DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board met Oct. 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Board Members Present: Jane Smith, Perry Maier, Sue Plote, Laurie Emmer, Marilyn Stromborg, Kristen Quinn, Jennie Geltz
Board Members Absent: Robert Cook, Meghan Cook
Other Persons Present:
Office Staff Present: Deanna Cada, Heaven Allen
1. Call to Order
The President, Jane Smith, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Ms. Allen took attendance. Jane Smith, Sue Plote, Laurie Emmer, Jennie Geltz, Perry Maier, Marilyn Stromborg, and Kristen Quinn were present. There is a quorum for the meeting.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Agenda
Dr. Stromborg moved to approve the agenda seconded by Ms. Smith. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor.
4. Minutes
Ms. Emmer moved to approve the minutes of the 09/19/2022 Board Meeting seconded by Dr. Stromborg. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor.
5. Announcements
No Announcements
6. Director’s Report
Ms. Cada reported that the office held the Shred Day event. Overall, four agencies showed and shredded about 50 boxes. Agencies were very grateful for the opportunity.
Ms. Cada reported that the YMCA turned in their report, Camp power went well, and they were able to connect with parents and families.
Ms. Cada announced that the DCNP Non-Profit Day was on 9/22. A couple of board members were there. The day went very well. Ms. Cada reminded the board that they are welcome to attend DCNP events.
Ms. Cada informed the Board that on Oct. 19th, she, Heaven Allen, and Jane Smith will be visiting Northwestern Medicine’s PHP Adult Building at Foxpointe.
Ms. Cada announced that Administrative Assistant Heaven Allen will participate in Fondant Training, with the first meeting on November 24th. This will help with adding quarterly reports to the Fondant system.
Ms. Cada reported to the Board the status of the payout of property tax.
7. Community Input
8. Finance Reports
A. Monthly budget report: September 2022
Dr. Stromborg reviewed the monthly budget reports for October 2022.
B. Claims
October 2022 Claims were discussed.
Mr. Maier moved to approve the October 2022 agency claims in the amount of $209,724.96, seconded by Ms. Emmer. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Ms. Smith-Yes, Dr. Stromborg Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn -Yes, Ms. Geltz-Yes
Ms. Plote moved to approve the October 2022 office claims in the amount of $2,155.54, seconded by Mr. Maier. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Ms. Smith-Yes, Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Emmer -Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn-Yes, Ms. Geltz - Yes
9. Executive Committee
A. DCCMHB Strategic Plan
a. NIU Focus Groups will be held on November 30th. Ms. Cada is putting together groups
b. NIU will interview the Executive Committee Members on December 15th
c. Ms. Cada reminded the Board to fill out the availability form for Strategic Planning Workshop – It needs to be returned by Friday
B. 2023 Meeting Dates – Distributed for informational purposes.
C. TIMB Recap
a. The show sold 131 tickets
b. Ms. Cada announced that Winnebago County is interested in hosting a show in the future.
c. Ms. Cada announced that the Mental Health Board will be hosting an “Angst” screening at the Egyptian Theatre on November 15th
D. ACMHAI December Membership Meeting – 50th Anniversary
a. Ms. Cada announced the business meeting and dinner
E. Executive Director & Administrative Assistant Performance Review Process
a. President Jane Smith announced that EVERYONE needs to complete the review. It is the Board’s duty.
b. Reviews are due by November 7th
10. Finance Committee
A. Agency Audit Updates EAN & CACDC
a. Betsy Hull is working with these two organizations to ensure their budgets and finances are correct.
b. Ms. Cada stated that more information will come at the November Board Meeting
11. Impact Committee -
12. CEBIB Committee
A. Data Analysis RFQ
a. Ms. Cada announced that Mr. Cook and Dr. Jones approved the RFQ, which will be sent out this week.
13. Old Business
A. Big Ideas Discussion – Special Grant Project Status FY2023 Planning
a. Ms. Cada reported that the application had been sent out for a one-time grant. Agencies had many questions
B. One-Year & Three-Year Plan Update
a. Ms. Cada and Ms. Plote reported on the meeting they held on Sept 27th. Ms. Plote discussed the hopeful impact of getting various groups together for a common goal.
14. New Business
15. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:16 PM.
Dr. Stromborg moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor.