DeKalb County Board met Oct. 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The DeKalb County Board met in regular session at the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Frieders called the meeting to order and the Clerk called the roll. Those Commissioners present were Mr. Tim Hughes, Mrs. Kathy Lampkins, Ms. Dianne Leifheit, Ms. Maureen Little, Mr. Jim Luebke, Ms. Terri Mann-Lamb, Mr. Jerry Osland, Mr. Roy Plote, Mr. Craig Roman, Ms. Linda Slabon, Mr. Larry West, Vice-Chair Suzanne Willis, Mr. Tim Bagby, Mr. Scott Campbell, Ms. Mary Cozad, Ms. Rukisha Crawford, Mrs. Karen Cribben, Mr. Bill Cummings, Mr. Patrick Deutsch, Mrs. Laurie Emmer, Mr. Steve Faivre, and Chairman John Frieders. Ms. Kiara Jones was absent. A quorum was established with twenty-two Members present, one absent, and one seat vacant.
Chairman Frieders asked Mr. Hughes to lead in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.
It was moved by Mr. Faivre and seconded by Mr. Roman to approve the agenda. Motion to Amend
Mr. Bagby moved to remove “Claims to be Paid in October”. The Claims will be paid in accordance with County Code Section 5-2 and the Board will approve October and November Claims next month. Mr. Roman seconded the motion.
Voice Vote on Amendment
Chairman Frieders called for a voice vote to approve the amendment to the agenda. The motion carried unanimously.
Voice Vote on Agenda as Amended
All Members present voted yea. The motion to approve the agenda as amended carried unanimously.
Ms. Cozad moved to approve the minutes of the September 15, 2021 County Board Meeting. Mrs. Emmer seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
Chairman Frieders asked for a voice vote on the approval of the minutes. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.
With great sadness, Chairman Frieders announced the passing of former Chief County Assessment Officer Robin Brunschon.
The Chairman additionally thanked the County Staff and the Information Management Office Team for all of their efforts in getting the County back up and running at full capacity within a week of the recent ransomware attack.
Employee Service Awards for October 2021
Chairman Frieders recognized the following County Employee who celebrated a Service Award in the month of October 2021: Five Years: Sarah Lutes – Rehab & Nursing Center, Sabrina Brooks – Sheriff’s Office, Michelle Lawson – Court Services, and James Read – Sheriff’s Office; Ten Years: Kevin Crittenden – Facilities Management Office; Fifteen Years: Lisa Reser – Public Defender’s Office.
There were no public comments.
Chairman Frieders recommended approval of the following appointment:
a. County Board Member, District 9: Ellingsworth Webb appointed immediately to fill out the unexpired term of Neill Mohammad until November 30, 2022.
It was moved by Mr. Luebke and seconded by Vice-Chair Willis to approve the recommended appointment.
Voice Vote
Chairman Frieders called for a voice vote. The motion carried unanimously. DeKalb County Clerk & Recorder Douglas J. Johnson administered the Oath of Office to newly appointed County Board Member Ellingsworth Webb. The roll now reflected twenty-three Members present and one absent.
Chairman Frieders additionally recommended approval of the following appointments:
b. Kane, Kendall, DeKalb Workforce Development Board: Rukisha Crawford newly appointed until September 30, 2023; Stephanie Mendez and Jolene Willis both reappointed until September 30, 2023.
It was moved by Ms. Mann-Lamb and seconded by Mr. Faivre to approve the recommended appointments.
Voice Vote
Chairman Frieders called for a voice vote. The motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance O2021-10: An Ordinance of the County of DeKalb, Providing for the Establishment of an Altered Speed Zone in the Village of Maple Park
Mr. Plote moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves to establish an altered speed zone of 40 mph on East County Line Road from Illinois State Route 38 for 1,600 feet, just north of Ashton Drive, in the Village of Maple Park, Illinois. Mr. Osland seconded the motion.
Note: These minutes are not official until approved by the DeKalb County Board at a subsequent meeting. Please refer to the meeting minutes when these minutes are approved to obtain any changes to these minutes.
Voice Vote
The Chair called for a voice vote. All Members presented voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.
