
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

DeKalb County Board Highway Committee met April 7

DeKalb County Board Highway Committee met April 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

A public meeting of the Highway Committee of the DeKalb County Board was held at 6:00pm.

Chairman Plote called the meeting to order at 6:04pm and called for the roll. Committee members present were Ms. Emmer, Vice Chair Luebke, and Mr. Deutsch. Ms. Jones, M. Willis and Mr. Osland were absent. The County Engineer, Mr. Nathan Schwartz, Ms. Stacy Richardson, Support Services Manager, County Board member Tim Bagby, and two other guests were also present.


Motion made by Ms. Emmer and seconded by Mr. Deutsch to approve the agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously. 


Vice Chair Luebke moved and Mr. Deutsch seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the regular March 3, 2022 meeting. Motion passed unanimously. 

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Ms. Amanda Meyer of Sycamore Township, resident and HOA member the Sycamore Creek subdivision addressed the committee with her concerns regarding Lindgren and Plank Road intersection. She expressed her thanks to the County Engineer for acknowledging her concerns and explaining the safety warrants for determining a stoplight need at this intersection. She wants to know who can participate in the public comment period of upcoming Plank Road corridor study. Ms. Jill Jankovich, also of Sycamore Creek subdivision addressed the committee with the same intersection concerns. When she was looking at a house to buy, she was promised years ago, she was told the intersection would be made a 4-way stop or get traffic signals.


Mr. Schwartz presented two award resolutions for consideration by the Committee after the opening of bids was held on April 6, 2022. These bids are requested every year for maintenance materials utilized by the County, Road Districts, and Municipalities.

The first Resolution is #R2022-31, Helm Civil of Freeport, Illinois submitted the low bid and only bid received meeting specifications for the Seal Coating of an estimated 47.1 miles of DeKalb County & Cortland Township, Genoa Township, Kingston Township, Mayfield Township, Milan Township, Paw Paw Township, Pierce Township, Squaw Grove Township & Sycamore Township roadways an estimated 5.32 miles of Municipality streets in the City of Genoa, Village of Shabbona, Village of Somonauk & Village of Kingston, under section number 2022 Seal Coat Project, 22-XX000-0X-GM in the amount of $1,406,644.50. Although the bid was above the estimate of cost, Mr. Schwartz recommended approval because prices are expected to increase if we went out for bid again. Also, the work needs to get done this year or we’ll fall behind on our preventative maintenance program.

Corrective Asphalt Materials of South Roxana, Illinois submitted the low bid meeting specifications for the application of an estimated 331,718 square yards of rejuvenator reclamite on various roads in DeKalb County, DeKalb Township, Mayfield Township and the City of Sycamore, under section number 2022 Rejuvenator Project, 22-XX000-0X GM in the amount of $355,029.15.

America’s Parking Remarking of St. Louis, Missouri submitted the low bid meeting specifications for the edge line and center line pavement markings on all County Roads, various Road District Roads and various Municipals Streets for 207 miles of centerline dash; 181 miles of centerline; 18 miles white dash; and 396 miles of edge line, in the amount of $256,660.12.

Mr. Schwartz recommended approval of the award resolution. Mr. Luebke moved and Ms. Emmer seconded a motion to forward the resolution to the full County Board recommending approval. The motion passed unanimously. 

The second Resolution is #R2022-32, the Road Districts had 9 hot-mix projects that will be utilizing MFT and Rebuild Illinois (RBI) funds. Because of these funding sources, the County Board is required to award these projects.

Builders Paving, LLC of Hillside, Illinois, submitted the low bid meeting specifications for hot-mix resurfacing of 1.88 miles of Keslinger & McGirr Roads, under Section 22-12000- 02-GM in Pierce Road District in the amount of $204,286.40.

Curran Contracting Company of Crystal Lake, Illinois, submitted the low bid meeting specifications in the amount of $133,072.01 for the hot-mix resurfacing of 2.65 miles of Leland Road under Section 22-02000-01-GM in Clinton Road District; In the amount of $141,355.16 for the hot-mix resurfacing of 2.75 miles of Fenstermaker Road, under Section 22-03000-02-GM in Cortland Road District; In the amount of $232,806.04 for the hot-mix resurfacing of 1.44 miles of Pratt Road, under Section 22-13000-00-GM in Sandwich Road District; In the amount of $298,253.31 for the hot-mix resurfacing of 2.89 miles of Howison and Duffy Roads, under Section 22-17000-02-GM in Squaw Grove Road District.

Martin & Company Excavating of Oregon, Illinois, submitted the low bid meeting specifications in the amount of 137,272.50 for the hot-mix resurfacing of 2.06 miles of Keslinger, Anderland, and Gurler Roads, under Section 22-10000-03-GM in Milan Road District, DeKalb County; In the amount of $190,079.75 for the hot-mix resurfacing of 1.06 miles of Shabbona Grove Road, under Section 22-14000-02-GM in Shabbona Road District, DeKalb County.

Peter Baker & Son Co, of Lake Bluff, Illinois submitted the low bid meeting specifications in the amount of $834,026.54 for the hot-mix resurfacing of 3.56 miles of Rich and Lucas Roads, under Section 22-04000-03-GM in DeKalb Road District; In the amount of $515,357.03 for the hot-mix resurfacing of 5.70 miles of Swanson Road, Lindgren Road, Oakland Drive, Prosser Drive and Florence Drive, under Section 22- 18000-02-GM in Sycamore Road District.

Mr. Schwartz recommended approval of the award resolution. Mr. Deutsch moved and Vice Chair Luebke seconded a motion to forward the resolution to the full County Board recommending approval. The motion passed unanimously. 

