
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Sandwich City Council met July 11

City of Sandwich City Council met July 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Sergeant Eisenberg

Roll call was taken:

Present: Mayor Latham, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Fritsch, Killey, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton

Quorum established

Also present: Attorney Gottschalk, Sergeant Eisenberg & EMA Director Ciciora

Absent: Alderwoman Johnson, City Treasurer Schwemlein, Chief Bianchi & Building Official Steffens

Audience Comments: None

Consent Agenda: Motion made by Alderman Fritsch and seconded by Alderman Littlebrant adopting the Consent Agenda, as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.

a. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of June 27th, 2022

b. Approval of Committee-of-the-Whole Minutes of July 5th, 2022

c. Approval of May, 2022 Financials & Treasurer’s Report

d. Approval of July bills totaling $ 197,739.32

Mayor’s Report

a. Authorize the Mayor to sign a “Pavement Management System Development Agreement” with EEI, Sugar Grove, IL, not to exceed $50,000.00. Scope of services under this Agreement would include, but not limited to, develop program goals, physical inspection of roadways, data entry and analysis, development of a 5-year improvement plan, and GIS integration. Mayor Latham noted that funding for this project was not budgeted FY 2022-2023. He has requested that Curt Dettman, project manager at EEI, attend next week’s meeting to answer questions related to the Pavement Development Agreement. No action was taken on this matter. Suggestion was made that the Street Department should start an inventory program.

b. Mayor Latham reported under the terms of the IMRF audit, the City will not pass a suggested Ordinance but will move forward in readjusting pre-tax items under IRS Section 125.

Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Gottschaulk Law Group: Attorney Gottschaulk recommended the City modify their Municipal Code to include defined school speed zones under Section 82-61. She will prepare an Ordinance for first reading at next week’s meeting.

Regular Council Meeting July 11th, 2022

City Clerk Ii: No report

City Treasurer Schwemlein: Absent

City Department Reports:

EMA Director Ciciora: No report

Police Department: No report

Engineering: Mayor Latham advised that the Latham Street reconstruction project may be suspended for this year due to being too late in the year to start. Concern was raised if the suspension will increase construction costs. Additionally, the Mayor advised that IDOT has awarded a resurfacing bid for Route 34. Lastly, HLR (Hampton, Lenzini & Renwick) will be marking intersections for ADA improvements and compliancy.

Aldermen Reports:

Alderman Fritsch questioned if additional consideration has been given to make a 3-way stop at the intersection of Lions Road and S. Main Street as a means to control traffic flow. Council had mixed reactions. The parkway parking issues will be discussed at next week’s meeting.

Announcements: The next Finance Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, July 18th, 2022 at 6:30 PM followed by the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting at 7:00 PM.

The 2022 IML (IL Municipal League) Conference will held September 15th – 17th. Mayor Latham recommended that if an alderman is not up for re-election in the Spring, that he / she attend the Conference.

Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Robinson and seconded by Alderman Littlebrant to adjourn the Regular Council meeting at 7:30 PM. Motion carried unanimously via viva voce vote.