Resolution R2021-61: Encumbering Rebuild Illinois Funding for 2023
Mr. Plote moved that the DeKalb County Board notes that the FY2022 distribution of Rebuild Illinois Bond Funding to DeKalb County is estimated to be approximately $1,151,810.86 and is encumbered for the projects listed within this Resolution to be completed during the County’s Fiscal Year 2023. Mrs. Cribben seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote
A roll call vote was taken. Those Members voting yea were Mr. Hughes, Mrs. Lampkins, Ms. Leifheit, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Webb, Mr. West, Vice-Chair Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Cozad, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mr. Cummings, Mr. Deutsch, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, and Chairman Frieders. The motion carried unanimously with all twenty-three present Members voting yea.
Delinquent Property Tax Sale – Resolution R2021-62 thru R2021-126
Mr. Bagby moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Board to execute deeds of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorize cancellation of the appropriate Certificate(s) of Purchase, as the case may be for the following sixty-five (65) Resolutions to be paid to the Treasurer of DeKalb County Illinois, to be disbursed according to law. Mrs. Emmer seconded the motion.
Number | Township | Parcel Number | Bidder | Total
Collected |
R2021-62 | Sycamore | 06-32-435-025 | Adam L. Swedberg | $815.00 |
R2021-63 | DeKalb | 08-14-352-003 | Mihail Munteanu | $21,600.00 |
R2021-64 | DeKalb | 08-23-229-022 | Mihail Munteanu | $1,360.00 |
R2021-65 | Cortland | 09-28-355-001 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-66 | Cortland | 09-28-355-002 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-67 | Cortland | 09-28-355-003 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-68 | Cortland | 09-28-355-004 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-69 | Cortland | 09-28-355-005 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-70 | Cortland | 09-28-355-006 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-71 | Cortland | 09-28-355-007 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-72 | Cortland | 09-28-355-008 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-73 | Cortland | 09-28-355-010 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-74 | Cortland | 09-28-355-011 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-75 | Cortland | 09-28-355-012 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-76 | Cortland | 09-28-356-001 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-77 | Cortland | 09-28-356-002 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-78 | Cortland | 09-28-356-003 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-79 | Cortland | 09-28-356-004 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-80 | Cortland | 09-28-356-005 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-81 | Cortland | 09-28-356-006 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-82 | Cortland | 09-28-356-007 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-83 | Cortland | 09-28-356-008 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-84 | Cortland | 09-28-356-009 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-85 | Cortland | 09-28-356-010 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-86 | Cortland | 09-28-356-011 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-87 | Cortland | 09-28-356-012 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-88 | Cortland | 09-28-356-013 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-89 | Cortland | 09-28-356-014 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-90 | Cortland | 09-28-356-015 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-91 | Cortland | 09-28-356-016 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-92 | Cortland | 09-28-356-017 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-93 | Cortland | 09-28-356-018 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-94 | Cortland | 09-28-356-019 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-95 | Cortland | 09-28-356-020 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-96 | Cortland | 09-28-356-021 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-97 | Cortland | 09-28-356-022 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-98 | Cortland | 09-28-357-001 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-99 | Cortland | 09-28-357-002 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-100 | Cortland | 09-28-357-003 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-101 | Cortland | 09-28-357-004 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-102 | Cortland | 09-28-357-005 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-103 | Cortland | 09-28-357-006 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-104 | Cortland | 09-28-357-009 | Kathryn Downing | $2,000.00 |
R2021-105 | Cortland | 09-28-357-010 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-106 | Cortland | 09-28-357-011 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-107 | Cortland | 09-28-357-012 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-108 | Cortland | 09-28-357-013 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-109 | Cortland | 09-28-357-014 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-111 | Cortland | 09-28-357-017 | Kathryn Downing | $2,000.00 |
R2021-112 | Cortland | 09-28-357-018 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-113 | Cortland | 09-28-357-019 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-114 | Cortland | 09-28-358-002 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-115 | Cortland | 09-28-358-004 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-116 | Cortland | 09-28-358-009 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-117 | Cortland | 09-33-102-001 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-118 | Cortland | 09-33-103-001 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-119 | Cortland | 09-33-103-002 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-120 | Cortland | 09-33-104-001 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-121 | Cortland | 09-33-104-002 | EK Land, LLC | $1,331.00 |
R2021-122 | Cortland | 09-33-126-002 | Jose' F Castro | $815.00 |
R2021-123 | Cortland | 09-33-126-003 | Jose' F Castro | $815.00 |
R2021-124 | Afton | 11-03-202-001 | Mihail Munteanu | $1,260.00 |
R2021-125 | Afton | 11-03-202-002 | Mihail Munteanu | $1,160.00 |
R2021-126 | Afton | 11-03-203-007 | Mihail Munteanu | $2,610.00 |
Chairman Frieders called for a roll call vote on the motion to approve all sixty-five (65) Resolutions. Those Members voting yea were Mr. Hughes, Mrs. Lampkins, Ms. Leifheit, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Webb, Mr. West, Vice-Chair Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Cozad, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mr. Cummings, Mr. Deutsch, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, and Chairman Frieders. All Members voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.
