
DeKalb Times

Sunday, November 24, 2024

DeKalb County Public Building Commission met Dec. 7

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DeKalb County Public Building Commission met Dec. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the DeKalb County Public Building Commission (hereinafter “Commission”) was held at 8:30 a.m. in the Community Outreach Building’s Conference Room West in DeKalb, Illinois pursuant to written notice to each Commissioner as required by the By-Laws.


Chairman Matt Swanson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and requested the Secretary to call the roll. Those Commissioners present were Mr. Kevin Bunge, Vice-Chair Larry Lundgren, Ms. Cheryl Nicholson, Mr. Chuck Shepard, and Chairman Matt Swanson. A quorum was established with all five Commissioners present.

Others that were present included: County Facilities Management Director Jim Scheffers, Commission Treasurer Gary Hanson, and Commission Secretary Tasha Sims.


Mr. Shepard requested that an additional item be added to the agenda for “Good of the Order” following item 8.

It was moved by Ms. Nicholson, seconded by Vice-Chair Lundgren, and approved unanimously by voice vote to approve the agenda as amended.


Ms. Nicholson moved to approve the minutes for the Tuesday, October 5, 2021 meeting. Mr. Shepard seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.


There were no comments from the public.


Mr. Scheffers reminded that the outside of the original building is within the Atrium of the new part of the DeKalb County Courthouse. There was recently an incident where a large chunk fell off the wall. Fortunately, no one was in the area at the time and thankfully no one was hurt.

Mr. Scheffers received two bids for the repair work and the Commission awarded the lowest bid meeting specifications to Seyller’s Inc. of Genoa, Illinois. It was reported that the work has since been completed and there were no additional findings. Mr. Scheffers also shared that Seyller’s was a great company to work with and they did a really nice job. There were no additional costs added to the project so the cost came in at the original bid amount of $36,700.00.


Back in September, Mr. Scheffers had provided photos to the Commission that showed two fairly good size sink holes within the parking lot of the DeKalb County Community Outreach Building (COB). There are also some additional areas that have dropped but have not broken through yet. Mr. Scheffers had reviewed the area with the County Engineer due to the fact that about every two years these holes keep surfacing.

Mr. Scheffers noted that he keeps filling the two large holes for now but he wants to get through the winter and wait to open the parking lot up in the spring.

Mr. Bunge shared that he did take a core sample of the parking lot and the sample looked fine. His best guess was that the entire layer of soil below the parking lot is moving. He recommended and encouraged going down an extra 18 inches, in the areas of concern, and add some CA2 (breaker run rock) to the foundation of the lot.


Mr. Scheffers shared that the County Administration Building has two boilers. Late last month, one of the boilers completely went out. The building is running on the backup boilers but that one is being patched together to stay running right now. These boilers were installed about 17 years ago. They are not condensing boilers and they are only about 80% efficient.

Mr. Scheffers went out and got a bid from General Mechanical to install two (2) wall mounted boilers on the south wall below the area where the flue piping leaves the building. They would mount the new boilers and pipe the primary loop before shutting down the existing boiler. This will allow for less downtime and building disruption.

The job summary would include:

- Demo and removal of the existing boilers

- Furnish and install (2) Viessman Vitodens 200-W stainless steel/titanium-modulating/condensing boilers

o Up to 94.1% efficiency

o Integrated cascade control (same board and controls as current system)

o Boiler circulator and check valves

- Re-pipe the exiting gas pipe to connect the new boilers

- Furnish and install CPVC boiler flue

- Connect boiler system to the existing secondary piping system

- Relocate the existing domestic hot water boiler

- Connect the boilers to the existing electrical

- Start-up and instruction included

- Viessman currently has 5 boilers available in the U.S. coming out of RI

Equipment: $18,007

Material: $9,146

Labor: $11,112

Total Price: $38,265.00

Mr. Shepard moved to approved and award a bid to General Mechanical for the replacement of two (2) boilers in the County Administration Building in the total amount of $38,265.00. Ms. Nicholson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all five Commissioners voting yea.

Note: These minutes are not official until approved by the Public Building Commission at a subsequent meeting. Please refer to the meeting minutes when these minutes are approved to obtain any changes to these minutes.


Treasurer Hanson presented the Commission with two FY 2021 budget amendments. The first was adding $1,000 for unbudgeted interest earnings. The other was to add an additional $15,000 for additional work that was approved for the COB generator.

Mr. Shepard moved to approved the two budget amendments for the Fiscal Year 2021. Ms. Nicholson seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Mr. Shepard noted that the City of DeKalb is making headway in their efforts to revitalize the North Annie Glidden Corridor. Neighboring that project is Suburban Estates and Apartments which are in the County’s jurisdiction. He hoped that the County would join in the efforts of creating some programs to help improve that area as well. It was noted that because the County is not Home Rule, they unfortunately are not able to create some of those same programs as the City of DeKalb has pertaining to housing units and holding landlords accountable for their properties. The County is in ongoing discussions with the City of DeKalb in regards to the future of the Suburban Estates property.


The Commission was presented with the proposed Public Building Commission Meeting Schedule for 2022. The Commission accepted the schedule as presented.


A motion to adjourn was made by Vice-Chair Lundgren, seconded by Ms. Nicholson, and was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 a.m.
