
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board met Aug. 15

DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board met Aug. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board: 

Board Members Present: Jane Smith, Perry Maier, Robert Cook, Meghan Cook, Sue Plote, Laurie Emmer, Jennie Geltz, Marilyn Stromborg, Kristen Quinn

Board Members Absent:

Other Persons Present:

Office Staff Present: Deanna Cada, Heaven Allen

1. Call to Order 

The meeting was called to order by the President, Jane Smith, at 6:00 pm.

Ms. Allen took attendance. Present were Jane Smith, Sue Plote, Jennie Geltz, Laurie Emmer, Robert Cook, Meghan Cook, Perry Maier, Marilyn Stromborg, and Kristen Quinn. There is a quorum for the meeting.

2. Pledge of Allegiance 

Dr. Stromborg led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Agenda 

Ms. Cook moved to approve the agenda; seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor. 

4. Minutes 

Mr. Maier moved to approve the minutes of the 07/29/2022 Board Retreat meeting as amended; seconded by Ms. Cook. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor. 

5. Announcements 

No Announcements

6. Director’s Report 

Ms. Cada discussed This is My Brave Progress

Ms. Cada announced shared correspondence from several organizations

Ms. Cada shared with the board about the ACMHAI Conference and Business Meeting

7. Community Input 


8. Finance Reports 

A. Monthly budget report: July 2022

Dr. Stromborg reviewed the monthly budget reports for July 2022.

B. Claims

August 2022 Claims were discussed.

Dr. Stromborg moved to approve the August 2022 agency claims in the amount of $226,004.64; seconded by Ms. Cook. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Ms. Cook – Yes, Mr. Cook Yes, Ms. Smith-Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Geltz- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier Yes, Ms. Quinn - Yes 

Mr. Cook moved to approve the August 2022 office claims in the amount of $1,765.43; seconded by Ms. Cook. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Ms. Cook – Yes, Mr. Cook-Yes, Ms. Smith Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Geltz- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn Yes 

9. Executive Committee 

1. Policy & Procedure Review and Approvals

i. Updated Policies and New Policies – Ms. Cada Reviewed the changes to the policies and procedures

Ms. Smith moved to accept the changes to the Policies and Procedures; seconded by Ms. Cook. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor. 

10. Finance Committee 

A. Approval of FY2023 Budget

a. The Board discussed the FY2023 Budget – After discussion, Ms. Cada recommended a continued review of the budget. The Board will vote on the budget at the September Board Meeting

B. GY2023 Debrief: Application & Process Suggestions

a. Ms. Cada discussed with the board recommendations for the grant process

11. Impact Committee - 

A. Ms. Cada announced that Impact Committee will be in charge of leading the Strategic Planning Process

12. CEBIB Committee 

A. Update – Community Survey, July 7, 2022, Meeting – Ms. Cada provided an update to the CEBiB Survey, to date 599 viable responses have been received.

13. Old Business 

1. MHB Big Ideas Discussion Continued

i. Priority funding opportunities

Ms. Cada led a discussion of “Big Ideas” developed at the board retreat and how we would like to move forward with them.

14. New Business 

1. Angst Screening, Fall Community Prevention Event

i. The Board discussed what the screening entailed and how it would benefit our community members.

Ms. Smith moved to approve the cost for the Angst Screening in the amount of $2,800; seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Ms. Cook – Yes, Mr. Cook-Yes, Ms. Smith Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Geltz- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn Yes 

2. Adventure Works Allocation Request

i. Ms. Cada discussed with the board that Adventure Works would like to reallocate funds to their existing interns.

Mr. Maier moved to accept the reallocation of funds for Adventure Works; seconded by Mr. Cook. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor. 

3. Supported Document Shredding Opportunity

i. The Board discussed the need for a shredding day opportunity for small agencies.

Ms. Cook moved to approve the Document Shredding Opportunity; seconded by Ms. Quinn. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor. 

15. Adjournment 

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Mr. Cook moved to adjourn; seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor. 
