
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Village of Hinckley Board met October 26

Webp meeting 05

Village of Hinckley Board met Oct. 26

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

CALL BOARD MEETING TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Village President Nancy Nelson at  7:06 PM. Roll call was taken showing the following: 

Present: Trustees Daniel Roop, Walter Rainford, and Mike Constant (remote). Quorum Established. 

Absent: Lou Manivong. 

Also Present: Village Clerk Elizabeth Losiniecki and Treasurer Dave Maroo. Remote: Chief Gettemy,  Chris Ott (EEI), Attorney Tait Lundgren, Dale Youngers, and Members of the Public. 

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The pledge to the flag was recited. 

PUBLIC COMMENT on Agenda Items Scheduled for Action Only 

Resident Larry Menz inquired about the additional charges to the resident for leaf pick up from  Lakeshore Recycling (LRS). Nelson stated that pick up would be extended to the end of November.  Menz asked if this would be for the duration of the contact with LRS and Nelson stated that it would.  He asked if the rates would increase annually and Nelson stated that the rate increase would occur  effective with the January, 2021 billing. Menz suggested that the Village forego having LRS pick up  leaves because the extension is only for a couple of weeks and the public works department can  easily pick up the bagged leaves for that time period.  


• Agenda item for discussion/approval: Regular Board Meeting Minutes from October 12, 2020 Trustee Constant moved to approve the October 12, 2020 Regular Board meeting minutes as  presented and Trustee Roop seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Constant-Aye, Roop-Aye, Rainford Aye, Nelson-Abstain. Motion carried (per Attorney Lundgren).  

• Agenda item for discussion/approval: Payment of Invoices Due 

Trustee Rainford moved to approve the invoices for 10/26/20, as presented and Trustee Roop seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Rainford-Aye, Roop-Aye, Constant-Aye, Nelson-Aye. Motion  carried.  


• Agenda item for discussion/approval: Christmas Tree Lights 

President Nelson stated that Midwest Facilities & Construction would coordinate the tree lighting this  year since the Village no longer has a park program coordinator. The tree lighting will be on  December 4, 2020. 

Trustee Constant asked Nelson about the Citizen of the Year award and she stated that she had  directed staff to order the plaque. 

Constant asked about the status of B&F Construction Code Services doing code violations, as  approved last December, and Nelson stated that she would look into it. Constant stated that he  would like a report of what has been done since January 2020.  

Constant inquired regarding what funds may be recovered as a result of the CURES program and  Nelson stated that the Clerk is working on it. Clerk Losiniecki stated that the application has been  submitted and no further information is available.  


Attorney Lundgren stated that his office will have a DRAFT chicken ordinance for the Planning  Commission to review within the next few days. Constant stated that the next Planning Commission  meeting is November 2, 2020.  


No report. Maroo stated that real estate taxes collected are within $1000.00 of last year. He stated  that income tax is up $80K over last year, which indicates that residents are did better in 2019 than  they did in 2018. Sales tax, building permits and video gaming are all down from last year.  



No report.  

Finance & Economic Development 

No report. 

Public Safety 

No report.  

Streets & Alleys 

• Agenda item for discussion/approval: Leaf Pick-up Extension (Lakeshore new costs $1.08 per  quarter, $4.32 per year, per resident) 

Nelson stated that Lakeshore Recycling (LRS) is willing to amend the contract to include leaf pick up  through the end of November. Rates for residents would increase 0.36₵ per month for the additional  service. Trustee Constant stated that he agrees with the statements made by resident Larry Menz at  the start of the meeting regarding public works picking up the bagged leaves for the two extra weeks.  He stated that it’s not worth the effort to go through the process of extending the contract for just  two weeks. Trustee Roop agreed and stated that residents would perceive it as another rate increase.  Constant also stated that there is nothing stopping LRS from increasing this rate annually. Rainford  agreed with Roop and Constant to hold off on the contract amendment with LRS. Nelson stated that  she would contact LRS tomorrow to let them know about the decision. She stated that public works  will not pick up loose leaves, only bagged or canned leaves.  

Buildings, Grounds & Parks 

No report.  

Water & Sewer 

• Agenda item for discussion/approval: Well #3 Repairs 

Dale Youngers stated that a deep well control valve had malfunctioned and that he had discussed the  required repairs at the last Committee of the Whole meeting. He has received a quote from Dorner  Company to rebuild two deep well control valves for $5201.00. Dale and Todd will observe the  repairs to learn the proper procedure so that future repairs can be handled in house. There are  approximately 20 of these valves throughout the system. Trustee Roop moved to approve the  $5201.00 expense to repair deep well control valves and Constant seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Roop-Aye, Rainford-Aye, Constant-Aye, Nelson-Aye. Motion carried.  

Youngers stated that there will be a meeting at the Village Hall on Wednesday at 9:00 am with EEI,  TEST and Nancy Nelson to discuss the Elevated Water Storage Tank repair project.  




Nelson stated that she had received an email from ComEd asking that the Village be sure to keep  access to their properties well plowed during the winter months. She also stated that she had been  on a conference call with the governor and the Illinois State Police regarding the latest changes to the  covid restrictions. Remote meetings will continue until further notice.  


Motion: Trustee Roop moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:40pm. Trustee Constant seconded the  motion. Roll call vote: Rainford-Aye, Roop-Aye, Constant-Aye, Nelson-Aye. Motion carried. The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on November 9, 2020. 