Resolution R2021-127: A Resolution Approving Amendments to the FY2021 Budget
Mr. Bagby moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves the attached Exhibit “A”, which includes FY2021 budget amendments. These amendments primarily involve the receipt and distribution of American Rescue Plan Act Funds and were forwarded to the County Board with a favorable recommendation from the Finance Committee. Mr. Faivre seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote
Chairman Frieders called for a roll call vote. Those Members voting yea were Mr. Hughes, Mrs. Lampkins, Ms. Leifheit, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Webb, Mr. West, Vice-Chair Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Cozad, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mr. Cummings, Mr. Deutsch, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, and Chairman Frieders. All Members voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.
Note: These minutes are not official until approved by the DeKalb County Board at a subsequent meeting. Please refer to the meeting minutes when these minutes are approved to obtain any changes to these minutes.
Reports of County Officials
Mr. Bagby moved to accept and place on file the following Reports of County Officials:
1. Cash & Investments in County Banks – September 2021
2. Public Defender’s Report – September 2021
3. Adult & Juvenile Monthly Reports – September 2021
4. Pretrial Report – September 2021
5. Sheriff’s Jail Report – September 2021
6. Building Permits & Construction Reports – September 2021
Ms. Cozad seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chairman requested a voice vote to accept the Reports of County Officials as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution R2021-128: Authorizing an Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement Establishing the Kane, Kendall, and DeKalb County Workforce Development Area Motion
Vice-Chair Willis moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Board to sign an Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement with Kane and Kendall Counties stating that staff support for the Workforce Development Board shall be provided by Kane County Office of Community Reinvestment, and that said board’s composition shall be inclusive of those mandated representatives and partners pursuant to State policy and that all other provisions of the Intergovernmental Agreement not affected by the Amendment shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Ms. Slabon seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
Chairman Frieders called for a voice vote on the motion as presented. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution R2021-129: A Resolution Approving a Letter of Support for the Shab-eh-nay Reservation Act Settlement Legislation
Vice-Chair Willis moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves the attached Exhibit “A”, which a letter of support for Shab-eh-nay Reservation Act Settlement Legislation as requested by the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation and its Chairman Joseph Rupnick. Ms. Crawford seconded the motion as presented.
Concerns regarding the proposed Resolution were brought up while others did not feel the concerns were related to what was being asked of them at this time, which was a letter of support.
Note: These minutes are not official until approved by the DeKalb County Board at a subsequent meeting. Please refer to the meeting minutes when these minutes are approved to obtain any changes to these minutes.
Motion to Table
Mrs. Lampkins moved to Table Resolution R2021-129. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote to Table
With no debate allowed, the Chairman called for a roll call vote on the motion to Table Resolution R2021-129. Those Members voting yea were Mr. Hughes, Mrs. Lampkins, Ms. Leifheit, Ms. Little, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Mr. West, Mr. Bagby, Mrs. Cribben, Mr. Cummings, Mr. Deutsch, Mrs. Emmer, and Chairman Fneders. Those voting nay were Mr. Luebke, Ms. Marm-Lamb, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Webb, Vice-Chair Willis, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Cozad, Ms. Crawford, and Mr. Faivre. The motion carried with thirteen Members voting yea and ten opposed.
Resolution R2021-130; Internal Borrowing for the DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center
Vice-Chair Willis moved the DeKalb Coimty Board does hereby authorize cash flow support for the DeKalb County Nursing & Rehab Center through internal borrowing with the conditions that any expenditure or expenditures to a single vendor in excess of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) will require prior authorization from the County Administrator or County Comptroller. Mr. West seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote
Chairman Frieders called for a roll call vote. Those Members voting yea were Mr. Hughes, Mrs. Lampkins, Ms. Leifheit, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Maim-Lamb, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Webb, Mr. West, Vice-Chair Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Cozad, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mr. Cummings, Mr. Deutsch, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, and Chairman Frieders. All Members voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Luebke moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m. and Mrs. Emmer seconded the motion. Voice Vote
The motion to adjourn the meeting carried unanimously.