
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole Council met May 2

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole Council met May 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. Roll call was taken:

Present: Mayor Latham, Clerk Ii, Aldermen Johnson, Killey, Kreinbrink, Robinson & Whitecotton

Quorum established.

Also Present: Chief Bianchi & EMA Director Ciciora

Attorney Gottschalk arrived at 7:05 PM

Absent: Aldermen Fritsch, Holcomb & Littlebrant; EMA Director Ciciora;

Building Official Steffens

Mayor Latham:

1. Food Trucks – Ordinance 2022-06: The proposed Ordinance was reviewed by Council. Location of food trucks would be restrictive to private property, unless approved by Council for a special event, but would still require a city-issued permit. Trucks would require Health Department certification plus proof of sales tax payment. Proposed fees would be a $100 annual license or a $25.00 single event license. Attorney Gottschalk recommended the City update their special event ordinance.

2. Farmers Market – Ordinance 2022-05: Council felt the first draft was too restrictive and favored a more simplistic ordinance. A “market master” was favored who would be responsible for collecting vendor fees and meet health department compliancy. The farmers market would operate from May through October with actual times of operation to be determined. Council will continue to discuss.

3. Solicitors License – Council passed on topic for a future meeting

4. Hawkers Code – Council passed on topic for a future meeting

5. Excavation Permit: Mayor Latham expressed frustration that approximately $1,250 has been expended in engineering costs allowing an outside company bore for fiber installation along Route 34. The fiber will not benefit the City. Mayor Latham has recommended the City increase their excavation fees from $25 to $75 for residential. Commercial fees would be $250 and an industrial / utility company excavation permit would cost $350. The amount of a required bond would also increase. Council will continue discussion on this matter.

6. City Parkway: Council passed on topic for further discussion when all aldermen are present. Drainage issues are a concern that the City is seeking engineering insight and recommendations.

7. Code Enforcement: Mayor Latham reported that he has checked with the pension board who has indicated there would be no problem to incorporate the new position with that the community officer. A job description will need to be created for code enforcement.

8. Modifications to Liquor Code: The movie theater has requested a liquor license to serve patrons during movie showings. Council has mixed feelings voicing control concerns for underage drinking but were receptive to reviewing ordinances from other communities that allow serving of alcoholic beverages.

9. Supervisory Job Qualifications: In interviews for the Superintendent of Streets position, the question raised was if the City is in a competitive market according to the Municipal Code. Applicants did not favor an annual appointment for the position nor ineligibility for a one-week vacation until after one year of employment. Mayor Latham recommended the Code be revaluated and made more comparable to what the current job market dictates.

Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Gottschalk Law Group: No report

City Clerk Ii: No report

City Treasurer Dell: Vacancy

City Department Reports:

EMA Director Ciciora: Absent

Chief Bianchi explained that K-9, Diesel, has a tooth infection that requires treatment. Cost is between $3,000-$3,500. Because Diesel is a service dog, the cost will be 50%. Additionally, Chief Bianchi reported that furniture is to be delivered to the public safety building the end of May, and the punch list will also be provided at the same time.

Engineering: No report

Aldermen Reports:

Alderwoman Johnson reported that two CD’s have matured and will be discussed at the Finance Committee meeting.

Alderman Kreinbrink advised that he and Alderwoman Killey will be meeting with Crowther Roofing on Friday to further investigate the Opera House roof issued. Holes have been discovered in the roof, and the gutter system will be inspected for ice dam damage. Alderman Kreinbrink said sidewalk repairs remain a priority especially around the schools. The City was not a recipient of the Safe Routes to School Grant FY 2022.

Announcements: The Finance Committee will meet immediately following the COW meeting.

Audience Comments: Local resident, Jackie Greene, raised concerns about properties that have unlicensed or junk vehicles, debris and rubbish in yards, and lack of exterior maintenance. Chief

Bianchi said letters are being mailed to all residents advising beginning June 1st, violation citations will be issued.

Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Robinson and seconded by Alderman Whitecotton to adjourn the Committee-of the-Whole council meeting at 8:50 PM. Motion carried unanimously on voice vote.
