impact on community finances in conjunction with its 60 day working capital budget. Mr. Levy stated the business has provided all items required by the grant. They are a private, small, for profit business located in Cortland. The grant will allow them to continue operations.

With no further comment or questions the public hearing was closed at 7:07 p.m.

Consent Agenda

The consent agenda was read into the record by Clerk Aldis. Trustee Corson moved and Trustee Robins seconded a motion to:

Approve Town Board Minutes for September 28, 2020

Approve Expenditure Reports for September 2020

Accept Treasurer Reports for September 2020.

Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion with Trustee Stone absent.

New Business for Discussion and Possible Action

Downstate Business Interruption Grant (BIG)

Trustee Corson moved and Trustee Walker seconded a motion at approve Board Resolution of Support and authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign necessary documents. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion with Trustee Stone absent.

Proposed Tax Levy Presentation by Wes Levy, Lauterbach & Amen 

Mr. Levy reviewed the proposed 2020 tax levy with the Board. The 2019 Taxable Valuation was $72,062,180. The estimated 2020 Taxable Valuation is $74,944,667; an approximate 4% increase in EAV and a new construction estimate of $984,000. The proposed 2020 tax levy for the Town is $713,124 and the Library is $250,301. The projection is a result of $3.05 increase on the tax bill of a home with an EAV of $65,000. With the SSA levies #1 and #9 the total combined proposal is $1 ,566,869; a modest $25,000 increase. He stated that the finance department chose to levy the maximum available to capture all available funds.

Enterprise Zone Amendment - CONSERV FS Waterman IL

Mr. Buick informed the Board that this ordinance is intended to authorize boundary modifications and amend the Intergovernmental Agreement. The proposed amendment is an expansion of an existing Enterprise Zone. Trustee Corson moved and Trustee Walker seconded a motion to approve An Ordinance Authorizing Boundary Modifications to the Area Known as The DeKalb County Enterprise Zone - CONSERV FS and authorize the Mayor to execute DeKalb County Enterprise Zone documents. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion with Trustee Stone absent. Ord 2020-17

An Ordinance Amending the Cortland Town Code - Title 7 Chapter 3 Article B Water Use Regulations.

Mr. Summerhill stated to the Board that this amendment adds provisions for disconnection from private wells and capping/sealing of private wells. Trustee Walker moved and Trustee Corson seconded a motion to approve An Ordinance Amending the Cortland Town Code - Title 7 Chapter 3 Article B Water Use Regulations. Unanimous roll call vote carried the motion. Ord 2020-18

FY20 Audit Review- Brian LeFevre, Sikich

Mr. LeFevre reported to the Board that Sikich staff had received all requested documents needed to complete the audit. This year was a remote challenge. He reviewed sections of the document with the board and stated overall it is a good document. Mr. Levy reiterated that the audit went smoothly. Trustee Robins moved and Trustee Corson seconded a motion to accept the audit as presented. Unanimous voice vote carried the motion.

Department Head Reports

The department head reports were included with the packet. There were no questions. Comments/Concerns

Trustee Fioretto asked a question regarding contract employment for appointed staff. Her observation is that each four-year election creates uncertainty with employees. Mr. Buick stated he understood the question and potential anxiety, however, a contract does not guarantee the employee would be kept on, only that the town would be required to payout the contract if they were not kept. He stated the board has limited authority and the appointments generally fall to the Mayor.

President Report

There was nothing to report.


Trustee Robins moved and Trustee Fioretto seconded a motion for adjournment. Unanimous voice vote carried the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.
