
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DeKalb County Emergency Telephone System Board met June 1

DeKalb County Emergency Telephone System Board met June 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Chairman Leverton called the meeting to order at 3:01pm. 

a. Board Members Present: 

Bomar, Johnson, Thomas, Willis, Plote (3:05pm), McAllister, and Leverton. 

b. Board Members Absent: 

Bianchi, Polarek, and Byrd 

c. Guests Present: 

Sheriff Andy Sullivan, DeKalb Sheriff’s Office and Sean Woyna, DeKalb Police Dept.  

d. Also Present: 

Heather Butler, 9-1-1 Coordinator. 

2. Agenda 

a. Chairman Leverton asked for any amendments to the agenda. A motion was made by Willis and seconded by McAllister to approve the agenda. The motion passed. 

3. General Meeting Minutes:  

a. A motion to approve the minutes of the May 4th, 2022 meeting was made by Thomas and seconded by Bomar. The motion passed. 

4. Public Comment- None 

5. Treasurer’s Report 

a. Monthly Treasurer’s Report 

i. May report presented and discussed. A motion to approve the May 2022 monthly report was made by Thomas and seconded by Bomar. Motion passed.

b. Approval of Bills 

Bills Paid in June 2022 

Vendor                    Invoice Amount 

Voiance (April)                   $132.30 

Heather Butler                   $297.18 

FNBO                             $2,023.19 

T-Mobile                              $65.60 

NG-911 Inc                     $6,630.00 

Total June Bills               $9,148.27 

A motion to pay the June bills was made by McAllister and seconded by Willis. A roll call vote was taken; Bomar – Y, Johnson – Y, Willis – Y, Thomas – Y, Plote – Y, McAllister – Y, Leverton – Y. Motion passed.

6. Radio Report

a. Sheriff Sullivan advised the equipment they have been waiting on is scheduled to be delivered July 15th for DeKalb site, install will hopefully be in July.

b. Leverton advised they have had issues lately, fiber cut affecting StarCom, had switched to County and worked for a few days then had issues. After adjustments to StarCom were made they switched back.

7. Grant Status -

a. Butler advised we received our 3rd Qtr NG grant reimbursement. Working with the state and Solacom on a pro-forma invoice to close this grant out in 4th Qtr.

b. No update on the FY23 Consolidation grant applied for.

c. We were awarded an INENA training grant for a class in September we will be hosting.

8. NG911 Update –

a. Butler advised the date has keeps shifting due to E2 testing.

b. At the last NINGA meeting we had representatives from RapidSOS talk with us, coming a long way with NG911 services and tools for our dispatchers.

9. Legislation –

a. Butler advised the state learned from the FCC the sweep of 9-1-1 funds will not affect the current IL grant that just ended. It will affect any future grant opportunities as IL would be charged with fee diversion. According to Rep Willis she will be advising her contact, the 5 million can be taken from elsewhere, they were waiting for the response from the FCC.

b. CESSA – First statewide committee call is this Friday and open to the public. c. SB3127 – Governor signed this, seeking clarification on what this means for EMD dispatchers but we believe this is a good step towards reclassification.

10. Participating Agency Request- None

11. Coordinator’s Report –

a. Butler advised we should have 2 more radio sites removed soon, working with Sgt Rubeck and Tower Works to get this done. Delays due to weather.

b. NENA conference is the 11th to the 16th, Butler will be out of the office. DeKalb County has 5 people going in total, a good representation.

12. Old Business- None

13. New Business- None

14. ADJOURNMENT- Plote moved to adjourn the meeting and the motion was seconded by Johnson. The meeting adjourned at 3:16pm.
