City of Genoa City Council Met April 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Vicary called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta, Brust and Lang were present. Quorum present.
Mayor Vicary led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guest Speaker – None
Motion made by Alderman Di Guido to approve the minutes of the April 5, 2021 City Council meeting, seconded by Alderman Carroll. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried.
Motion made by Alderman Winter to approve payment of the accounts payables for the first half of April 202, in the amount of $144,348.12, seconded by Alderman Lang. Alderman Di Guido questioned item #20, the payment to MNP Properties, LLC. Administrative Director Seguss responded that MNP Properties is a business downtown that the City reimbursed for cleaning services, due to a water leak caused by the City’s buffalo box. Roll call vote was taken.
Aldermen Winter, Cravatta, Brust, Lang, Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido and Stevenson voted yes. Motion carried.
• Motion made by Alderman Stevenson to authorize the use of Municipal Parking Spaces on both sides of Route 72 from Monroe Street to Sycamore Street, parking spaces on the East side of Monroe Street, and the Municipal Parking Lot for Cruisin’ from 9 AM to 3 PM for a car show on June 13, 2021, seconded by Alderman Lang. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta, Brust, Lang, Wesner, Carroll and Di Guido voted yes. Motion carried.
• Motion made by Alderman Lang to authorize the use of Municipal Parking Spaces on both sides of Route 72 from Monroe Street to Sycamore Street, parking spaces on the East side of Monroe Street, and the Municipal Parking Lot for Cruisin’ from 9 AM to 3 PM for a car show on September 5, 2021, seconded by Alderman Stevenson. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Lang, Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta and Brust voted yes. Motion carried.
• Motion made by Alderman Wesner to authorize the use of Municipal Parking Spaces on both sides of Route 72 from Monroe Street to Sycamore Street, parking spaces on the East side of Monroe Street, and the Municipal Parking Lot for Cruisin’ from 9 AM to 3 PM for a Trunk-or-Treat event on October 24, 2021, seconded by Alderman Lang. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta, Brust and Lang voted yes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO A FAÇADE GRANT AGREEMENT: Motion made by Alderman Cravatta to approve an amendment to Open Door Coffee’s Façade Grant Agreement, with the total grant amount not to exceed $20,544.00, seconded by Alderman Lang. There was discussion regarding the amount of the grant; which was determined that since Open Door Coffee is on a corner and has 2 front façade’s, they are eligible for grant money for each of the two sides. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Cravatta, Brust, Lang, Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson and Winter voted yes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE REDUCING PERMIT FEES FOR NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION: Motion made by Alderman Brust to approve an Ordinance providing a one year extension of the limited temporary reduction in certain fees as an incentive for new home construction, seconded by Alderman Winter. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Brust, Lang, Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter and Cravatta voted yes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER THE ANNUAL GARBAGE RATE INCREASE PER THE CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT: Motion made by Alderman Wesner to approve an Ordinance amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Section 5, Rates for Garbage and Recycling Charges, of the Municipal Code of the City of Genoa, seconded by Alderman Di Guido. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta, Brust and Lang voted yes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER THE PURCHASE OF LIFT STATION CONTROLS FOR THE RIVERBEND LIFT STATION: Motion made by Alderman Di Guido to approve the purchase of lift station controls from Automatic Controls, not to exceed $6,068, seconded by Alderman Winter. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta, Brust, Lang, Wesner and Carroll voted yes. Motion carried.
• Motion made by Alderman Winter to approve a Resolution of Intent of a M.F.T. / G.O. Bond, seconded by Alderman Carroll. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Winter, Cravatta, Brust, Lang, Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido and Stevenson voted yes. Motion carried.
• Motion made by Alderman Winter to approve a Resolution providing for the retirement of certain Municipal indebtedness by the use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds, not to exceed $100,000, seconded by Alderman Stevenson. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Winter, Cravatta, Brust, Lang, Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido and Stevenson voted yes. Motion carried.
• Motion made by Alderman Stevenson to approve a Resolution for improvements under the Illinois Highway Code, not to exceed $96,000, seconded by Alderman Di Guido. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta, Brust, Lang, Wesner, Carroll and Di Guido voted yes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER CONCRETE WORK AT CITY HALL AND RIVERBEND: Motion made by Alderman Winter to waive the bid process and approve sidewalks at the new Riverbend Park and concrete work at City Hall, including a handicap ramp railing, not to exceed $26,718, seconded by Alderman Lang. Alderman Cravatta questioned the amount, as the memo that was written had a different amount than the motioned amount. It was determined that the memo was incorrect. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Winter, Cravatta, Brust, Lang, Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido and Stevenson voted yes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER THE REVISED 2021 ANNUAL MEETING LIST: Motion made by Alderman Stevenson to approve the revised 2021 Annual Meeting List, seconded by Alderman Brust. A couple of the Aldermen expressed that changing the meetings from Tuesday nights to Monday nights would be difficult for them to attend due to work schedules and/or being out of town for a long weekend. After additional discussion, consensus amongst Council was to change the City Council meetings to Wednesday instead of Monday. Attorney Slingerland advised tabling the item and having a Special City Council meeting in May to revisit this item. Alderman Wesner made a motion to table the item, seconded by Alderman Cravatta. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE PERSONNEL POLICY REGARDING PURCHASING: Motion made by Alderman Lang to approve an amendment to the purchasing policy within the Personnel Policy, seconded by Alderman Wesner. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Lang, Wesner, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta and Brust voted yes. Motion carried.
Administrative Report – Administrative Director Seguss reported that staff has been working through IT changes. A new server is in place, including a new firewall. Staff has also gotten quotes from MetroNet, which will save the City a couple hundred dollars per month and believes it will be better service. Director Seguss was asked if the City has a back-up internet provider. She responded that it is being discussed. Lastly, Director Seguss indicated that there is a training on May 1st and she encouraged all Council members to attend it.
Finance Report – Finance Office Manager & Treasurer, Jan Tures reported that she will be begin working on the preliminary steps for the Audit.
Public Works – Public Works Director, Rich Gentile and Streets, Sewer and Forestry Supervisor, Jan Melton were unable to attend the meeting. No report.
Police Department – Chief Smith reported that in 2020 the number of accident reports went down to 54 from 71 accidents in 2019.
Mayor’s Report – Mayor Vicary thanked everyone for their support over the years and wished the new Council members luck in their new positions.
ANNOUNCEMENTS – There will be a Special Committee of the Whole meeting on Friday, April 23rd at 7:00 PM with a celebration afterward at the Veteran’s Club.
Motion to adjourn the regular meeting of the City Council was made by Alderman Wesner, seconded by Alderman Winter. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.