City of Dekalb Citizen Police Review Board met Feb. 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Citizen Police Review Board (CPRB) of the City of DeKalb, Illinois, convened at the DeKalb Police Department, 700 W. Lincoln Highway, DeKalb, Illinois.
Chair Maurice McDavid called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m.
Executive Assistant Ruth Scott called the roll, and the following members of the CPRB were present: Justin Carlson, Maurice McDavid, Kate Noreiko, Veronica Origel, and John Walker.
Others in attendance included Police Chief David Byrd and Deputy Police Chief Jason Leverton.
MOTION: Ms. Noreiko moved to approve the agenda; seconded by Mr. Walker.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 5-0 voice vote of CPRB members present.
There was none.
Police Chief Byrd thanked the members of the CPRB for their participation, noting this is a historic moment in the City of DeKalb, and the Police Department specifically.
Police Chief Byrd began the orientation by reading the CPRB mission statement to the members, which was also shown on the monitors.
Police Chief Byrd then provided the CPRB members with an overview of the following:
▪ Police Review/Citizen Oversight Responsibilities.
▪ Structure of the CPRB.
▪ Authority of the CPRB.
▪ Training of the CPRB.
▪ Citizen Complaint Process.
▪ Police Department Organization – Office of the Police Chief, Administration, Community Support Services, Patrol Division, and Investigations.
There was brief discussion regarding the soon to be online license plate readers (LPR) and what type of information the LPRs would be collecting. Police Chief Byrd indicated that the LPRs would be used for criminal investigations, Amber Alerts, and Silver Alerts. The LPRs will not be used to read license plates for expired vehicle registrations.
Citizen Police Review Board Meeting Minutes
There was brief discussion on how complaints would be filed. Complaints will be processed online via the City’s website. If the person making the complaint doesn’t have access to the internet, other accommodations can be made.
Discussion then ensued regarding the time frame for filing a complaint and when the CPRB is required to respond. Police Chief Byrd indicated the time frame would be decided by the CPRB.
Continuing the orientation, Police Chief Byrd stated that a discipline matrix was in the process of being compiled for the CPRB to utilize, which can be used to decide how to move forward when suggesting discipline.
Brief discussion ensued.
Deputy Police Chief Leverton then provided the CPRB members with copies of a few policies and procedures of the Police Department, noting that all policies and procedures can be located on the City’s website at Department Policies | DeKalb, IL (, adding that each policy is reviewed every two to three years.
Brief discussion ensued.
Chair McDavid asked about the Open Meeting Act (OMA) training process. Executive Assistant Scott replied that the OMA training site through the Illinois Attorney General’s Office still isn’t working properly. However, there’s an alternative training process offered through the Illinois Municipal League (IML). Chair McDavid indicated he took the OMA training offered through the IML but has yet to receive the certificate. Brief discussion ensued regarding the receipt of the certificate, with some members indicating it took a few days.
There was consensus that the next meeting of the CPRB would take place on Thursday, February 10, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the DeKalb Police Department. Police Chief Byrd added that the next meeting would be a continuation of orientation for the CPRB members.
MOTION: Mr. Walker moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Ms. Noreiko.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 5-0 voice vote of CPRB members present.
Chair McDavid adjourned the meeting at 7:46 p.m.