
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DeKalb County Mental Health Board met June 27

DeKalb County Mental Health Board met June 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Board Members Present: Jane Smith, Perry Maier, Robert Cook, Sue Plote, Laurie Emmer, Marilyn Stromborg, Kristen Quinn

Board Members - Absent: Meghan Cook, Jennie Geltz

Other Persons Present:

Office Staff Present: Deanna Cada, Heaven Allen

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by the President, Jane Smith, at 6:31 pm.

Ms. Cada took attendance. Present were Jane Smith, Sue Plote, Laurie Emmer, Kirsten Quinn, Perry Maier. There is quorum for the meeting.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Due to room change, Pledge was not held.

3. Agenda

Mr. Maier moved to approve the agenda; seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote; Ms. Smith-Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn- Yes

4. Minutes

Mr. Maier moved to approve the minutes of the 05/16/2022 Board meeting; seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote; Ms. Smith-Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn- Yes

5. Announcements

Ms. Cada shared that in the Tribune Will County is seeking a referendum for a Mental Health Board in November.

Ms. Cada announced that the board received a Thank you letter from Framers Landscaping Advocacy Project (FLAP).

6. Director’s Report

Ms. Cada discussed that for the One County Initiative, Ms. Cada spent the day with Lori Grubbs at the Circuit Clerks office to learn and oversee duties.

Ms. Cada announced that another article in the Newspaper was mental health training for coaches in the Park Districts.

Ms. Cada announced that the county is in the process of purchasing a new financial software. Ms. Cada informed the board that there will be an ACHMAI meeting in August; Ms. Plote and Mr. Maier from the Board along with Ms. Allen will join Ms. Cada

Ms. Cada discussed that the Board was invited to the Grand Opening of the Belonging Council.

Ms. Cada informed the board that there will be an Agency Meeting on June 29th, When they should return their contracts and meet and greet incoming directors.

Ms. Cada shared with the board that on Friday July 8th she will be participating on an A.L.I.CE. podcast.

7. Community Input

8. Finance Reports

A. Monthly budget report: May 2022

Dr. Stromborg reviewed the monthly budget reports for May 2022.

B. Claims

June 2022 Claims were discussed.

Dr. Stromborg moved to approve the June 2022 agency claims in the amount of $272,289.21; seconded by Ms. Smith. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Ms. Smith-Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn

Mr. Cook moved to approve the June 2022 office claims in the amount of $1,400.44; seconded by Ms. Smith. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote., Ms. Smith-Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn

9. Executive Committee

A. Policy & Procedure Review and Approvals - Ms. Cada announced that the policies and procedures have been included for review.

i. Updated Policies and New Policies – In the notated packet outlines changes to any policies.

B. FY2021 Annual Report – Ms. Cada discussed that Ms. Allen and herself have been working on completing the Annual Report to have ready to present.

10. Finance Committee

A. Grant Year 2023 Decisions & Contracts – Amendment YSB Allocation – Ms. Cada informed the board of an error in the allocation of Youth Service Bureau’s Funds which was corrected to represent the services they would be providing.

B. Guardianship Agency Partnership Proposal – Elder Care Services – Ms. Cada discussed the Guardianship Proposal with the Board

Ms. Plote moved to approve Guardianship Education & Assistance Agency Partnership Proposal; seconded by Ms. Smith. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Mr. Cook-Yes, Ms. Smith Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn

C. FY2023 Budget/Betsy Hull, Financial Consultant – Ms. Cada shared with the Board that she has been working with Ms. Betsy Hull, who has been working on the Mental Health Board Budget and has noted a few changes. Ms. Hall is also working on the CACDC Budget.

D. Community Investment Fund update – Ms. Cada shared updates for agencies supported by the Community Investment Fund.

E. Eviction Impacted Agencies – Ms. Cada informed the board of the eviction notice to our agencies residing at 330 Grove St. & 217 W. 4th St.

11. Impact Committee -

A. June 22, 2022 Meeting – Ms. Cada announced that the June meeting was cancelled due to low attendance availability, the plan is to reschedule meeting after the Board Retreat.

12. CEBIB Committee

A. Update – Community Survey, July 7, 2022 Meeting - Mr. Cook gave an update – June meeting was cancelled. Ms. Cada shared that due to the cancellation was able to attend to attend the Dekalb Pride Festival and was able to get more survey submissions.

Ms. Cada also announced additional community engagements herself and Ms. Allen will be attending to push the survey.

The next CEBiB Meeting is scheduled for July 7, 2022

13. Old Business

A. Vote 2022 – 2023 Slate of Officers – Ms. Cada presented the slate of Officers for 2022 – 2023 Mr. Maier moved to approve 2022-2023 Slate of Officers; seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Ms. Smith, Mr. Cook-Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn

B. 0 to 7-Year-old Priority Update – Annual Plan – Ms. Cada discussed the need for a system of care. Herself and Ms. Plote are working to build and fund the infrastructure to give the 0-7 the best chance at succeeding.

14. New Business

No Report

15. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.

Dr. Stromborg moved to adjourn; seconded by Mr. Cook. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Mr. Cook-Yes, Ms. Smith-Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn

A. Next meeting

a. July 29, 2022 – 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Board Retreat

DeKalb County History Center, 1730 N. Main Street, Sycamore IL