The third Resolution, #R2022-33 is to enter into an agreement with the State of Illinois for certain improvements to Suydam Road (CH-11) from Illinois Route 23 to Rollo Road. Mr. Schwartz explained that with the LAA the state fronts the money to pay the contractor then bills the federal agency for 80% and local agency for 20%. This agreement makes sure all commitments requirements are met. The section 14-00246- 00-RS is estimated to cost $1,824,500.00 of Federal STR Funds and TARP Funds. The estimated local cost is $17,000.00.

Mr. Schwartz recommended approval of the award resolution. Ms. Emmer moved and Mr. Deutsch seconded a motion to forward the resolution to the full County Board recommending approval. The motion passed unanimously. 

The fourth Resolution, #R2022-34 is to enter into an agreement with the Engineering Firm of Engineering Resource Associates of Warrenville, Illinois for Phase I and II Engineering Services associated with determining the replacement of the structure on Pritchard Road, one mile northeast of Hinckley, Illinois in Squaw Grove Township. Mr. Schwartz explained that with no structural engineer on staff, the Highway Department went through the QBS process to hire the most qualified engineering firm for the project structure number 019-5417 with project designated as section number 19-17129-00-BR. The cost of the engineering work is not to exceed $220,143.00.

Mr. Schwartz recommended approval of the award resolution. Vice Chair Luebke moved and Mr. Deutsch seconded a motion to forward the resolution to the full County Board recommending approval. The motion passed unanimously. 

The fifth Resolution #R2022-35 is the MFT Resolution for section 19-00268-00-BR, for construction of the extension and related earthwork for six reinforced concrete box culverts and one pipe culvert under Somonauk & Perry Roads in the amount of $350,000.00.

Mr. Schwartz recommended approval of the award resolution. Vice Chair Luebke moved and Ms. Emmer seconded a motion to forward the resolution to the full County Board recommending approval. The motion passed unanimously. 

The sixth Resolution #R2022-36 is to establish a Class II or Prohibited Truck Route on Suydam Road (CH-11) from Route 23 to Rollo Road. Mr. Schwartz stated this Resolution is necessary when using the TARP funds for upgrading a highway to be an 80,000 pounds year-round roadway before it can be classified as a Class II Truck Route.

Mr. Schwartz recommended approval of the award resolution. Ms. Emmer moved and Mr. Deutsch seconded a motion to forward the resolution to the full County Board recommending approval. The motion passed unanimously. 

CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS: Chairman Plote commented that he has observed that the fiber optic construction along IL Route 23 weaves in and out, and goes around memorial crosses, etc. He expressed a concern that there may be a need for a policy on County roads to clarify how contractors are instructed to handle these types of areas.


Mr. Schwartz briefed the Committee that he will be presenting the DSATS 360 project at the Illinois Chapter of APWA (American Public Works Association) and also will be the keynote speaker at the IACE conference with the same topic. He will be demonstrating the Google Street View pilot program that updated the Google Maps Street View for our DeKalb-Sycamore-Cortland MPO area done by DSATS last summer 2021. Some of the previous street view maps were outdated as late as 2007 or never photographed at all. Coordinating with the IMO department, the rest of DeKalb County is expected to be completed in 2022. Mr. Schwartz thanked the residents for their public comments and concerns on the Lindgren Road & Plank Road intersection. There is a consultant doing the analysis for the Plank Road Study from Illinois Route 23 eastward. He would like residents, school administrations, subdivision HOA, merchants, in-town and out-of-town travelers to provide input during the public comment period or at an open house. Those comment periods will occur sometime in 2022. He reminded the Committee that traffic signals must meet one of nine warrants in order to be considered. The intersection is re evaluated annually but has not meet the requirements yet. Mr. Schwartz also has heard of renewed comments in safety at the Peace-Freed intersection which he addressed stating that most fatalities are not happening at the intersection. Since 2004, only one fatality has occurred at the intersection in which a vehicle went off the road due to another car. The driver got out of his car and distractedly walked into a live lane of traffic on Peace Road. A fatal crash occurred years later in the curve north of the intersection when a driver crossed the centerline. Recently, two fatal crashes occurred south of the intersection near the Kishwaukee River when, in both of those crashes, a driver crossed the centerline. Regarding current staffing, the Department recently extended an offer to hire an Engineering Technician and should hear back soon from the potential employee. The person being interviewed for the DSATS vacancy decided to go a different direction, leaving that position still open. The Permit/Inventory Tech position will need to be advertised next. Mr. Schwartz would like to see a formal sign policy that would address the miscellaneous signs and roadside memorial markers that are placed in the ROW, like garage sales, credit signs, etc.

The transportation improvement progress report was reviewed with the Committee. In light of a few items already discussed this evening the report was kept brief. -New Lebonan Bridge construction progress pictures were shown

-Suydam Road & North First Street paving are federal funding projects, IDOT letting is April 29th

-Peace Road Bridge widening from Rt 64 to Freed Road Phase I Design Engineering stands at 30%

-Perry Road Bridge, east of Chase Road: the engineering firm has started the surveying for Phase I & II which was last month’s resolution.

-Rollo Road culvert replacement project: stands at 2%, the engineering firm has started the surveying for Phase I & II which was last month’s resolution -Plank Road Study consultant is about 1/3 through their current work -Seal Coat & HMA paving projects have the engineering complete with yesterday’s bid lettings

For a legislative update, the fuel cost rising in the State has legislators considering a bill suspending the automatic increase of fuel based on CPI inflation. That increase would happen on Jan 1 instead of July 1 on a yearly basis. Leaky Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Funds could be used to make up the difference for the initial 6 month delay from July to January for the increase in MFT.

ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Plote asked if there were any additional items that needed to be presented tonight and hearing none asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by Vice Chair Luebke and seconded by Ms. Emmer, and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:54pm.
