
DeKalb Times

Thursday, February 20, 2025

City of Sandwich City Council met Dec. 19

City of Sandwich City Council met Dec. 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Audience Comments

Consent Agenda: Motion to adopt the Consent Agenda as a whole. (All matters listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately).

a. Approval of Regular Meeting & COW Meeting minutes of 12-05-2022

b. Approval to purchase – Nelson System – Phone Recorder for PD $ 5,876.65

c. Approval of Committee Meeting Dates – FY 2023

d. Approval for Payout # 13 for $390,958.26 to Harbour Construction

e. Approval to purchase F550 Dump Truck, Chassis from Sourcewell including upfitting through Bonnell Industries at a price not to exceed $120,000.00

f. Approval of December invoices totaling $71,269.65

Mayor’s Report: Todd Latham

a. Abate Alternate Revenue Bond Public Safety Building – Ordinance 2022-20 waive first reading

Attorney’s Report: Attorney Cassandra Gottschalk / Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Gottschalk Law Group

a. IGA – State of Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board (PTAB) / first reading

City Clerk’s Report: Denise Ii

Treasurer’s Report: Colanne Schwemlein

City Administrator’s Report: Geoff Penman

a. Utility bill amnesty program

b. Utility bill late fees – Ordinance/First Reading

c. Rejection of Bids – Wastewater Treatment Facility Project and authorization to re-bid

City Department’s Reports:

EMA Tom Ciciora

Chief Jim Bianchi


Aldermen Reports

Alderwoman Karsta Erickson

Alderman Bill Fritsch

Alderwoman Rebecca Johnson

Alderwoman Cara Killey

Alderman Fred Kreinbrink

Alderman Bill Littlebrant

Alderman Rich Robinson

Alderman Rick Whitecotton

New Business:

Audience Comments:

