City of Genoa City Council met June 15.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
City Clerk Braheny called the meeting of the City Council to order at 7:17 p.m. Roll call was taken. Aldermen Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta and Hughes were present. Alderman Wesner, Winter and Holcomb were absent. Quorum present.
City Clerk Braheny asked for a motion to have Alderman Cravatta be mayor pro tempore, motion made by Alderman Pulley, seconded by Alderman Hughes. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried.
Mayor pro tempore Cravatta led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guest Speakers –
GENOA AREA FOOD HUB: Executive Director Heather Edwards spoke to the council about the DeKalb County Community Gardens, they are in charge of the Genoa Area Food Hub located on Main Street in Genoa which services the families in the community, in 2021 they helped 986 individuals. They rent out the facility in Genoa, work with school districts on educational classes, have various workshops, have full meals prepared by chefs once a month and do a pay as you are able, the suggested cost is $8 per meal. They are open for pick-ups twice a month on Monday and Wednesday from 9:00am-11:00am and Tuesdays from 4:30pm 6:30pm. If anyone would like to help with sponsorships they would be greatly appreciated.
2021-2022 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, C.E.S.: Sherri from C.E.S spoke to the council about the street improvement projects that are being completed and those that are completed. She addressed the concern for Rail Road Ave that residents and council had at the last council meeting. She explained that they were working with the existing structure of the street to keep the cost down so that 3 other streets could also be redone. If the city had to pay to have Rail Road Ave completely redone with new drainage, curb and gutters it would have been a lot more expensive. She also explained that this is why in a few spots it seems “wavy” due to having to make the transitions to connecting streets or driveways. The big concern was drainage on that road which has been resolved by creating the crown again on that street.
Motion made by Alderman Pulley to accept the minutes from the June 1, 2022 City Council meeting, seconded by Alderman Stage. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried.
Motion made by Alderman Stage to approve the account’s payables for June 15, 2022, seconded by Alderman Hughes. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta and Hughes voted yes. Motion carried.
APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO ELECTRONICALLY EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE DEKALB COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION: Motion made by Alderman Pulley to approve and authorize the city administrator to electronically execute a grant agreement with the DeKalb County community foundation, seconded by Alderman Hughes. There was no further discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta and Hughes voted yes.
APPROVAL OF UPFITTING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT’S 2022 F150 RESPONDER BY JACOB HEISER, NOT TO EXCEED $3,000: Motion made by Alderman Stage for approval of upfitting the police departments 2022 F150 responder by Jacob Heiser, not to exceed $3,000, seconded by Alderman Pulley. The Police Department has received the previously approved and purchased 2022 F150 Responder Pickup. The Police Department has begun purchasing the equipment to prepare the responder for the road, including radar, a gun rack, and computer. Also needed is the purchase and installation of equipment for sirens and lighting for the responder. While a $2,500 purchase does not need council approval under the city’s purchasing policy, this item has been placed on the agenda for transparency purposes because a quote has been received by both an employee, Jacob Heiser and Veto Enterprises, with Heiser being the lower quote. Additionally, the police department has utilized Heiser in the past, who has done great work in a timely manner. The quote also includes work for $500 to remove a camera from one squad and install it in the new responder, which Veto did not provide a quote for. Moving the camera from one squad to another as opposed to buying new saves approximately $6,000. No further discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta and Hughes voted yes.
APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION: Motion made by Alderman Pulley to approve a resolution approving and authorizing the execution of a final plat of subdivision, seconded by Alderman Hughes. The Plan Commission held a meeting on May 19, 2021for the purposes of considering a final plat of subdivision for Margaret’s Subdivision. If approved, this Final Plat will combine two residential lots in the Derby Estates Subdivision and vacate an easement between the lots. There are not any utilities within the easement. The property owner has requested this subdivision because they wish to build a home over the current property line between the lots. If approved, the new lot meets standards within the Unified Development Ordinance. The Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval with the conditions outlined in the attached Resolution. No further discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta and Hughes voted yes.
APPROVE A RESOLUTION FOR MAINTENANCE UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE: Motion made by Alderman Hughes to approve a resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code, seconded by Alderman Stage. The Illinois Department of Transportation requires that the City approve and file annually a resolution appropriating Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets. During Fiscal Year 2022-2023, street maintenance costs utilizing Motor Fuel Tax funds amounts to $162,000. There was no further discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta and Hughes voted yes.
Finance Report – Treasurer & Finance Director, Jan Tures stated that they are continuing to finish up the budget from last year and working on the audit.
Public Works – Public Works Streets Supervisor Joe Flury stated that there is nothing new to report
Police Department – Chief Smith reported that they are accepting applications through October 1st for a police officer. Genoa Days was busy but no major issues. The Salvation Army was kind enough to feed the Officers and Fire Department everyday and the Genoa Library let them use the annex as a hub. The parade was just shy of 2 hours. We had help from Sycamore and DeKalb with patrolling. The council members have a brief synopsis report from the new reporting system of recent calls the department has dealt with.
Administrative Report – City Administrator, Alyssa Seguss reported that the Waste Water Treatment Committee had a meeting at the Kishwaukee Reclamation District yesterday and they were able to tour the facility and get some questions answered, hoping to have a better update at the next city council meeting as their regular meeting before the city council meeting had to be postponed tonight. Hoping to have not 1 but 2 façade grants in the works for the downtown revitalization; the Rail has a building permit in the window, hoping to see some progress, if not then they will be in adjudication at the end of the month. Still accepting applications for the assistant to the finance and administration department, hoping to get a few more in, it will be extended through the end of the week. The Economic Development Commission came out about a month ago and talked to the council in regards to sending out a survey and they are hoping to get it out in the mail or through social media by the end of this week. There is a group from NIU that has approached the city and said that they would be happy to analyze the information for us; hoping to get that coordinated with them and if that does not work it will take a little bit longer to get the information compiled through the EDC. Custom Aluminum is on the DeKalb County Enterprise Agenda for tomorrow for tax abatement for their new expansion and Alyssa will update the council on that when she has more information. The city also met earlier this week to go over the next round of streets projects with the funding that we have from the American Rescue Act plan and also the bond funds, the downtown project is still hanging out their weather or not we receive that is a large contributing factor of certain streets getting done this year or next year. Alderman Huges asked about Route 72 West of the bridge if this is going to get resurfaced anytime soon? Alyssa stated that she submitted a complaint to the Illinois Department of Transportation, as that is their responsibility and not the city’s, it was budgeted to get done shortly after the East end of town was completed and then COVID hit and more than likely put a halt to the project, she will follow up and see where the project is currently at.
Mayor’s Report – Mayor pro tempo Cravatta stated he has nothing new to report
ANNOUNCEMENTS – Genoa Days went very well; Open Door Coffee has their ribbon cutting on Saturday June 18th at 7:30am and an open house from 8:00am to 4:00pm. There is a car show at Cruzin’ in Genoa this Sunday June 19th from 9:00am to 3:00pm.
Motion to adjourn the meeting of the City Council was made by Alderman Pulley, seconded by Alderman Freund. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.