
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

DeKalb County Emergency Telephone System Board met March 2

DeKalb County Emergency Telephone System Board met March 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Chairman Leverton called the meeting to order at 3:00pm.

a. Board Members Present:

Bianchi, Bomar, Byrd, Johnson, Leverton, McAllister, Plote(3:04pm), Polarek, Thomas, and Willis.

b. Board Members Absent:


c. Guests Present:

CMD Steve Lekkas, DeKalb Police Department.

d. Also Present:

Becky Springer, DeKalb County Treasurer and Heather Butler, 9-1-1 Coordinator.

2. Agenda

a. Chairman Leverton asked for any amendments to the agenda. A motion was made by Polarek and seconded by Bianchi to approve the agenda. The motion passed.

3. General Meeting Minutes:

a. A motion to approve the minutes of the February 2, 2022 meeting was made by Thomas and seconded by Bianchi. The motion passed.

4. Public Comment- None

5. Treasurer’s Report

a. Monthly Treasurer’s Report

i. February report presented and discussed. A motion to approve the February 2022 monthly report was made by Polarek and seconded by Byrd. Motion passed.

b. Approval of Bills

Bills Paid in March 2022

Vendor Invoice Amount

NG-911 $6,630.00

First National Bank $844.55

Heather Butler $151.42

Voiance $111.51

ILAPCO $120.00

T-Mobile $111.22

NG-911 $1,369.50

Total March Bills $9,338.20

A motion to pay the March bills was made by Polarek and seconded by Byrd. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi – Y, Bomar – Y, Johnson – Y, Willis – Y, Thomas – Y, Plote – Y, Polarek – Y, Byrd – Y, McAllister – Y, Leverton - Y. Motion passed.

6. UPS Service Contract –

a. Butler advised the year service contact that came with the purchase of the UPS installed at the Sheriff’s office last year is up this month.

b. Eaton the company that would service the UPS sent a one-year quote. Butler then requested a 3-year option to save money. This was presented along with recommendations from maintenance department.

A motion was made by Plote to approve the quote selecting option 3 for 3 years, the motion was seconded by Bianchi. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi – Y, Bomar – Y, Johnson – Y, Willis – Y, Thomas – Y, Plote – Y, Polarek – Y, Byrd – Y, McAllister – Y, Leverton - Y. Motion passed.

7. Radio Report

a. Bomar advised they finalized items for the city project last week, no start date. Leverton reminded everyone this is for the addition of an antenna at the DeKalb PD to help with coverage issues.

8. Grant Status -

a. Butler advised we received a NG grant reimbursement check. Solacom now working on gathering documentation to be able to close out the grant.

b. Only 6 agencies in the state applied for the consolidation grant, for less than the allocated amount for the year. State administrator will review and notify of awards no later than June.

9. NG911 Update –

a. Butler advised we are still progressing towards a late March cutover to phase

2. Ongoing testing of the system has been happening.

10. Legislation –

a. Butler advised the SAB has continued to struggle having a quorum to meet. Short meeting last week to go over the annual report. That and a legislative report are posted on the IL NENA website.

b. HB4240 – no change, continue to watch, deals with training and continuing education for telecommunicators.

c. SB3127 – now in the house, reclassification for telecommunicators. Getting good support. Along with this bill, any bill that has “first responder” wording they are adding “telecommunicator” along with it to support reclassification.

d. CESSA update – statewide committee is delayed in their launch; they hope to meet yet this month. Regional committees still hope to be launched in April. 988/911 NENA WG is progressing, slow process. Hoping to have work done to help support regional CESSA committees.

e. HB5502 – this incorporates Kari’s Law and Ray Baum’s Act into the ETSA.

11. Participating Agency Request- None

12. Coordinator’s Report –

a. Butler thanked Sheriff Sullivan and Lt Bomar for being accommodating, allowing Winnebago County/Rockford 911 to have a couple dispatchers work out of the Sheriff PSAP last month as a backup plan to an outage.

b. April is 9-1-1 education month; Butler is reaching out to the schools to offer and schedule public education.

c. Joint NENA/APCO meeting last week, not much to update. Butler was asked and advised she will be taking over the registration for our state NENA/APCO 9-1-1 conference.

13. Old Business- Leverton reminded all board members of national 9-1-1 conferences, if a board member wishes to attend let Coordinator Butler know.

14. New Business- Treasurer Springer let the board know the auditors will be on side next week.

15. ADJOURNMENT- Byrd moved to adjourn the meeting and the motion was seconded by McAllister. The meeting adjourned at 3:32pm.
