
DeKalb Times

Thursday, February 20, 2025

DeKalb County Mental Health Board met Sept. 8

DeKalb County Mental Health Board met Sept. 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Board Members Present: Jane Smith, Perry Maier, Robert Cook, Meghan Cook, Sue Plote, Laurie Emmer, Marilyn Stromborg, Kristen Quinn

Board Members Absent: Jennie Geltz,

Other Persons Present:

Office Staff Present: Deanna Cada, Heaven Allen

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by the President, Jane Smith, at 6:30 pm.

Ms. Allen took attendance. Present were Jane Smith, Sue Plote, Laurie Emmer, Robert Cook, Meghan Cook, Perry Maier, Marilyn Stromborg, and Kristen Quinn. There is a quorum for the meeting.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Ms. Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Agenda

Dr. Stromborg moved to approve the agenda and move Agenda points 10a and 10b after approval of minutes seconded by Ms. Smith. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor.

10a Dekalb County Court Services FY2023 Grant Application

Dr. Stromborg moved to approve the Grant to DeKalb County Court Services up to $100,000 pending review; seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Ms. Cook – Yes, Mr. Cook-Yes, Ms. Smith-Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn - Yes

10b Approval of FY2023 Budget

Dr. Stromborg moved to approve the FY2023 Budget; seconded by Ms. Smith. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Ms. Cook – Yes, Mr. Cook-Yes, Ms. Smith-Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn - Yes

4. Minutes

Mr. Maier moved to approve the minutes of the 08/15/2022 Board Meeting seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor.

5. Announcements

No Announcements

6. Director’s Report

Ms. Cada informed the board of the kick-off meeting for the strategic planning process. Ms. Cada announced This Is My Brave is on October 13th at the Egyptian Theatre – Tickets are now on sale.

Ms. Cada updated the board on what financial consultant Betsy Hull is working on, at this time Ms. Hull will be looking into funded Agencies and developing a process for agency review Ms. Cada spoke about meeting with NM and their Crisis Response/CESSA Meeting and organizing a meeting with court services and NM staff.

Ms. Cada announced that Non-Profit day is Wednesday 9/22/22 – Ms. Cada is now Chair of DCNP Ms. Cada Discussed that the Guardianship process is moving forward

7. Community Input


8. Finance Reports

A. Monthly budget report: August 2022

Dr. Stromborg reviewed the monthly budget reports for September 2022.

B. Claims

September 2022 Claims were discussed.

Ms. Cook moved to approve the September 2022 agency claims in the amount of $236,917.04; seconded by Ms. Smith. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Ms. Cook – Yes, Mr. Cook-Yes, Ms. Smith-Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn - Yes

Ms. Smith moved to approve the September 2022 office claims in the amount of $13,634.64; seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Ms. Cook – Yes, Mr. Cook-Yes, Ms. Smith-Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn-Yes

9. Executive Committee

A. Agency Presentation Schedule GY2023

a. Ms. Cada presented the agency schedule to see what agencies are doing with their funds. Starting in January 2023.

10. Finance Committee

A. Dekalb County Court Services FY2023 Grant Application

a. Moved to after approval of agenda

B. Approval of FY2023 Budget

a. Moved to after approval of agenda

C. Family Service Agency/ YSB Acquisition Contract Approval

a. Ms. Cada discussed the acquisition of YSB, FSA will continue with all programming and most of the staff was able to be hired by FSA.

Ms. Plote moved to approve the FSA Acquisition Contact for YSB seconded by Mr. Maier. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor.

D. GY2022 Grant Reconciliation Reports

a. All Reports have been turned in – All agencies have used their funds.

11. Impact Committee -


12. CEBIB Committee

A. Data Analysis Project – Ms. Cada is working on a Request for Proposal to have the data from the CEBiB survey analyzed.

B. Gun Violence Support – Discussion ensued on how to support local residents impacted by gun violence.

13. Old Business

1. MHB Big Ideas Discussion Continued

i. Priority funding opportunities

Ms. Cada asked the board if they would be interested in moving forward on one of the “Big Ideas” before the end of the year. The board discussed moving forward to create a Capital Grant Application that funded agencies can apply for.

Dr. Stromborg moved to approve the Capital Grant Funding Opportunity, seconded by Mr. Maier. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor.

14. New Business


15. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM.

Dr. Stromborg moved to adjourn; seconded by Ms. Smith. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor.
