DeKalb County Nursing Home Foundation met June 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the foundation:
Members present: Chuck Walters, Steve Lux, Judy Royer, Lorrie Wildenradt, Carol Evans, Bob Higdon, Toni Krull
Also present: Denise Berkshire, Maggie Niemi, Dawn Lawton
Treasurer’s report: As of 6/15/22 balances were: Resource Bank Investment account $481,539.30, DCCF endowment fund $137,889.06, and checking account $10,109.13. Give Dekalb participation netted $867.08. Denise Berkshire thanked the board for the items donated and for providing funds for the staff appreciation week. Chuck Walters moved to accept the report as presented. Steve Lux seconded. The motion carried.
Minutes: Lorrie Wildenradt moved to accept the 5/19/22 minutes. Carol Evans seconded. The motion carried.
Old business: Judy Royer will contact Brian Gregory regarding the possible dissolution of the DCNHF board and disposition of funds.
Denise Berkshire will send thank you notes to the individuals who donated to Give Dekalb.
New business:
Dawn Lawton, food service manager, shared a wish list including spring form cake pan, dinnerware, beverage cart, hydration ice carts, buffet steam table, menu boards, 8 qt. mixer, oval service cart, dessert cart, floor machine and blender. MS. Lawton also asked for additional 12 tablecloths as the one previously purchased. Judy Royer moved to re‐allocate the $24,000 approved December 19, 2019, to purchase Turbo Chefs ‐ which were not acquired – and to use those funds for the items listed. Lorrie Wiildenradt seconded. The motion passed.
Maggie Niemi expressed the need for a $100 DVD player, a $250 rechargeable razor and $200 to fund the Resident Council lunch. Additionally, Ms. Niemi requested $300 for newcomer baskets. Lorrie Wildenradt moved to allocated $900 toward the purchase of the items requested by Ms. Niemi. Chuck Walters seconded. The motion carried.
DeKalb County Home future.
John Frieder, County Board Chair, indicated the board worked with a broker to sell the nursing home. Two bids have been received, both from commercial entities. The first bid comes from a company from Evanston which offered 8.15 million dollars. Included in the bid is the land, finished and unfinished buildings. Two board members – who serve on the Health and Human Services Committee – studied the possibility to keep the home local. The option would require a tax increase, decrease in costs and an increase in number of patients using the facility. A referendum is possible. More details will be disclosed at the July meeting. Once sold the County will no longer be involved in the running of the facility. More details are posted on the County website.
Next meeting will be August 18, 2022.
Chuck Walters moved to adjourn. Steve Lux seconded. The meeting adjourned at 1 pm.